Tsukihime/Characters: Difference between revisions

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This page describes the characters from [[Tsukihime (Visual Novel)|Tsukihime]], including characters appearing in ''Kagetsu Tohya'' and ''[[Melty Blood]]''. Please help out with the blurbs.
'''Spoilers abound!!''' Read at your own risk.
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* [[Badass]]: {{spoiler|Nanaya.}} Period.
* [[Berserk Button]]: In Melty Blood, Yumizuka Satsuki's name is taboo for him. Also, Roa's very presence will invoke his killing intent instantly.
* [[Blessed Withwith Suck]]: The [[Evil Eye|Mystic Eyes of Death Perception]] are extremely powerful, but have ''huge'' drawbacks. See below.
** The Tohno-gland, with the power to make insanely powerful, beautiful, troubled, and crazy women fall madly in love with him. Often times with heavy emphasis on the troubled and crazy. Many guys would probably kill for his position though.
*** Many guys would ''Be Killed'' in his position.
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* [[Came Back Strong]]: It was being brought to the brink of death (and therefore closer to Akasha, the Ultimate Source), that allowed Shiki to perceive the Death of things with his eyes.
* [[Chick Magnet]]: Women ''flock'' to Shiki. The cause of this is speculated to be some sort of "Tohno gland", in case you were wondering what all the talk about that was for.
* [[Cursed Withwith Awesome]]: See above [[Blessed Withwith Suck]] entry - the Eyes are generally seen as both simultaneously.
* [[Curtains Match the Window]]
* [[Dangerous Forbidden Technique]]: once again, his Mystic Eyes
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* [[Evil Eye]]: his defining ability; the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception allow him to perceive the nature of death as lines and dots over ''everything''. Basically, he can kill ''anything'' under Gaia with a fruit knife.
* [[Enemy Without]]: {{spoiler|Nanaya. In addition, TATARI creates a copy of Shiki Tohno to fight Ryougi in MBAA. That Shiki, while being more mellow and true to Shiki's personality, is not really hesitant to use his Eyes.}}
* [[Expy]]: he's very similar in looks and personality to Mikiya Kokutou (and is voiced [[Kenichi Suzumura|by the same guy]]), and his power is similar to Shiki Ryougi's and they both got that power from traffic accidents (they share the same given name too). Both are characters from ''[[Kara noKarano Kyoukai (Literature)|Kara no Kyoukai]]'', an earlier Nasu work.
** He actually takes after Ryougi more than he seems. While his "default" persona is most similar to Kokutou, his "stoic" mode is very similar to Ryougi's personality. Interestingly, the way he behaves around Arihiko is rather similar to how Ryougi behaves around Kokutou.
* [[Future Badass]]: His possible future as [http://www.mangafox.com/manga/melty_blood_act_2/c007.8/13.html Satsujinki], who can assassinate Dead Apostles in [[HSQ|SECONDS]].
* [[Go-Karting Withwith Bowser]]: In Kohaku's route, he encounters SHIKI in the middle of the night and ends up having coffee with him while they chat for hours about things like their abilities, killing and it's meaning, and so on. Granted, they didn't know each others identity.
* [[The Grim Reaper]]: He's been called a "Shinigami" ("God of Death") twice. Once by Sion in Melty Blood and another time by Dust of Osiris in Actress Again.
* [[Harem Seeker]]: All the Type-Moon male leads seem to have far more love interests than they could possibly need, but Shiki tops them all...there is a reason [[Fan Nickname|the Tohno gland]] exists. Unlike Kokuto or Shirou, however, after Tsukihime itself Shiki seems to be going out of his way to keep all the girls around him as seen in both Kagetsu Tohya and the non canon Carnival Phantasm.
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* [[Not Afraid to Die]]: As a result of an intimate relationship with death.
* [[Oblivious to Love]]: It takes Shiki a while to realize when a girl likes him, unless he's beat over the head with it.
* [[One-Hit Kill]]: [[Trope Pantheons/Life and Death|Co-deity of it]], along with [[Karano Kyoukai (Light Novel)/Characters|Shiki Ryougi]].
* [[Reverse Grip]]: Once you see him reversing his grip on his knife, it means that {{spoiler|Nanaya}} is starting to take over.
