Topic on User talk:DocColress

Alright, I've played far enough that I'm ready to propose Lorithia and see what your thoughts on her.

Basically, she's the minister of defense for the High Entia empire and pretends to be a loyal servant to Emperor Sorean Antiqua as well as a friend to his daughter Melia, yet she assists her racist stepmom in attempting to have her assassinated for... well, reasons that are never actually made clear on Lorithia's end (Melia's stepmom wants her dead purely for being half-Homs which she views as sullying her bloodline). So that's bad, but nothing too heinous, right?

Well, she also happens to be a member of a trinity devoted to Zanza, the god of the Bionis (an enormous titan where all organic life is born. It's weird to explain) who wishes to eliminate all life living on it and recreate it so he can constantly devour their ether (Life Force). She and Dickson (Who counts as a Complete Monster) willingly sold out their own kind so they could get access to godlike power and thus willingly help usher in the apocalypse and obtain immortality when Zanza recreates the world.

Along with helping bring about doomsday, she gets a scene where she betrays and forcibly transforms a large amount of High Entia soldiers (Including their prince) into Telethia, mindless rampaging monsters that only exist to destroy other life and collect ether for Zanza. The transformation process is shown to be nightmarish and agonizing and is treated as one of the game's most horrific events by far. And it gets worse when during her boss fight, she assimilates herself with the Telethia that Melia's brother was transformed into with the intention of forcing him to kill his beloved sister as a sick "present" for her.

Basically she's a very haughty, ruthless, and an all-around cold-blooded woman who has no redeeming qualities to speak of. I want to know though: when compared to her partner Dickson, do you think she's heinous enough to count? Like with Lorithia, Dickson at first seems like a cool, friendly old guy but is revealed to be a cold-blooded monster who shoots Shulk in the back and releases Zanza since he refused to kill the Mechon Leader Egil and reveals that despite adopting Shulk and acting as a father figure to him, he was only grooming him so he can serve as a vessel for Zanza. He goes on to assault the party with a herd of Telethia before Lorithia shows up and transforms the soldiers sent to stop him, goes on to lead another attack on the rebuilt Colony 6 with the intention of murdering all the survivors gathered there on top of helping Zanza annihilate all life in exchange for power.