Top Gear/Tropes N-Z: Difference between revisions

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* [[PowerFreudian Trio]]:
** James May: The [[Smart Guy]] and often teasingly referred to as "Captain Slow", because he does most things slowly and carefully, has a penchant for spending as much (or more) time ordering his toolbox as he does working with his tools (quite possibly a sufferer from obsessive-compulsive disorder), and often scolds the other hosts for being careless. Has a tendency towards [[Gosh Dang It to Heck]] and [[Unusual Euphemism]] (when he isn't saying his catchphrase "oh cock"). Also, he plays piano. Definitely the superego.
** Jeremy Clarkson: A loud, brash [[Smug Snake]]. He's rude, likes explosions and luxury cars, is a devoted believer in [[Tim Taylor Technology]], is exceedingly vocal in his dislikes, and let's not get into his politics. Almost certainly the id.
** Richard Hammond: A risk-taking adrenaline junkie prone to [[Cluster F-Bomb|Cluster F Bombs]]... also most likely the id. But he's somewhat nicer than Clarkson and less pushy, and he seems to have a better rapport with the other two than they have with each other, so he may narrowly qualify as the ego.
* [[Le Parkour]]: In one of the challenges James May, in a car, races two traceurs. {{spoiler|And gets beaten like a red-headed stepchild}}.
* [[The Napoleon]]: At 5'7", Hammond is nearly a foot shorter than Clarkson and is probably the most pugnacious and thrill seeking of the three.
** Which despite the short-jokes, is actually a rather average height. May and Clarkson (in particular) just are very tall.
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'''Hammond:''' Be''cause''?
'''Clarkson:''' ..yeah, we used nitrous. }}
* [[Noble Bigot]]: Clarkson in particular has made many homophobic and racial remarks on the show, he's also a patron for the charity Help For Heroes.
* [["No. Just... No" Reaction]]: Word for word from Clarkson when May claims his car/dinghy 2.0 can do twenty knots.
* [[No Sense of Direction]]: James May. He [ had claimed] that he has an electrical imbalance in his brain which causes him to visualize Britain upside-down.
** He's recently received another nickname because of this; Captain Sense-of-Direction.
* [[Noble Bigot]]: Clarkson in particular has made many homophobic and racial remarks on the show, he's also a patron for the charity Help For Heroes.
* [[Non Sequitur Distraction]]: This is a stock gag on this show, Jeremy Clarkson (and occasionally Richard Hammond) going off on a long-winded, over-the-top rant at one of the others (usually James May), at the end of which May will react to only one small part of the entire rant.
* [[Noodle Implements]]: Subverted in the South America special in Season 14, when the producers give the lads a box containing a chainsaw, a couple of winches, rubber tubing, condoms, tampons, petroleum jelly, and Viagra. ("I know we're going to be in the jungle a bit together, but that's a bit extreme." "What kind of party are they planning?") As they head for the coast, the actual incidents requiring each of these are shown<ref>Condoms and tampons are used for waterproofing their vehicles when crossing a river, the Viagra is used to help reduce the effects of altitude sickness later on</ref>.
* [[Noodle Incident]]: During the season 10 episode 1 news segment, the presenters are talking about multi-tasking whilst driving. James starts to explain that he'd seen Jeremy multi-task, before being told by Hammond that he couldn't really talk about it on TV. We're not told what it is, but Jeremy says its not in the Highway Code.
* [[No Sense of Direction]]: James May. He [ had claimed] that he has an electrical imbalance in his brain which causes him to visualize Britain upside-down.
** He's recently received another nickname because of this; Captain Sense-of-Direction.
* [[Nostalgia Filter]]: May did a segment in which he drove around and reviewed his bedroom poster hero, the Lamborghini Countach, and found that its merits consisted of a [[Most Wonderful Sound|good engine note]] and good looks... and nothing else whatsoever, since shifting gears required a hammer for the shifter and a companion to help depress the clutch, it was impossible to see out of, and impossible to parallel park -- except for a technique apparently developed by Lamborghini test drivers, which Clarkson demonstrated, that involved sitting on the door sill and driving ''while not actually inside the car''.
:This is [[Hilarious in Hindsight]]: Clarkson had done a piece three years previously on the Countach, in which he discovered pretty much exactly what May had to suffer through. Either he didn't warn May beforehand, or put him up to it deliberately. Also, Clarkson apparently thinks elephants are "nice to look at" in the same way a Countach is.
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::James May then took the Hilux that had been used by the camera crew in the Polar Special, had it further modified, and drove it to the rim of the erupting volcano Eyjafjallajökull in Iceland. May and the camera crew had left the volcano just hours before it ''really'' blew its top, shutting down air traffic over much of the Atlantic and Europe, in April of 2010.
