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{{quote|''Listen up, Phones! [[Title Drop|The world ends with you]]. If you want to enjoy life, expand your world. You gotta push your horizons out as far as they'll go.''|'''--Sanae Hanekoma''' }}
[[Market-Based Title|Also known as]] ''Subarashiki Kono Sekai: It's a Wonderful World'', ''[[The World Ends With You]]'' is an action RPG by [[Square Enix]] and Jupiter (you know, the ''[[Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories|Chain of Memories]]'' people) that tells the story of a [[Emo Teen|teenage, angsty and antisocial]] tagger named Neku Sakuraba who wakes up in Shibuya, Tokyo, with no idea of how he got there. He discovers that not only can he not leave Shibuya, but he has the "pleasure" of playing the deadly weeklong "Reapers' Game"--and—and if he loses, he'll be erased from existence.
Neku eventually meets and befriends Shiki Misaki, your typical Shibuya fashion slave; Daisukenojo "Beat" Bito, a rough skater; his street-smart, adage-loving partner, Raimu (aka "Rhyme"); and Yoshiya "Joshua" Kiryu, the [[Jerkass]] [[Insufferable Genius]]. Armed with strange psychic powers, the group tries to survive their time in Shibuya... however, they are confronted at every turn by the mysterious [[Shinigami|Reapers]].
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Square Enix has released an official (and free!) translation of the one-shot tie-in manga [ here].
Word of a possible sequel has surfaced -- in the September 2010 issue of ''[[Nintendo Power]]'', there was an interview with Nomura (the game designer), who stated, [ "I definitely want to make a sequel. I’m very busy working on other titles right now, but when the time is right, I would love to make another installment of The World Ends with You.”] If nothing else, the main cast and the Reapers' Game will makemade an appearance in ''[[Kingdom Hearts 3D]]'''s Traverse Town world, [ and now Nomura has teased that this could be taken as a hint of something to come...]
A port for mobile devices subtitled "Solo Remix" was released in 2012, for [[iOS]] and in 2014 for Android. This version maintains most of the game systems of the original, but modified so Neku and his partner can share a single screen. Another port, this time named "Final Remix", has been announced to be released for [[Nintendo Switch]] for 2018.
See also ''[[Sh15uya]]'' and ''[[Gantz]]'', which have similar premises. For a game similar in visual and musical aesthetic rather than story matter, see ''[[Jet Set Radio]]''.
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** In the short chapter [[Alternate Universe|Another Day]] the Big Bad {{spoiler|initially appears to be [[Punch Clock Villain|Uzuki]], who didn't really have a big role in the main story. However, during the final confrontation [[Disc One Final Boss|Higashizawa]], who had an even smaller part in the main story pulls a [[The Starscream|Starscream]] on her.}}
* [[Big No]]: Neku, when he is told that {{spoiler|Shiki is his new entry fee}}.
* [[Bilingual Bonus]]: One NPC's thoughts are completely in Japanese. It's something along the lines of his American friends wanting him to smuggle a samurai sword back with him--excepthim—except he can't be understood because he speaks English and he has no idea where the hell to buy one. (In the Japanese version, his text was in English instead of Japanese, so it made more sense there.)
* [[Bishonen Line]]: {{spoiler|Taboo Minamimoto}}
* [[Bittersweet Ending]]: It's pointed out in the Secret Reports that {{spoiler|even though Rhyme came back to life, life would be difficult for her without her entry fee}}.
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* [[Bullet Hell]]: Later bosses will create ridiculous amounts of projectiles for you to dodge.
* [[Bunny Ears Lawyer]]: [[Ensemble Darkhorse|Sho Minamimoto]]. He's a [[Good with Numbers|math]] [[Mad Mathematician|fetishist]] who spends much of his time either lazying around or building piles of junk, and during his time as GM, he doesn't even issue missions some days. Despite this, his player erasure rate is impeccable and he's a high-ranking Reaper and GM. {{spoiler|He betrays just about ''everybody'' in the end, but damn, does he excel at it. His twisted genius didn't have him thinking up any way to cover up the fact that he was up to something, though.}} However, that can be covered by the fact that {{spoiler|he's ''always'' up to something, and he's so eccentric that anything out-of-the ordinary would ''be'' ordinary for him. One of the secret reports says as much}}.
