Topic on User talk:DocColress

Seeing how today marks the announcement of the final batch of Smash Bros DLC, I think it's relevant to discuss a character that I've had on my mind for a while. Are you familiar with Super Smash Bros Brawl and it's story mode, the Subspace Emissary? Because I would like to see what you think about the Subspace Emissary's antagonist: Tabuu.

He's the story mode's true villain, and is an odd spectral blue humanoid figure. Tabuu lives in a dimension called Subspace that he plans to suck the World of Trophies (Basically, every playable character is a living trophy/action figure kind of thing) into it. Since he can't leave Subspace himself, he uses an army of bizarre creatures (as well as a few villains: Bowser and Ganondorf) to do his bidding. He's also forcing an entire species of friendly robots (R.O.B's, like that robotic NES controller) to swear loyalty to him on threat of annihilating them all, and uses them to detonate special bombs he had created called Subspace Bombs which consume all the land around them up to a certain radius and cast it into subspace, which turns anything living that they catch into motionless trophies (essentially killing those they consume, though they can be restored back to normal). For extra cruelty points, the bombs are designed so the R.O.B's HAVE to remain attached to the bomb until it detonates, which wipes them out along with everything else. Their leader, who is portrayed as being the Subspace Army's figurehead leader is shown to be deeply saddened at the senseless sacrifices made by his subjects, and evnetually turns on Tabuu once the game's heroes infiltrate the Subspace Army's headquarters. Unfortunately, ALL the R.O.B's are ordered to detonate all the bombs in the facility and are unable to be stopped, and upon detonation they destroy the R.O.B's home and drive the race into extinction, with the Ancient Minister being the sole survivor of the group.

All in all, he's a nasty guy, though there's one big problem: the story itself is one told without words, and since no one talks and Tabuu himself only shows up a few times during the endgame, it's hard to get a good read on him. What we DO know is that he's a pitiless, ruthless guy through supplementary materials, though I'm not sure if he fits the bill as a Complete Monster, or if he's a Generic Doomsday Villain. Plus, the scene where all the R.O.B's are ordered to kill themselves via mass detonation was directly done by Ganondorf, and I don't exactly remember if he did it of his own volition, or if he was ordered to give the order by Tabuu (Who was using the character Master Hand as a puppet to give his orders in return. It's kinda complicated).

So what are your thoughts? Is he a keeper, or no?