** Richard Hammond complained to Jonathan Ross during an [ interview] that he was disappointed he had [[Beauty Is Never Tarnished|no cool scars]] resulting from his near fatal crash.
* [[Nothing Can Stop Us Now]]: "How hard can it be?" [[Hilarity Ensues]].
** Lampshaded by Hammond on returning from his crash: "Oh, how I've missed the pang of dread I feel whenever you mention the words 'How hard can it be'!"
* [[Not So Above It All]]: James May, at times.
* [[Not This One, That One]]: The tow car for the caravan holiday is a shiny! sexy! Lotus E-.... er, no, it's a Kia.
** Wow, Jeremy did an amazing job creating the body of their completely custom electric car, it actually looks like a real-- oh... no....
* [[Nothing Can Stop Us Now]]: "How hard can it be?" [[Hilarity Ensues]].
** Lampshaded by Hammond on returning from his crash: "Oh, how I've missed the pang of dread I feel whenever you mention the words 'How hard can it be'!"
* [[The Obi-Wan]]: [[Formula One|Sir Jackie Stewart and Mika Hakkinen]] have both given James May lessons on how to drive "properly." May explicitly compared both of them to Yoda in their respective sequences.
* [[Obi-Wan Moment]]: By his own admission, Hammond had one just before his near-fatal jet car crash.
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** May tied his hair back and wore a gaffer tape mustache to pretend to be an 'independent test driver' for their homemade electric car.
** A stripey shirt and careful camera angles were also used by May in an attempt to persuade the viewer that a car was being driven by him when it was in fact being driven by Tiff Needell of ''[[Fifth Gear]]''.
* [[Le Parkour]]: In one of the challenges James May, in a car, races two traceurs. {{spoiler|And gets beaten like a red-headed stepchild}}.
* [[Percussive Maintenance]]: Jeremy Clarkson's general attitude to car maintenance. ("Hammer.")
* [[The Pete Best]]: Jason ''who''? (Jason Dawe, was a presenter on Top Gear for one season and then was replaced by James May.) For the American audience, what first Stig?
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* [[Porn Stash]]: In the "start on a hill without rolling backwards and smashing your most treasured possession" challenge of the lorry driving episode, the prize to the winner was "a year's supply of gentlemen's literature". We could clearly see it was a collection of top-shelf magazines. Later described as "a mountain of pornography".
** They actually broke James' piano leg off when putting it into position, and so they [[Crowning Moment of Funny|propped it up with the porn]]. After he ran his piano over, Richard and Jeremy decided they'd rather abandon the porn than to face James' wrath.
* [[Power Trio]]:
** James May: The [[Smart Guy]] and often teasingly referred to as "Captain Slow", because he does most things slowly and carefully, has a penchant for spending as much (or more) time ordering his toolbox as he does working with his tools (quite possibly a sufferer from obsessive-compulsive disorder), and often scolds the other hosts for being careless. Has a tendency towards [[Gosh Dang It to Heck]] and [[Unusual Euphemism]] (when he isn't saying his catchphrase "oh cock"). Also, he plays piano. Definitely the superego.
** Jeremy Clarkson: A loud, brash [[Smug Snake]]. He's rude, likes explosions and luxury cars, is a devoted believer in [[Tim Taylor Technology]], is exceedingly vocal in his dislikes, and let's not get into his politics. Almost certainly the id.
** Richard Hammond: A risk-taking adrenaline junkie prone to [[Cluster F-Bomb|Cluster F Bombs]]... also most likely the id. But he's somewhat nicer than Clarkson and less pushy, and he seems to have a better rapport with the other two than they have with each other, so he may narrowly qualify as the ego.
* [[Power Walk]]: Sort of. If the three presenters are driving three cars, there will inevitably be at least one wide shot of the three in a flying-wedge formation.
* [[Precap]]: In two senses. In the first episode of each new series, the presenters show previews of all the stuff that is to come that was already filmed for that season. The best stuff is saved for the actual episodes that they appear in. Additionally, nearly every episode has an introductory voiceover telling the viewer about the "main" features of the week's episode.
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* [[Quicksand Sucks]]: While trying to move the grounded barge that their 4X4's have been floated in on, Clarkson gets stuck in river mud and starts to sink, to [[Vitriolic Best Buds|much laughter]] from the other two. They eventually pull him out with one of their 4X4's and rope.
* [[Ratings Stunt]]: The episode which aired footage of the 300mph crash which temporarily brain-damaged Richard Hammond was timed to compete with the finale of ''[[Big Brother]]'' on Channel 4.
