The Urthblood Saga: Difference between revisions

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During a great feastday, the [[Funny Animal|beasts]] inhabiting [[Redwall|Redwall Abbey]] are stirred from their reveries by the thunderous cry of Urthblood, a grim, emotionless badgerlord of Salamandastron dressed in [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin|blood-red armour]], who possesses the gift of [[Seers|prophetic foresight.]] Invited into the abbey, he tells the gathered beasts of a dire prophecy he received in his youth; a prophecy foretelling a great crisis that will sweep over the lands of Mossflower, and cast them into war, conflict and calamity, but leaving it unclear as to [[Vagueness Is Coming|whom or what will be causing it.]] Ever since, he has striven tirelessly to gather a great army, fight against the evil beasts of the lands and to unite Mossflower and its surroundings into a strong, unified nation that will be able to withstand or even avert the coming darkness. Now he is offering the Redwallers to strengthen their defenses and help them prepare for the times ahead, for great changes are coming to the lands, and old certainties and beliefs will be challenged in extraordinary and unexpected ways...
Thus begins the''[[The Urthblood Saga]]'', the [[Magnum Opus]] of veteran ''[[Redwall]]'' fanfic author Highwing, and one of the old classics of the ''Redwall'' Online Community. Drafted between 1995 and 1997 and published on the [ Redwall Fanfiction Board] in the early 2000's, this [[Doorstopper]] fic so far spans two novels, [ The Crimson Badger] and [ The Shrew War,] with a combined 200 chapters, plus related side stories.
The saga develops and examines ideas never touched upon in the official Redwall novels, and ditches their strict [[Black and White Morality]] for a [[Grey and Grey Morality|complex moral conflict]] that constantly forces the reader to reevaluate who's side he should be on and who is good or evil. It starts simple enough, but soon turns into a complex, multifaceted epic involving [[Exclusively Evil|vermin]] being taken under Urthblood's arms and retrained into noble warriors, two badgerlords at war, a massive conflict with the [[Arch Enemy|searats]], a shrew rebellion, [[Lensman Arms Race|escalating arms races]], [[Loads and Loads of Characters|dozens of characters all getting their own time in the spotlight]], unexpected plot twists and character development and all the action, drama, humour, horror and tragedy you could possibly hope for in a story.
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