Proof that the remaining 10% is worth dying for here.

These are recommendations made by Tropers for Tortall Universe fanfics (meaning, those set in the universe outlined by the Alanna/Daine/Kel/Aly/Beka series of novels), all of which have to be signed to stay on the page. Feel free to add a fanfic of your own to the list, but remember to use the template found here. This is specifically for Tortall Universe fics, not Tamora Pierce fanfics in general. Circle of Magic fics should be placed on their own page.

You can also add to the current recommendations if you want. Refrain from posting Conversation in the Main Page though; that goes in the discussion page.

Authors and Websites

None yet.

General Fics

Stories focused on the family and the friendly relationships of the cast. Plot-focused stories or light day-in-the-life stories. Pretty much anything that isn't focused on romance.

We Live In Awkward Times, My Friend by Rockstar With a Vendetta

  • Reccomended by Thinks Too Much
  • Synopsis: A series of mutually exclusive oneshots, wherein Kel is engaged in relations of a sexual nature with someone and her friends, through a variety of incredibly embarrassing but possible circumstances, discover the existence of these relations. Due to all of it being Played for Laughs rather than focus on shipping, I'm putting it in Gen Fic, but the pairings are Kel/Merric, Kel/Seaver , Kel/Thom (the second), and Kel/Numair/Daine.
    • Comments: CMOF-laden and in-character, especially Neal. Well worth a look.

Broken to Bridle by lionesseyes13

  • Recommended by Across The Stars
  • Pairing(s): Owen of Jesslaw/Margarry of Cavall
  • Synopsis: The tale of Owen's years as a squire to Wyldon of Cavall.
  • Comments: This is... really good. Like, really, really good. The writing itself is thoroughly competent - although not spectacular - and keeps the same general tone of other Protector of the Small books. The real attraction, however, are the characters. She brings Wyldon and Owen to life so very vividly, managing to convey Wyldon's general approval of Owen as he matures while still keeping him the irascible man most of us loved in the original quartet. Scanra is dealt with believably, and the relationship between Owen and Wyldon develops organically, which in itself is a miracle. Also well done is Owen's journey to adulthood and growing maturity while still keeping him recognizable as the Owen we saw in the books, and equally well done is Owen's romance with Wyldon's daughter Margarry (mentioned via Word of Tamora Pierce to have married him). Although their romance is an important part of the plot, it does not overtake the main storyline, hence the classification of this story as gen. In short: this is not to be missed for anyone who loved Owen, Wyldon, or both.

Five Worlds In Which Keladry of Mindelan Did Not Become a Lady Knight, by mistresscarlet

  • Recommended by Joysweeper
  • Synopsis: Exactly What It Says on the Tin. There's a framing device set in the future of the canon universe, when Kel is forty and is the training master. In one world, Wyldon didn't let her stay and she became a Shang warrior; in another, she was found to have the Gift and never went to the Yamani Islands; in the third, Kel was born a man; in the fourth, she died young and her brother Conal tried to take up her task; and in the fifth, she was raised as a lady.
  • Comments: Typically I hate five worlds/five times X happened/didn't happen fics, but this was good. Tear Jerker moments all around. "Things that never were and will never come to pass. Some good, and some terrible, but none of them now and none of them here."

Leading Man, by sarcastic rabbit

  • Recommended by Starryblue
  • Synopsis: A day in the life of King Jonathan in which he meets a certain juggling black mage from Carthak
  • Comments: The summary listed on doesn't really do this story justice. A well-written and humorous take on the day Numair and King Jonathan met from the perspective of the King.

Welcome to Knight Club by Quatre Sama.

  • Recc'd by Joysweeper
  • Synopsis: Written as a challenge: describe a squire's Ordeal in 800 words. It's a series of drabbles, loosely arranged around the eight rules of Fight Club.
  • Comments: Despite how it sounds, it's entirely serious. I enjoyed it. Had to fetch it from, though.
    • Recently found on with a new link to match that.

Fallen by Confusedknight

  • Recommended by Flyndragon
  • Pairing(s): Kel/Dom
  • Synopsis: Kicked out of Page training, Kel becomes entangled in a bitter struggle for the suffering people of Scanra. Four years later she returns to Tortall, a stranger to those who once knew her, a stranger who has not forgotten the promises she made...
  • Comments: This is probably the very best fanfiction I have ever read. It is a take on what would happen if Kel was kicked out of page training after her first year. Kel goes through hardship and eventually overcomes it, becoming a warrior and becoming inextricably entangled in the fate of Scanra. This is a story written on a professional level, with great character development and a thick, engaging plot. It also does a very good job of world building, fleshing out Scanra more than we ever see in the books. But be warned, it is very long. Don't start reading this unless you have time to spare.

"Song of the Seer" by Ankhiale

  • Recommended by Kestrad
  • "Pairing(s)": Alanna/Jon, Alanna/Roger, Thom/Liam, Thayet/Buri
  • "Synopsis": What if Thom had refused to switch?
  • "Comments": Told from Thom's point of view, this is so much more than the standard Alanna Goes to the Convent story. A hauntingly beautiful take on what the Tortall universe could have been like if Thom hadn't agreed to switch with Alanna. Quite possibly the best piece of fanfiction I've ever read.

Shipping Fics

Stories focused on the romantic relationships between the cast.

Cut, by beckyh2112

  • Recc'd by Joysweeper
  • Synopsis: Stormwings are infuriating, Daine is exhausted, and holding back takes too much effort.
  • Pairing: Daine/Rikash

Teacher, by Loten

  • Recommended by Sorrows Solace
  • Synopsis: A redux of the Immortals series from Numair's point of view.
  • Comments: The best Numair writing I've seen, all the characters are written accurately, some are fleshed out and the story flows well. The writing's top notch and the author clearly knows the characters and world well, anything new added in for other one shots on Loten's profile are well thought out.
    • Loten also has reduxes of Wolf-Speaker, Emperor Mage, and The Realms of the Gods completed in similiar good quality, a set of drabbles filling in holes left by the author, and a story about Numiar and Daine after the end of the series. Pretty much anything by her is good.
  • Pairing: Numair/Daine

Seducing Master Salmalin, by Wild Magelet

  • Reccommended by tenoreyequetis
  • Sypnosis: A sweet and funny "Daine/Numair first time" fic. Rated T, for obvious reasons.
  • Comments: Manages to be romantic without becoming mushy, gooey, or just ridiculous in general like some of its sister and brother fics. Quite a few lines that made me smile, or laugh, as well.
  • Pairing: Same as above.