** {{spoiler|Played with. The above holds true with the visual novel, but Shiki, in and out of Nanaya mode (and the Nanaya Shiki TATARI shadow) tend to swap grips depending on what suits them. His slashes tend to be reverse grip and his stabs tend to be normal grip in Melty Blood. Nanaya too.}}
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* [[School Uniforms Are the New Black]]: Although he's been shown to have casual clothes in Tsukihime, in all subsequent media, he is only shown wearing his school uniform. Which is all well and good because frankly, he looks good in it and his casual clothes are hideous anyway.
* [[Sociopathic Hero]]: {{spoiler|his Nanaya personality.}}
* [[Story-Breaker Power]]: The Mystic Eyes of Death Perception. And [[Kara noKarano Kyoukai (Literature)|Ryougi's]] are even worse. The boy makes [[DragonballDragon Ball|Goku]] look balanced. Sequels/spinoffs have had trouble coming up with ways to legitimately challenge him: He doesn't want to kill his 'opponent' in Kagetsu Tohya and can't use them for 95% of the story anyway and Wallachia is a unique existence that can't be properly killed at all except under very special circumstances. There's even a [[Word of God]] statement out saying that he can't kill the top Dead Apostle Ancestor simply because it views death differently!
* {{spoiler|[[Super-Powered Evil Side]]: Shiki Nanaya}}
* {{spoiler|[[Taking the Bullet|Taking The Knife Stab]]: As a child, Shiki shielded Akiha from newly-inverted SHIKI's knife, and would have died if not for Akiha giving him half of her life force.}}
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** [[Badass Princess]]
* [[Battle Aura]]: Either that or [[Pure Awesomeness]]. Whenever Arcueid faces down an enemy with the full intention of annihilating them, the atmosphere around her physically becomes more oppressive. Various people have described themselves as suffering actual physical pain merely from being the target of Arcueid's killing intent.
* {{spoiler|[[Battle in Thethe Center of Thethe Mind]]: Climax of her and Archtype Earth's plot in Current Code is this; with the winner coexisting with humanity or destroying it.}}
* [[Boobs of Steel]]
* [[Catgirl]]: Not canon but her Neko-Arc counterpart has made her often depicted in doujins as a cat girl during her more goofy moments. Some doujins straight up turns her into a catgirl. The fact that her canon personality is often compared to that of a cat likely also contributed.
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* [[Empathic Weapon]]: Her original purpose
* [[Enemy Without]]: {{spoiler|When the TATARI creates a copy of Red Arcueid and lets her loose. Fortunately for the other characters and the world, he had to weaken her to avoid losing control.}}
* [[Everything's Better Withwith Princesses]]
* [[Eyes of Gold]]: Be very afraid if her eye color turns to this.
* [[Fan Nickname]]: Many fans simply call her "Arc". This is just a shortening of her name but shortening of names could be counted as nicknames.
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* [[Genki Girl]]
* [[Green Lantern Ring]]: Her Marble Phantasm allows her to reproduce any phenomenon found in nature. However, this is limited to what is actually possible in nature and thus she cannot pull the tricks of a Reality Marble. The metaphor used is that in a bag of 99 black marbles and a single white one, her power lets her always get the white marble. A Reality Marble turns them all white instead, which is an 'impossible' trick.
* [[Guest Fighter]]: As [[Magical Girl]] Phantasmoon in ''[[Fate/stay Stay Nightnight|Fate/tiger colosseum UPPER]]''. {{spoiler|And as a [[Oh Crap|Berserker - class Servant]] in ''[[Fate/stay Stay Nightnight|Fate/Extra]]''. She's unplayable there, though.}}
* [[Hair of Gold]]
* [[Heroic Willpower]]: After Shiki kills her, she's forced to resist her vampiric bloodlust on nothing more than her strength of will. It almost fails her several times, though. In the backstory too, as she's the only (known) True Ancestor to have retained her sanity after drinking blood.
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* [[Kick the Dog]]: Arc's naivety can result in very callous acts, ones she's not wholly aware are wrong. For example, asking her exhausted and dying familiar, Len, to give Shiki some nice dreams. She also has ''no'' concerns about killing ''anyone'' with her bare hands at the drop of a hat.
