• Fridge Logic: During the fight inside Unicron, Galvatron attempts to choke Hot Rod to death. He attempts to CHOKE. A ROBOT. TO DEATH. The real mind-bending part? It was working.
    • More likely, he was trying to make Hot Rod's head pop off like a zit. The part that makes it fridge logic in and of itself is that we've seen that at least in one case, losing your head doesn't kill a Transformer, as Optimus Prime's entire BODY was taken apart in a season 2 episode and he was still very much alive.
    • And the fridge logic for that, is the question "how the hell did the Decepticons take him apart and yet never find the Matrix during that episode?" Simple, the idea hadn't been concieved of yet.
    • The comics did show Megatron choking Brawn until the latter's head cracked open from the pressure, disabling him (though not killing him, since he showed up with the rest of the Combaticons a few issues later). Presumably, something like this would've happened to Hot Rod had he not grabbed the Matrix in time.
  • During Starscream's coronation, the Constructicons serenade him with trumpets. They're robots, who don't breathe, playing instruments you have to blow into. Oh, and the Constructicons? Half of them don't even have mouths!
  • In the middle of the Battle of Autobot City, Springer and Arcee try to set up a large cannon. Said large cannon is too heavy for two Transformers to move, wasn't ready to fire, and wasn't even pointed out the window it fires out of. The lesson? Autobots are idiots.
  • Fridge Brilliance: Wreck-Gar got transmissions of Monty Python's Flying Circus, so he must have learned to imitate Eric Idle's voice.