* [[But Thou Must!]]: At one point Neku encounters three event battles. Two of them can be skipped, but the third one is mandatory -- if you try to skip it, Neku will change his mind and rush in {{spoiler|to save Sota}} anyway. Also, {{spoiler|when Kitaniji asks Neku to [[We Can Rule Together|help him build a new Shibuya]], even if you remember the earlier [[Chekhov's Gun]] and decide to play along, all it does is yield ''two'' lines of extra dialogue before Neku refuses}}.
* [[Call a Rabbit a Smeerp]]: Averted with things like frogs, wolves, and pigs. Played straight with the [[Everything's Better with Penguins|popguins]] and corehogs.
* [[Cannot Spit It Out]]: When Neku finds out that Joshua {{spoiler|killed him, it takes an entire frustrating day before he confronts Joshua about it}}. Joshua himself seems to fall into this trope when {{spoiler|he doesn't tell Neku that he didn't kill him (as Neku discovers at the end of week 2)...until we find out much later that he actually ''did'' kill Neku}}.
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* [[Credits Running Sequence]]: The opening cinematic.
* [[Critical Encumbrance Failure]]: You can have hundreds of shirts, hats, accessories, and more, but try get 10 or more copies of the same item, and you'll supposedly "collapse in swag".
* [[Crossdresser]]: You can, if dedicated enough, increase the male Player's "bravery" stat so that they'll be enabled to wear women's clothing. Sadly, if one does this, it's not [[Gameplay and Story Segregation|mentioned in actual gameplay]] save for a few instances (although that's one of the only miniquests that Neku won't comment on when you click your partner, we're told Josh is totally workin' that Natural Puppy outfit). It is parodied in the [[Manga]], in any case. Reading minds will also occasionally turn up a man disguised as a woman--andwoman—and totally pulling it off.
** There are some articles of clothing which have extra benefits when equipped by certain characters. Each character has at least some of these. They all tend to be things that the characters would be interested in wearing, or that they ''do'' wear. Both Neku and Joshua (but not Beat) get bonuses from some girls' clothes. Read that again: The game is ''actively encouraging you'' to make your male characters crossdress.
* [[Crosshair Aware]]: The kangaroo Noise.
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* [[Crutch Character]]: Shiki has elements of this. Since female clothing has high bravery requirements she has high bravery, making her easier to equip than Joshua and Beat. Her attack chain also has frames of invincibility at the end, making [[Button Mashing]] for the top screen a more viable strategy.
* [[Curse Cut Short]]:
** (Neku, thinking) "Maybe if just for one minute you could stop your bi--bi—" Subverted in that Beat calls plenty of things "bitch"es later in the game.
** And in the manga: "Look, enough of this sh--sh—''OW!!!''"
* [[Cutscene Power to the Max]]:
** Neku {{spoiler|force-chokes Shiki}} using Telekinesis early on, but you cannot invoke this power in battle later, even against Reapers.
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* {{spoiler|[[Dead to Begin With]]}} {{spoiler|The players are dead and playing for a second chance at life. Neku is unaware of this, though, due to his amnesia}}.
* [[Death's Hourglass]]: The timers for each mission.
* [[Demonic Dummy]]: Mr. Mew, but only implied. Since all the media related to the game make him out to be cute, we'll tell you the creepy part now--Shikinow—Shiki just levitates Mr. Mew; she ''does not'' control the thing. And why is that? Shiki animated him via ''something'' called "[[Black Magic|psychomancy]]".
** [ According to the TWEWY Wiki], the Japanese manual mentions that Shiki uses a pin called Groove Pawn with the Psychokinesis psych to animate Mr. Mew. As an aside, Beat uses the pin Respect with a Shockwave psych that he activates with his skateboard. Joshua... probably just does his own thing.
* [[De-Power]]: {{spoiler|Joshua, to make the "game" he's playing fair.}}
Line 225 ⟶ 227:
* [[Hachiko]]: We're in Shibuya, right?
