Transformers Animated: Difference between revisions

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* [[Ted Baxter]] - Egomaniac Starscream/Thundercracker, whose name is appropriate since the original Thundercracker had a bit of an air superiority complex himself.
* [[Team Pet]] - Sari, for the first two seasons. {{spoiler|She gets an upgrade (and we do mean ''upgrade'') to [[Sixth Ranger]] in season 3.}}
* [[The Cloud Cuckoolander Was Right]] - In "Return of The Headmaster", when Sari wonders why there is no record of her, Bulkhead suggests that {{spoiler|"Maybe she came here in some kind of egg, and crashed on Professor Sumdac's doorstep,"}} [[The Reveal|He's not so far from the truth.]]
* [[The Rat]] - Rattletrap.
* [[There Should Be a Law]] - Played for laughs: Ratchet finds the idea of us selling spare parts on the open market disturbing. Of course, from his perspective, it must be like seeing internal organs on display in a shop window (and his experience with Lockdown doesn't help).