** There's also the time Shiki let her see his glasses when she became curious about them. She says she would have broken them (on a whim) but they were somehow constructed such that even Arcueid couldn't break them. It's [[Played for Laughs]] since she couldn't have gone through with it, but if she had...well, they're irreplaceable and the only thing preventing Shiki brain from frying from the strain of his [[Evil Eye]].
* [[Magical Girl]] [[Parody]]: Phantasmoon, who becomes so by stealing [[Fate/stay Stay Nightnight|Caster's]] staff.
* [[Manic Pixie Dream Girl]]
* [[Mayfly-December Romance]]: With Shiki, since they're the [[Official Couple]], due to their ''vastly'' different lifespans. Made worse by the fact that Shiki's lifespan is even shorter than normal humans. Given the circumstances at the end of Tsukihime, I doubt they would have much time together even if they do finally find peace. However, Arcueid mentions in several works that when Shiki gets close to death, she'd be tempted to turn him into a vampire to keep him alive. As she's shown to be willing to do this in the Ciel route... And finally, this may at least partially subverted as there are implications that Arcueid herself won't last nearly as long as she would have originally.
* [[Mood Swinger]]
* [[Nerf]]: In ''[[Tsukihime]]'', see [[Willfully Weak]] below. {{spoiler|In ''[[Fate/stay Stay Nightnight|Fate/EXTRA]]'', she cannot use several of her innate abilities as a True Ancestor as a result of her master forcing Mad Enhancement onto her - she cannot use the Moon (incidentally the setting of the game) as an energy source, and her terraforming Noble Phantasm is reduced to a sixfold increase in the local gravity. Had she willingly taken on Mad Enhancement herself - essentially going into [[Super-Powered Evil Side|Warcueid mode]] - she would essentially be the Crimson Moon itself, and undefeatable. Even with all ''that'', she's still an absolute '''[[SNK Boss|BEAST]]'''.}}
** {{spoiler|Given that she's basically the strongest thing on the whole freaking planet, there wouldn't be much of a story if she wasn't conveniently nerfed. Also, Shiki would had never had chance in hell to score with her but that's secondary.}}
* [[Nice Girl]]: A sweet and friendly ray of sunshine who just ''happens'' to a vampire.
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* {{spoiler|[[Death Seeker]]}}
* [[Empathic Weapon]]: Nanako; aka {{spoiler|the Seventh Holy Scripture}}
* [[Expy]]: Has one (approved by TYPE-MOON) in [[Higurashi no Naku Koro Nini|Chie-Sensei]], <s>also</s> voiced by [[Fumiko Orikasa]].
** Also, she works at a church, uses lots of blades as weapons, and hunts down vampires, even the ones in the protagonist roles. Sounds like [[Hellsing|Alexander Anderson]] to me!
* {{spoiler|[[Enemy Within]]: Ciel was taken over by Roa and became one of his incarnations, slaughtering her entire family and hometown.}}
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* {{spoiler|[[I Just Want to Be Normal]]: Born as a baker's daughter, all she wanted growing up was to take over daddy's business. Then look what happened.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Immortal Life Is Cheap]]: Ciel gets killed a good many times in her scenario in the original game.}}
* [[Leaning Onon the Fourth Wall]]: She does this in ''Kagetsu Tohya'' in a high percentage of her screen time. She appears rather depressed regarding her low popularity.
* [[Male Gaze]]: Has the biggest ass of the cast (tied with Tokie Jinan), although this mostly makes her the [[Incredibly Lame Pun|butt]] of fat jokes.
* [[Meganekko]]: Arguably [[Invoked Trope|invoked]], since Ciel's eyesight is just fine and her whole school persona is mostly just a mask. Also [[The Glasses Come Off]].
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* [[Nosy Neighbor|Nosy Sempai]]: Ciel masquerades as this.
* [[Not What It Looks Like]]: Averted late in her route. When she catches Shiki {{spoiler|being forcibly kissed by Arcueid, she punches out Arcueid rather than Shiki, and listens to his explanation, despite being seriously pissed at him.}}
* [[Superpower Lottery]]: Part of the reason why she is a Burial Agent, {{spoiler|and also the main reason why she was chosen as Roa's 17th vessel. She had a body potent enough to revive from death 3 years after having gotten killed.}} Despite having been born from a normal family, she still possessed 5 times the magical potential of Tohsaka Rin from ''[[Fate/stay Stay Nightnight]]'', by [[Word of God]].
