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== [[Anime]] and [[Manga]] ==
* In the fourth ''[[Suzumiya Haruhi]]'' novel, Kyon finds himself in an alternate universe where the SOS members are ordinary humans. Haruhi won't even give him the time of day until {{spoiler|he desperately introduces himself as John Smith, the alias he had used as a time traveller helping her out three years ago. Once the world is returned to 'normal', he keeps this as a trump card (emergency use only!) to [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|blackmail Yuki's boss]]}}.
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== [[Truth in Television]] ==
* According to tradition, Joan of Arc whispered some secret to the Dauphin to convince him that she had really been divinely inspired to help him claim the throne. According to additional tradition, what she whispers is that God wants him to be king of France, though some prefer to believe that she described an embarrassing birthmark on his backside.
* Magician [[Harry Houdini]] had spent much of his later career debunking mediums and others who claimed to speak "from beyond the grave". He arranged a number of code phrases (one being a song called "Rosabelle") as identifiers for his wife Bess if such communication was possible. He died in 1926, well before Bess. No one was ever able to deliver a message she was satisfied was genuine.
** [[Take That|Funny how "paranormal experts" never bring that up.]]
*** [[Money, Dear Boy|They must have a good reason...]]
*** Used well in Carrie Vaughn's ''Kitty Norville'' series, where a medium contacts Houdini, and is told '"Everyone who knew my codes is long dead. Stop trying.'"
* Don't forget about [[The Password Is Always Swordfish|that password]] you have to tell the computer to make sure it's really you.
* Careful parents often arrange these with their children, so that the children can verify that anyone who claims to be sent by mom and dad actually was (as in the [[Bones]] example above). Some PSAs (or similar productions) recommend this if the family ever gets separated.