* [[Really Gets Around]]: The Stig's Italian Cousin, nicknamed ''Bunga-Bunga Stig'', who is introduced leaving his coach with four women.
* [[Real Men Wear Pink]]: James May. Although he is teased for having 'lady's hair', wearing flowery shirts and listening to Bach, he claims to be the only 'proper bloke' on Top Gear because of his love of brown beer, pies, tools and fart jokes. He's also the best shot with a rifle, and has a machete and knows how to use it.
* [[Real Song Theme Tune]]: "Jessica", by the Allman Brothers Band. Also an [[Instrumental Theme Tune]]. See also [[Theme Tune Cameo]] below.
* [[Really Gets Around]]: The Stig's Italian Cousin, nicknamed ''Bunga-Bunga Stig'', who is introduced leaving his coach with four women.
* [[Reckless Gun Usage]]: In one episode, the hosts travel to the North Pole, and are given a variety of firearms in case they need to defend themselves from polar bears. At one point, though, James May earnestly looks down the barrel of his shotgun, and is yelled at by their guide, who grabs the weapon out of his hands. In a Series 14 outtake, May defended himself, claiming it was the only way to see whether the barrel is unblocked.
* [[Red Baron]]: "All we know is, he's called The Stig."
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{{quote|'''Hammond''': You've only [[The Italian Job|blown the bloody door off!]]}}
** The Stig farm could be seen as a homage to former-guest Harry Enfield's sketch "Clarkson Island" which featured a farmer raising a herd of ''Clarksons''.
* [[Shrouded in Myth]]: The Stig, based on the [[Running Gag]] introductions almost every episode.
* [[Show Within a Show]]: "''The Interceptors''", their spoof of 1970's detective shows in tribute to the Jensen Interceptor.
** Much to Hammond and May's lament, its only the opening credits.
{{quote|'''Hammond''': Why don't we make ''that'' every week?}}
* [[Shrouded in Myth]]: The Stig, based on the [[Running Gag]] introductions almost every episode.
* [[A Simple Plan]]: Usually subverted -- it always seems the team can devise an easy solution to the seemingly impossible task they are given, but with each of the three hosts vying to get his idea in first it never is. A source of several [[Running Gag|running gags]]. Exemplified by Clarkson's catchphrase: "How hard can it be?" Generally followed by Hammond shouting "Don't say that!"
* [[Skunk Stripe]]: May has the white-hair-at-the-temples variety.
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* [[So Bad It's Good]]: In-universe. James May wrote a [ column] about how, while he does get a kick out of getting to drive incredible supercars, he's grown to love absolutely ''terrible'' cars and he said Clarkson agrees with him, because of the challenge, triumph, and nothing-left-to-lose freedom that comes from driving them.
* [[Something That Begins With Boring]]: In the Polar Special. And again in the "Economy Run" episode.
* [[Sorry I Left the BGM On]]: In the charity special ''Top Ground Gear Force'' the music was provided by a military brass band, whom Jeremy had to stop before continuing his monologue. In a second instance he, May and Hammond were arguing and he went as far as destroying a trombone to achieve silence.
* [[Sorry, Billy, But You Just Don't Have Legs]]: Aversion: when Richard Whiteley set an atrocious time on the ''Top Gear'' test track, a blind fan wrote in to say he could do better. And then did (with Jeremy Clarkson riding shotgun and guiding him through the track). {{spoiler|It wasn't Clarkson, it actually was The Stig directing him behind the scenes, they only showed Clarkson on the show.}}
* [[Sorry I Left the BGM On]]: In the charity special ''Top Ground Gear Force'' the music was provided by a military brass band, whom Jeremy had to stop before continuing his monologue. In a second instance he, May and Hammond were arguing and he went as far as destroying a trombone to achieve silence.
* [[Sound Effect Bleep]]: In order to keep the show suitable for its pre-[[Watershed]] slot, most of the swearing is either bleeped or drowned out by a horn or car radio.
* [[Spell My Name with a "The"]]: The Stig (of course).
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[''at the end of the review'']
'''May''': [''in the car, throwing up a 'sign'''] So I aks you... is I bling? }}
* [[Trans Atlantic Equivalent]]: The [[Top Gear US|US version of]] ''[[Top Gear US|Top Gear]]'' has premiered in the History Channel. It's got a race track (with different names), a Stig, three hosts, and only 40 minutes to do their [[Scenery Porn|gorgeously filmed]] thing in.