* [[Obfuscating Stupidity]]
* [[Older Than They Look]]: {{spoiler|While her body is forever that of a teenager's, Ciel is actually 24 years old.}}
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* [[A -Cup Angst]]
* [[Aggressive-Submissive]]: A very dominant young woman at first glance (almost creepily so early in her own route), she is actually waiting for Shiki to make the first move and turns into a total sub during the h-scene.
* [[Berserk Button]]: If you value your physical integrity, do NOT say she's flat-chested. (Though also see Flanderization below.)
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* [[Cry Cute]]
* {{spoiler|[[Evil Laugh|Evil]] [[Noblewoman's Laugh]]: Do Vermilion Akiha's Last Arc in ''Actress Again'' to hear this.}}
* [[Expy]]: In looks if not personality of Azaka Kokutou from ''[[Kara noKarano Kyoukai (Literature)|Kara no Kyoukai]]''. Both characters share connections to [[Brother-Sister Incest]].
** As if [[Foreshadowing]], during her Summer Festival sidestory in Kagetsu Tohya she wears her hair in pigtails very similar to [[Fate/stay Stay Nightnight|Rin Tohsaka]].
* [[Flanderization]]: In Tsukihime, Akiha mentions that she's self-conscious about her flat chest during an [[Hentai|h-scene]]. In Kagetsu Tohya, this is turned into a [[Berserk Button]]. Doujin authors and other fanworks have since then run with the idea to the point of it becoming an [[Overused Running Gag]].
* [[Hair Decorations]]: Her hairband.
* {{spoiler|[[Half-Human Hybrid]]}}
* [[Hey, It's That Voice!]]: [[Minami Hokuto]] aka Hitomi also voiced [[Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha|Nanoha]] in the ''[[Triangle Heart 3 ~sweet songs forever~]]'' OVA and Primula in ''[[Shuffle]]''.
* {{spoiler|[[If I Can't Have You]]: In Kohaku's path only.}}
* [[I Know Karate]]: She apparently picked up a few moves from her friend [[Title Drop|Tsukihime]] [[Muggles|Souka]], as demonstrated in the climax to the side story "A Story For The Evening."
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* [[Blue Eyes]]: Blue-green.
* [[Can't Hold His Liquor|Can't Hold Her Liquor]]: At Shiki's welcoming party, she's the first casualty since she rarely drinks...even though she was drinking less heavily than anybody else. It eventually leads to a [[What Did I Do Last Night?]] moment for her and Shiki when [[Bedmate Reveal|he wakes up in bed with her]]. It turns out to have been perfectly innocent.
* [[The Comically Serious]]: Several comedic scenes, such one of the [[Tsukihime (Visual Novel)/Funny|Crowning Moments of Funny]], rely on the fact that she's straight laced and takes her job as Shiki's servant very seriously.
* [[Dandere]]: Shiki eventually encourages Hisui to open up {{spoiler|once he realizes she was the [[Genki Girl|energetic girl who played with him]] when they were young}}.
* [[Does Not Like Men]]: This seems to describe Hisui since she reacts badly to Shiki trying to touch her hand. {{spoiler|It's eventually revealed she reacts this way because she wanted to keep herself "pure" in honor of her sister's sacrifice for her.}}
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* {{spoiler|[[Genki Girl]]: She was actually supposed to be this before... well... things went to Hell. She gets it back in her Good Ending though.}}
* [[Hair Decorations]]: Wears a bonnet.
* [[Hates Being Touched]]: Goes along with [[Does Not Like Men]] above, though she [[Zig -Zagging Trope|zigzags]] a bit, probably [[If It's You It's Okay|because it's]] [[Chick Magnet|Shiki]].
* [[Hikikomori]]: Hisui hasn't actually left the Tohno Mansion grounds in ''years'' {{spoiler|since she learned the truth of Kohaku's abuse.}} When she does so in Kagetsu Tohya, she's clearly very uneasy in crowds.
