Buffy: "I'm just worried this whole session's gonna turn into some training montage from an eighties movie."

Giles: "Well, if we hear any inspirational power chords, we'll just lie down until they go away."
...and that day... BEGINS TODAY!
Bludshot the Recolour Episode 1, just before a running montage.

The hour's approaching, to give it your best
You've got to reach your prime.
That's when you need to put yourself to the test
And show us a passage of time
We're going to need a montage (montage!)

Ooh it takes a montage (montage!)
—"Montage", from Team America: World Police

Guts! Guts and might!
Liftin' weights and feelin' alright!
It's a showdown!
Goin' downtown! You gonna mess around!
Get your nose down!

Strong Bad, "montage"

You're gonna run up a ramp with two buckets of water
Swing over muck for some reason
At some point you'll drop to your knees when it's raining
And look up into the sky...