* [[Halfhearted Henchman]]: Some of the Support Reapers are lazy, incompetent slackers. {{spoiler|For one of them, this is a good thing, as he ends up the only NPC in all of Shibuya who escapes the [[Assimilation Plot]] just because he ditched work one day.}}
* [[Hand Wave]]: On the final day and in the [[Alternate Universe]] bonus chapter, {{spoiler|Shiki still looks like Eri}}. If you seek out Joshua in the bonus chapter before you go to Molco, he explains it (vaguely, as always) as a trick of the mind; that is, you expect to see the same thing you always have. This is a bit of a [[No Fourth Wall]] moment, too, since it's closer to addressing the player--Nekuplayer—Neku would of course have ''no'' idea what the hell he's talking about. In fact, his first thought is "Is this kid high?"
** And then he proceeds to give the ''real'' explanation: "[[Cosmic Deadline|When you're drowning in a sea of work with not enough time]], why pour your soul into assets that will be used all of... what, once?" Neku still thinks that he's high.
* [[He Was Right There All Along]]: {{spoiler|Konishi during the third week, hides in Beat's shadow in order to trick him into panicking and making a mistake due to the pressure of his impending erasure.}}
Line 233 ⟶ 235:
** The Shibuya's Game is one plot-wise as well. Lose to Megumi, and he turns all the people in Shibuya into a [[Hive Mind]]. Defeat Megumi, and {{spoiler|the real Composer wins the Game and destroys Shibuya.At least until Neku's feelings of trust persuade him to do a [[Heel Face Turn]].}}
* [[The Heartless]]: The Noise are manifestations of negative thoughts and emotions. Either that, or they're artificially created by Reapers. So they're pretty much ''exactly'' the same as [[Kingdom Hearts|the]] ''[[Kingdom Hearts|real]]'' [[Kingdom Hearts|Heartless]].
* [[Heroic Sacrifice]]: Played straight when {{spoiler|Rhyme pushes Beat out of the way of a [[Gameplay and Story Segregation|shark noise that "eats" and instantly erases her]]}}. Subverted when {{spoiler|Beat tries to push Rhyme out of the way of a car - both get hit and die, leading them to become players in the Game}}. Also subverted when {{spoiler|Joshua pushes Neku out of the way and takes the brunt of Minamimoto's final attack himself--himself— it eventually turns out to be neither heroic nor a sacrifice}}.
* [[Heroic Willpower]]: Beat, {{spoiler|facing erasure on the last day, fights it off through sheer willpower, fuelled by his [[Heroic Resolve|desire to save his sister]]}}.
* [[History Repeats]]: Neku's waking up in the Scramble Crossing at the beginning of each week. Rhyme's {{spoiler|death}} and {{spoiler|erasure}} were intentionally reminiscent of each other, as well, as were Neku's {{spoiler|death at the hands of}} and {{spoiler|duel against Joshua}}.
* [[Hoist by His Own Petard]]: {{spoiler|Konishi turns Noise!Rhyme into a pin and uses it to manipulate Beat's feelings. Due to the way her boss fight works, you will always kill her with the Rhyme Pin itself.}}
* [[Hopeless Boss Fight]]: The three fights against {{spoiler|Reaper Beat}} and the one against {{spoiler|Taboo Minamimoto}} are [[Gameplay and Story Segregation|only played as hopeless]]--the—the only actual restriction is time. On your first playthrough you simply have to stay alive for that long, while on a [[New Game+]] you can easily beat then within said time limit. Said [[New Game+]] also includes [[Bonus Boss|special optional battles]] against them with no time limit.
* [[Huge Schoolgirl]]: It's up to you to decide if it's just the [ angle of the shot] (big spoilers on the other side of that link), but {{spoiler|RG Shiki}} seems to compete with Beat in height in the ending credits.
* [[Humanity on Trial]]: This is the entire point of the Reaper's Game, except it happens city by city instead of the whole world at once. This current Shibuya Game isn't quite typical for other reasons...
* [[Hurricane of Puns]]: Any time Higashizawa speaks, playing off his chef quirk. Especially his boss fight.
** Any time Minamimoto speaks will be a hurricane of math puns.
* [[Hyperactive Metabolism]]: Averted. The characters can only eat a limited amount of food for each 24-hour real time period, and they have to digest it by battling. Even more realistically, you can eat anything that's six bytes or less without limit--Nekulimit—Neku and company can literally eat ice cream and drink coffee all day.
