Three Worlds Collide: Difference between revisions

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* [[Aesoptinum]]
* [[Author Tract]]: Much of what transpires is an illustration of theories the author had previously posted to the same blog. See ''[[Harry Potter and Thethe Methods of Rationality]]'' for another example.
* [[Beauty Equals Goodness]]: Inverted and played straight. The Babyeaters are elegant crystalline things, yet they based their entire culture on the slow, painful consumption of their own sentient offspring. However, the ''even worse'' "Super-Happies" are utterly disturbing blobs of tentacle and colour.
* [[Beware the Nice Ones]]: The wrath of the Superhappies is terrible indeed. Terrible and weird.
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* [[Deathbed Confession]]
* [[Death Equals Redemption]]
* [[Deliberate Values Dissonance]]: Future social mores aren't like present ones, much like present ones aren't like those of several hundred years in the past. A particular example is future humans' views on [[Rape Tropes|rape]], which are so divorced from modern mores that the latter are incomprehensible to the protagonists even after being explained.
* [[Earn Your Happy Ending]]: The author made the ''readers'' earn it.
* [[Earthshattering Kaboom]]
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[[Category:Science Fiction Web Originals]]
[[Category:Web Serial Novel]]
[[Category:Three Worlds Collide]]