Trainspotting: Difference between revisions

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* [[Armoured Closet Gay]]: Begbie. Robert Carlyle played him as a closeted homosexual whose bursts of rage stemmed partially from his fear of being outed, and [[Word of God]] agreed with the interpretation. This is insinuated with a scene in which Begbie makes Renton put a cigarette in his mouth, which is charged with sexual tension.
* [[Author Tract]]: Renton's rant against the British involvement in Northern Ireland and Unionism.
* [[Ax Crazy]]: Francis Begbie. He gets high from violence and starts fights for no reason. In the book, this is a result of both his own insane aggression and his friends "painting him as the ultimate psychopath" so they'll look cooler by hanging out with him. Interestingly, Renton remembers how Begbie was much more mellow and easy-going as a teenager (when he wasn't yet the toughest guy in the neighbourhoodneighborhood).
* [[Bar Brawl]]: In the movie, Begbie starts one by tossing his empty pint glass off the balcony to the bar below, hitting a young woman in the face. Slamming his knife on the table and rubbing his hands together with glee, he goes downstairs and declares that nobody is to leave the bar until the culprit is found. When asked by the girl's boyfriend who he is, Begbie simply [[Groin Attack|kicks him in the balls]], starting a massive brawl.
* [[Berserk Button]]: Begbie.
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* [[Blatant Lies]]: And all of it in stereo, divided into gender groups.
{{quote|'''Girls''': What are you talking about?<br>
'''Boys''': (After a quick glance at each other to assure syncronicitysynchronicity) Sports! What are ''you'' talking about?<br>
'''Girls''': Shopping.}}
* [[Bonnie Scotland]]: Darkly and amusingly subverted.
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* [[Dramatic Ellipsis]]: In the movie Renton, while narrating his own inner thoughts in the third person, says them out loud. "Dot, Dot, DOT."
* [[Dropped a Bridget On Him]]: In the movie, but not the novel. One of Begbie's club hookups turns out to be packing a salami surprise. His reaction is [[Oh Crap|predictable]], though much less violent than might have been anticipated. In the book, this happened to ''Renton'', not Begbie. However, as opposed to panicking, Mark admits to probably just being bisexual and ends up getting to third base with him. Eventually, the violently homophobic Begbie caught Renton fondling the transvestite and beat him until he couldn't walk for a couple days.
* [[Drugs Are Bad]]: Seemingly averted at first, but ultimately played straight. Renton gives an articulate and fierce defencedefense of his lifestyle in the beginning, and the gang seem to be living fast and carefree at times, but tragedy and horror strike often. Ultimately Renton leaves the life.
* [[Erudite Stoner]]: Sick Boy
{{quote| '''Renton''' He's always been lacking in moral fibre.<br />