** Played straight later if you get the Hollow Leg swag which removes the limit. Very useful for grinding.
* [[I Am Not Left-Handed]]: {{spoiler|Joshua}} reveals some of his true powers during his Day 5, which gives his combat abilities a definite offensive boost.
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** It's hard to believe you get 'minimalistic' outfits like Shiki's in the same time and place as heavy, black hoodies like BJ's. Certain thought fragments imply that the game takes place in the summertime and others imply that it's winter, but there are plenty of highly impractical outfits for both seasons. Stores will also sell both summer- and winter-wear to you.
* [[Improbable Weapon User]]: Everyone. Pins are most Players' [[Weapon of Choice]], but they can also be used to control other items as weapons, such as Shiki's plushie, playing cards, or SUVs.
* [[Incredibly Lame Pun]]: Some of the [[No Communities Were Harmed|renamed locations]]--Tower—Tower Records becoming "Towa Records" ''leaps'' to mind.
** Food being consumed in "bytes."
** Neku says one, worried about the nature of the "piggy".
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* [[Ineffectual Loner]]: Neku.
* [[I Never Told You My Name]]: One of the reasons an attentive player will quickly realize {{spoiler|Joshua}} is much more than he seems. (This is only the case in the English version, although [[Woolseyism|most fans think it's a really nice touch]].)
* [[Inexplicably Identical Individuals]]: Reapers BJ and Tenho look exactly like all of their coworkers, to the point where [[Epileptic Trees|some have theorized]] that they just have the ability to duplicate themselves (despite evidence -- like the Reaper Review guy retiring and the slacker who didn't attend the emergency meeting -- proving they're all individuals). Considering that the Wall Reapers don't show that much of their face (Tenho-style reapers only show their jaw, BJ-style reapers don't even show that), it's possible that they actually are several different people in identical outfits.
* [[Infinity+1 Sword]]: The Darklit Planet pins. If all six are put in one deck, their attack power triples and they become some of the deadliest pins in the game. However, {{spoiler|Hanekoma}} only sells you one of the six pins, and you have to find the rest either by defeating Noise and getting the pins from random drops, or using Mingle shops.
** The {{spoiler|Angel Feather}} is amazing too, but it needs a whopping 999 bravery.
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* [[Limit Break]]: In order to perform a Fusion attack the player must collect stars via the particular combo system each of Neku's partners use.
* [[The Little Shop That Wasn't There Yesterday]]: Shadow Ramen. Subverted later, as you can actually get it to reopen.
* [[Lost Forever]]: The Pig Noise disappear forever once beaten, even during the [[New Game+]]. If you sell one of the unique drops from the pigs in Pork City and save, there's no way to recover them without erasing your save file and restarting the game. Any -- no, ''everything'' else can be reacquired from somewhere (or can't be discarded in the first place).
* [[Low Level Advantage]]: Powering down your characters gives you a higher chance of collecting rare item drops.
* [[Mad Mathematician]]: Sho Minamimoto takes this [[Up to Eleven]].
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* [[Preexisting Encounters]]: You scan the area to find and fight Noise symbols; the only times where you must battle Noise is if it's required in order to clear out a wall, or when the battle advances the storyline.
* [[Protagonist-Centered Morality]]: Deconstructed. During the second week, Neku is feeling sorry for himself for losing {{spoiler|Shiki}} as his entry fee and is immediately cut down by Joshua, who tells him that all Players are fighting for something precious and Neku's entry fee doesn't make him any more a deserving candidate to win the Game than anyone else.
** On a more meta note, the game plays this trope stunningly straight -- but we aren't shown until it's deconstructed yet again on the final day. {{spoiler|The game has you rooting for Neku and his friends all the way, with Kitaniji being played up as the [[Big Bad]]. But once Kitaniji is finally defeated, we learn that he was working to save Shibuya all along, while everyone helping Neku was unwittingly enabling the Composer's plan to destroy it.}}
* [[Psychic Powers]]: The game's magic system. The powers granted by pins have names such as "[[Playing with Fire|Pyrokinesis]]" and "[[Mind Over Matter|Psychokinesis]]", and the game (not the characters, the game itself) refers to playable characters as ESP'ers. [[Mind Reading]] is also a important plot and gameplay element.