{{quote|'''Adam Ferrara:''' We could explain what ''Top Gear'' is, or you could watch this <nowiki>[</nowiki>[[Beyond the Impossible|awesome]] [[Montage]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>.}}
** The opening narration explained what ''Top Gear'' [[Take That|is not]]: no dancing, no makeovers, no cooking ...
* [[Transplant]]:
** The Stig sometimes appears on Clarkson's other car related shows.
** James May has appeared on Richard Hammond's series [ ''Should I Worry About...?''] in the 'drinking' segment.
** Tiff Needell (from the pre-2002 version of ''Top Gear'' and currently of [[Gearhead Show|''Fifth Gear'']]) was in an [ episode] of ''James May's Toy Stories''.
* [[Trans Atlantic Equivalent]]: The [[Top Gear US|US version of]] ''[[Top Gear US|Top Gear]]'' has premiered in the History Channel. It's got a race track (with different names), a Stig, three hosts, and only 40 minutes to do their [[Scenery Porn|gorgeously filmed]] thing in.
{{quote|'''Adam Ferrara:''' We could explain what ''Top Gear'' is, or you could watch this <nowiki>[</nowiki>[[Beyond the Impossible|awesome]] [[Montage]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>.}}
** The opening narration explained what ''Top Gear'' [[Take That|is not]]: no dancing, no makeovers, no cooking ...
* [[Trash the Set]]: Unintentionally. The barn storing the props for the show was [ destroyed by fire], probably arson. The Cool Wall was lost as was their furniture for the News segment. Series 10 featured the burned and melted remains of the Cool Wall as well as 'new' (i.e. second hand and ugly) furniture, and snarky comments that their rivals on ''Fifth Gear'' might have been the ones to set the blaze.
** The Caravan Holiday episode, where the caravan they were using is 'accidentally' set on fire at the end of the show. (James May claims that it started by accident, but that they decided not to rush to put it out as it made for great television!)
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** 'Crisis' has become Clarkson's go-to euphemism for orgasm over the last few series.
** In the episode where May and Hammond work as "Scootermen", allowing them to test a lot of people's cars (with the tipsy owner in the back). Hammond says he doesn't want to criticise their cars in front of them, so he'll use ambiguous condiment-related adjectives ("these brakes are a bit salty", "this steering is peppery") to describe those negative aspects. May then says this is cowardly and resolves to speak his mind... then in a [[Brick Joke]] near the end we hear him saying someone's car is "quite cranberry sauce".
* [[Unusual User Interface]]: Older Citroens have oddities such as single-spoked steering wheels and controls in unexpected places. When reviewing a newer one, Clarkson remarked that he wanted to be able to start it by licking the sun visor.
* [[Unusually Uninteresting Sight]]: During the Middle East Special
{{quote|'''Clarkson (in a monotone voice):''' "To showcase my brilliant idea, we stopped at an underground market which had a waterfall and a river in it."}}
* [[Unusual User Interface]]: Older Citroens have oddities such as single-spoked steering wheels and controls in unexpected places. When reviewing a newer one, Clarkson remarked that he wanted to be able to start it by licking the sun visor.
* [[Vanity License Plate]]:
** 0LIV3R
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:It's a good job this was before he "met" Oliver. If they had used his Opel for that, he probably would have become violent.
** The trio's homemade convertible, having survived the car wash fire in its first appearance, finally met its demise during the tractor challenge when it was fatally smashed by the Top Gear Production Office, which Hammond was dragging along with his tractor. Hammond gave an [[Oh Crap]] reaction, but Clarkson said that he had been meaning to destroy the convertible for several weeks, and thanked Hammond for saving him the job.
* [[Weaponized Car]]: The '[ Turn A Car Into A Bond Car]' segment in 01.05, as well as the Cheap Cop Car Challenge in series 11.
* [[We Have Reserves]]: Jeremy Clarkson's attitude towards cameramen. And fellow presenters.
* [[Weaponized Car]]: The '[ Turn A Car Into A Bond Car]' segment in 01.05, as well as the Cheap Cop Car Challenge in series 11.
* [[Welcome Back, Traitor]]: Hammond riffs on this when Ben Collins (The Second Stig) returns to help train the disabled ex-servicemen getting ready for the Paris-Dakar Rally.
{{quote|'''Hammond''': Don't tell him anything, he'll put it in a book!}}
* [[Wham! Line]]: '' "You have landed in Iraq." ''
* [[What a Piece of Junk!]]: Every now and then.
** For example, the rusty old Fort Transit {{spoiler|body mounted on the chassis and powertrain of a Jaguar [[XJ 220]]}} that they used in a race against the Australians.
