Total War: Warhammer: Difference between revisions

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* [[Absolute Xenophobe]]: Subverted with the Empire. Chaos, Greenskins, vampires and the undead are definitely not welcome, but the Empire's humans have little trouble with Dwarfs.
* [[Ape Shall Never Kill Ape]]: Sort of the case for the Dwarven Kingdoms. Barring the occasional civil war or uprising, they're unlikely to turn on each other.
* [[Badass Normal]]: The Empire's forces, by and large, are just regular humans with Renaissance-era weapons facing up against insurmountable odds; coincidentally, their playstyle is the most "conventional" as far as ''Total War'' games go. The Bretonnians' more elite units also count, though their peasantry are decidedly weaker.
* [[BFG]]: The Empire's artillery as well as those of the Dwarven Kingdoms.
* [[Black and Gray Morality]]: While the Empire isn't nearly as [[Darker and Edgier|grimdark]] as [[Warhammer 40,000|the Imperium of Man]], even at its murkiest it's far preferable to the realms of Chaos.
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* [[Civil Warcraft]]: The Empire starts off with the newly crowned Karl Franz having to consolidate the realm from rivals and usurpers.
* [[Clock Punk]]/[[Steampunk]]: The more advanced technological units that the Dwarven Kingdoms and Empire can deploy come across as this.
* [[The Corruption]]: In various forms, this is how Chaos and the Vampire Counts expand their reach, making their conquests easier to assimilate. In gameplay terms, this is akin to the religion and allegiance mechanics in previous ''Total War'' games taken [[Up to Eleven]], especially given how they visibly affect the landscape.
* [[Crapsack World]]: The Old World isn't exactly a pleasant place to live in.
* [[Crystal Dragon Jesus]]: The Cult of Sigmar.
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** The forces of Chaos are generally based on Vikings and the Germanic barbarians of Late Antiquity.
** Marienburg, the bustling heart of the breakaway Wasteland, is basically the Netherlands.
** The Dwarfs are a in a sense Scotland and post-Viking Scandinavia with a healthy dose of [[Tolkien]]-style influences.
* [[Fantasy Gun Control]]: As with the source material, averted in the case of the Empire and Dwarven Kingdoms, which have much in the way of firearms and artillery. On the other hand, Bretonnia ''deliberately'' invokes this trope with its much more obvious medieval pretensions.
* [[The Federation]]: The Empire in practice functions as this, somewhat, given how the provinces and territories outside of Emperor Karl Franz's direct rule answer to various Elector Counts.
* [[Foreshadowing]]: A number of events hint at the possible inclusion of the likes of Skaven and the Elven races in the future.
* [[Game Mod]]: Like many ''[[Total War]]'' games before it, the latest entry in the franchise is mentioned as very moddable.
* [[Genre Shift]]: Not only from the historical backdrops of previous ''[[Total War]]'' titles to the fantasy setting of ''[[Warhammer]].'' But also in the inclusion of hero units, magic and aerial combat among others into gameplay.
* [[Glass Cannon]]: In addition to artillery, magic-users in general tend to be this.
* [[The Horde]]: The Greenskins and Warriors of Chaos behave like this. In the case of the latter, they neither own settlements nor even gain income like other factions.
* [[Hero Unit]]: The "legendary lords" for each faction, with some even serving as leaders of their particular sub-faction, such as Karl Franz for the Empire. As they level up, said hero units can develop along very divergent paths depending on your particular focus.
* [[Just Before the End]]: The game takes place in the period just before the "End Times" of the canon ''[[Warhammer]]'' universe.
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** Some of the undead forces the Vampire Counts can send to their foes, such as zombies, also double as this. Their sheer bulk making up for their individually weak attacks.
* [[Medieval European Fantasy]]: Played with. Neither the Empire, Dwarven Kingdoms nor even the Vampire Counts really play to the conventional elements of the trope. Bretonnia meanwhile embraces the aesthetic, complete with magically-enhanced knights in shining armor.
* [[Medieval Stasis]]: Bretonnia is a deliberate case of this even in-verse, especially in contrast to the Empire.
* [[Nintendo Hard]]: The game is stated as being difficult even by ''[[Total War]]'' standards, especially with the presence of magic and aerial combat.
* [[Our Orcs Are Different]]: The Greenskins, aka the original inspiration for [[Warhammer 40000|the Orks]]. And just as rowdy and deranged.
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* [[Scenery Porn]]: The Old World is a sight to behold.
* [[Spiritual Successor]]: Of sorts to the myriad total conversion [[Game Mod]]s based on the ''[[Warhammer]]'' tabletop game, particularly the ones for ''Medieval II: Total War'' and ''Empire: Total War.''
* [[Theme Park Version]]:
* [[Theme Park Version]]:* Bretonnia seems to be intentionally invoking this trope, given how it looks straight out of a fairy tale rendition of ''[[Le Morte d'Arthur]]'' in contrast to the Empire.
* [[Uberwald]]: Sylvania, the "homeland" of the Vampire Counts is a deadringer for this trope, with its status as a former Imperial domain, Germanic culture and undead reputation.
** The Empire itself is a more downplayed example, as its culture, politics and general atmosphere are an exaggerated take on the Holy Roman Empire.
* [[Uberwald]]: Sylvania, the "homeland" of the Vampire Counts is a deadringer for this trope, with its status as a former Imperial domain of the Empire, Germanic culture and undead reputation.
* [[Unfriendly Fire]]: Magic-based attacks can be indiscriminate and can result in "friendly fire" if cast too close to your own forces.
* [[Violence Is the Only Option]]: Not always. As the Empire, it's possible to "confederate" the various Imperial provinces, bringing them effectively under Karl Franz's direct rule peacefully. Albeit at the expense of a diplomatic penalty with the other provinces and more civil unrest.