** Neku is a special case, as he can use ''every pin'' available, whereas generally, Players are only able to use certain psychs. For example, Shiki can only use the psychokinesis pin 'Groove Pawn' to control Mr Mew. She could not use Pyrokinesis, so she gave her Pyrokinesis pin to Neku.
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* [[Rare Candy]]: While most of the food items that permanently boost stats are not rare or expensive, the foods that boost drop rate are exceptionally expensive and hard to obtain. Curious Mushrooms can be bought for either 590,000 yen or fifteen 10,000 yen pins. Absolute Shadow Ramen requires redeeming several quest items, including the rare Dark Matter.
** Not just them; a few food items are extremely expensive as well, such as the ones sold at the Shibu Q-Heads pharmacy and the Natural Remedies shop. And while food generally isn't rare or expensive, you do need to fight a number of battles before you can get the stat boost.
* [[Real Men Hate Sugar]]: Beat's reactions to eating sweet foods are neutral ''at best'' -- don't even try to give him crepes or chocolate icecream.
* [[Real Place Background]]: Shibuya's depiction in TWEWY is actually very accurate... making exceptions for the skewed angles and the changed store names, of course.
* [[Reclusive Artist]]: The reason why despite being an avid fanboy, Neku doesn't know who CAT is.
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* [[Serious Business]]: Pin Collection, justified in that they actually give you psychic powers. In the real world, they're just another fashion accessory.
** They then parody the whole concept with the bonus chapter, "Another Day" which takes the minigame, Tin-Pin Slammer, the characters, and transports them all into a ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh!: The Abridged Series|Yu-Gi-Oh the Abridged Series]]''-type setting in which the game is all-important. Lampshaded in the Secret Reports:
{{quote|"... a world where Tin Pin Slammer--ofSlammer—of all things!--[[Brick Joke|reigns supreme]]."}}
* [[Sequel Hook]]: It is mentioned that Shibuya is not the only city with a Reaper's Game and that it is not the Reapers and the Composer at the top of Shibuya's hierarchy, but rather {{spoiler|the Angels}}, who the protagonists never learn of or have to confront.
* [[Sleeper Hit]]
Line 492 ⟶ 494:
* [[Teens Are Short]]: Even Beat, by far the tallest of the 15-and-under group, is teeny in juxtaposition with any given character over 17.
* [[Theme Naming]]: The clothing brands are named after the animals of the [[Eastern Zodiac|Chinese Zodiac]]. This becomes relevant in one mission. The 13th clothing brand, Gatito, is a reference to the legend of how the Cat didn't follow the rules of the Chinese Zodiac. {{spoiler|It's also run by Hanekoma, rather than normal civilians. And to make this a bit more [[Anvilicious|obvious]], CAT didn't follow the rules of the Angels.}}
** The four Game Masters are also named after the cardinal directions--directions—''Kita''niji, ''Minami''moto, ''Higashi''zawa, and Ko''nishi'' (north, south, east, and west respectively).
** Every Game Master and {{spoiler|Hanekoma}}'s [[One-Winged Angel]] forms are all given Latin names ending with "Cantus". An animal name is also hidden in the kanji of their names. There are also several boss Noise named Canor; all these are basically bigger versions of normal Noise.
** The various normal Noise have musically-themed names. (Mostly.) The musical theme of the UG is reinforced by the top positions being called the Composer, Conductor, and Producer.
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* [[Those Two Guys]]: Shooter and Yammer, Ai and Mina.
* [[Time Stands Still]]: One of Kitaniji's abilities.
* [[Title Drop]]: The Japanese title "It's a Wonderful World" refers to how the world was always an amazing place--Nekuplace—Neku just refused to notice; the English title "The World Ends with You" refers to how Neku controls his own isolation and has the power to open up.
** The Japanese title also gets a far more ominous drop late into the final week. {{spoiler|And then it drops it again. And again. And again and again [[Assimilation Plot|and again...]]}}
{{quote|{{spoiler|"To right the countless wrongs of our day, we shine this light of true redemption, that this place may become as paradise. What a wonderful world such would be..."}}}}