* [[What an Idiot!]]: Said in-universe by the producers and the Foreign Office after the trio crossed from relatively-peaceful Iraqi Kurdistan into the less peaceful South Turkey during the Middle East special (although the alternative, admittedly, was driving through the less-peaceful-than-either Mosul).
** [ Clarkson demonstrating] a, er, potent mini-cab scented perfume... haphazardly:
{{quote|{{spoiler|'''Clarkson''': '''''MY EYES!'''''}}
{{spoiler|'''Hammond''': You cretin!}} }}
* [[What a Piece of Junk!]]: Every now and then.
** For example, the rusty old Fort Transit {{spoiler|body mounted on the chassis and powertrain of a Jaguar [[XJ 220]]}} that they used in a race against the Australians.
* [[What Could Have Been]]: James May was originally planning to present the Vampire rocket-car segment but had to back out due to a schedule conflict. Particularly frightening because Hammond said he only survived the car sliding ''upside down at [[American Customary Measurements|280 mph]]'' because when the roll cage dug in, he was short enough that his head remained clear of the ground. Hammond is 5'7". May is 6'. On the other hand, if May had been presenting that segment, he probably wouldn't have taken the car for an additional last-minute run.
* [[What Could Possibly Go Wrong?]]: "How hard can it be?"
* [[What Does This Button Do?]]: A conspicuous lever in May's Alfa Romeo/Saab limousine. Naturally, Hammond pulls it. (It uncouples the steering between the Alfa and Saab halves, making the <s>Alfaab</s> Salfa Romeab all but undriveable.)
* [["What Do They Fear?" Episode]]: Bolivia Special: May is afraid of heights and has the worst time on the Yungas Road. Hammond is phobic toward insects and spends the entire time in the rainforest freaking out. (Clarkson claimed he was only afraid of manual labour.)
* [[What Do You Mean It Wasn't Made on Drugs?]]: After Clarkson's "normal road test" of the Renault Twingo 133:
{{quote|'''Hammond:''' What was that? An acid trip?... Seriously, how much Night Nurse<ref>an over-the-counter cold remedy that helps you sleep. Clarkson mentions it early on in the "review". --[[Note From Ed|Ed.]]</ref> did you take before you did that film?}}
** Also, the anti-drunk driving PSA Bacardi asked them to show during {{spoiler|Schumacher's}} interview. As Jeremy put it:
{{quote|'''Clarkson:''' Forgive me on this, forgive me. I have quite literally ''no'' idea what that's all about.}}
* [[What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome?]]: The intros often play into this trope. Jeremy Clarkson: "Tonight: I wear some ''googles''! Richard Hammond ''falls down'' a small slope! James May says ''hello'' to a ''man''!"
{{quote|"Tonight: A sausage gets burned! A sheep falls over! And our track is all wet!"
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** In general some of their challenges and races could make for very mundane footage. These scenes benefit greatly from the editing and the background music. ''Top Gear'' is well recognized in the professional film and television industries as having some of the world's best editing and production values.
** The 50th birthday celebration for the [[Cool Car|Jaguar E-Type]] where Clarkson had a fleet of the said car arranged in an E on Beachy Head as a marching band played in the background, Royal Marines rappelled down the cliff unfurling a Union Jack, while Sopwith Camels, Hawker Hurricanes and Spitfires flew overhead and Royal Marines parachuted unveiling yet another Union Jack with the big number 50 in the sky.
* [[What Does This Button Do?]]: A conspicuous lever in May's Alfa Romeo/Saab limousine. Naturally, Hammond pulls it. (It uncouples the steering between the Alfa and Saab halves, making the <s>Alfaab</s> Salfa Romeab all but undriveable.)
* [[What Do You Mean It Wasn't Made on Drugs?]]: After Clarkson's "normal road test" of the Renault Twingo 133:
{{quote|'''Hammond:''' What was that? An acid trip?... Seriously, how much Night Nurse<ref>an over-the-counter cold remedy that helps you sleep. Clarkson mentions it early on in the "review". --[[Note From Ed|Ed.]]</ref> did you take before you did that film?}}
** Also, the anti-drunk driving PSA Bacardi asked them to show during {{spoiler|Schumacher's}} interview. As Jeremy put it:
{{quote|'''Clarkson:''' Forgive me on this, forgive me. I have quite literally ''no'' idea what that's all about.}}
* [[Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?]]:
** Richard Hammond says "I have several recurring nightmares. One in which I am presenting a radio show and can't work the desk, another in which I find myself on stage with a truly catastrophic band. I am only waiting now for ''Top Gear'' to make me run naked through a shopping centre on a Saturday and I will have completed the set."