* [[I Feel Angry]]: She can say this when she gets up in ''[[Melty Blood]]'' after being knocked over in her typical deadpan tone of voice.
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* [[Animal Motifs]]: Cats, tying in with the witch theme that appears in ''[[Melty Blood]]'' and later routes. And in her route in the original game Akiha refers to her as a "dorobou neko" (usually translated as "cat thief" or "thieving cat") which is rougly the equivalent of the English phrase "homewrecker" when she discovers her relationship with Shiki.
* [[Ascended Extra]]: Kohaku originally wasn't supposed to have her own route, but one was added at the last minute. This is why she only has one ending instead of two like all of the other heroines.
* {{spoiler|[[Batman Gambit]]: "That's right. All of it was something I wished would happen, Shiki-san." (The entire plot of Tsukihime is shown to be a set of multiple gambits made by Kohaku, from Makihisa's death to Shiki killing SHIKI, and her plan to take revenge on the Tohno family [[Kill'Em All|succeeds]] in Hisui's True Ending. Contextually, Arcueid and Ciel are both [[Spanner in Thethe Works|Spanners in the Works]] because they keep Shiki away from the mansion.)}}
* {{spoiler|[[Becoming the Mask]]: Especially in ''Melty Blood''.}}
* [[Break the Cutie]]
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* [[The Cutie]]: If only Hisui was as bright and cheerful as Kohaku? Ouch. I don't think so, Shiki.
* {{spoiler|[[Despair Event Horizon]]: Kohaku went through this when SHIKI first raped her, and she realized even after Makihisa died, SHIKI would still be there to abuse her.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Desperately Looking for Aa Purpose In Life]]: Despite everything she does, she actually feels no malice whatsoever. Rather, she has so much in the way of bottled up emotions and has no idea what to do that she picks up a revenge plot as a way of coping.}}
* [[Dojikko]]: Cleaning the house is NOT her forte.
* {{spoiler|[[Driven to Suicide]]: In Hisui's routes. In Hisui's Good Ending, she survives, but loses her memory. It's implied she lost her memory on purpose.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Emotionless Girl]]}}
* [[Expy]]: Of Fujino Asagami from ''[[Kara noKarano Kyoukai (Literature)|Kara no Kyoukai]]''. {{spoiler|Both women belong to families in the Demon Hunters' Association; both have gone through [[Rape Asas Backstory|the same horrible experience]], and both [[Feel No Pain]] (though for different reasons). Their stories' [[Name's the Same|Shikis]] also end up killing "something bad" within their bodies using their respective [[Evil Eye|Mystic Eyes of Death Perception]]: Fujino's terminal appendicitis and Kohaku's ingested poison.}}
* [[Eyes of Gold]]
* {{spoiler|[[Feel No Pain]]: One of the first indications that Kohaku is a [[Stepford Smiler]] is when she cuts herself and doesn't realize she should attempt to bandage it in front of Shiki. Note that this is a psychological block more than a lack of nerve endings or anything physical. It's so effective that Kohaku claims she feels no pain even after ''stabbing herself'' in the ''heart'' and slowly bleeding to death.}}
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* [[Gadgeteer Genius]]: In Melty Blood. She creates a robot-version of Hisui. And an entire factory to mass produce them. It's implied that she doesn't actually have the skill to do this, but since the Tatari is around...
* [[Genki Girl]]: {{spoiler|[[Stepford Smiler|Subverted]].}}
* [[Guest Fighter]]: As Magical Amber in [[Fate/stay Stay Nightnight|Fate/tiger colosseum]].
* [[Hair Decorations]]: Her ribbon.
* {{spoiler|[[Intimate Healing]]}}
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* [[Meido]]: Though she wears the traditional outfit of a Japanese maid rather than a more familiar Western one like Hisui does.
* {{spoiler|[[Milkman Conspiracy]]: Despite everything she does in the Far Side of the Moon routes, she really is nothing more than a maid.}}
* [[Playing Withwith Syringes]]: In ''Kagetsu Tohya''. "''It's needle time!''" ^_^
* {{spoiler|[[Rape Asas Backstory]]: Kohaku was ''eight'' when it first happened, and her abuse continued for ''years''.}}
* [[Rose-Haired Girl]]
* [[Sibling Yin-Yang]]: With Hisui.
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* [[Superpower Lottery]]: If they survive (1/100 chance), those bitten by a vampire will initially become mindless zombies that take several days to even reanimate, and a few years to become feral ghouls. Even ''then'' only 1 out of 1000 bitten have a chance to regain sentience after a few more years. And even with ''that'', only 1 in 10,000 bitten can become an actual vampire with another few years on top of those. Satsuki became semi-aware '''''in minutes''''', and fully sentient after a day. On top of ''THAT'', in {{spoiler|her un-released route}} and [[Melty Blood]] as her [[Limit Break|Last Arc]], she {{spoiler|''has a [[Mental World|Reality Marble]],'' a ''very'' powerful magic ability that only a few Dead Apostle ''Elders'' have. It is called "Depletion Garden" and drains ''all'' the mana from the air around her, effectively giving her the power of [[Anti-Magic]], an ability she didn't even know about.}}
** On top of that, with some help from [[Melty Blood|Sion]], she only needs about 200cc of blood a ''week'' to get by - which includes getting into scraps with the assorted mages, vampire killers, and other vampires ''and'' walk in sunlight. In biological terms, that's the amount of a large blood sample, yet not one that would hurt someone terribly. Basically, she's ''ridiculously'' efficient blood consumption-wise. For all that she's been tormented for her troubles, she may have lost the farm only to win the jackpot.
* [[Throw the Dog Aa Bone]]: Her endings in the more recent ''[[Melty Blood]]'' games have things looking up somewhat for her, such as coming to terms with - and even accepting - her status as a Dead Apostle in ''Act Cadenza'', or welcoming Riesbyfe in the Back Alley Alliance in ''Actress Again''.
* [[Tragic Monster]]
* [[Vampire Refugee]]
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* [[Disc One Final Boss]]: Shiki believes Nero is the vampire Arcueid is hunting until he realized Nero ate all of his victims and the vampire Arcueid is hunting sucks their blood.
* [[The Dragon]]: In the Near Side routes. Though he's actually just a friend of Roa and doesn't work for him.
* [[Everything's Even Worse Withwith Sharks]]: One of the beasts contained within him is a shark, which causes one of the most hilarious and unexpected Bad Ends in the game. {{spoiler|Imagine being eaten by a shark at the top floor of a hotel.}}
* [[Expy]] Look at his above picture! Does it remind you of '''[http://images.wikia.com/hellsing/de/images/1/1f/OVA_Black_Dog.jpg this??]'''
** Plus, in [[Melty Blood]], he's voiced by the [[Joji Nakata|SAME GUY]] as [[Hellsing|Alucard]]! No, not [[Crispin Freeman]].
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* [[Ax Crazy]]: What he becomes after trying to kill Shiki.
* [[Blood Magic]]: {{spoiler|Can even shape into COUNTLESS BLADES. [[Memetic Mutation|Got enough]] [[Fate/stay Stay Nightnight|swords, indeed.]]}}
* [[Brother-Sister Incest]]: {{spoiler|If you thought Akiha was bad, SHIKI ups the Squick factor in her route, where it's heavily implied that he raped her offscreen. Not to mention what Shiki's dream connection with him shows, where his serial killings are targeting girls he thinks are Akiha or look like her, because he wants to [[Does This Remind You of Anything?|"defile" them]]. His dialogue implies that this is actually some sort of twisted attempt on his part to give Akiha what she wants, but is too insane for anything approaching reason.}}
* [[Demoted to Extra]]: SHIKI is one of the only Tsukihime characters, major or minor, to not be featured as a playable character in any version of Melty Blood. Several 4koma comics have made jokes on this.
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* [[Tragic Monster]]: Moreso in the manga, where his role in everyone's childhoods was more emphasized.
* [[Unwitting Pawn]]: {{spoiler|To Kohaku, in the Hisui route. While Akiha and Shiki were also used as pawns, Akiha had most likely deduced it beforehand and played along with it out of guilt while Shiki was somewhat aware and learned the truth a short time later. SHIKI, on the other hand, was being used as a tool the entire time and never realized it even to the moment of his death.}}
* [[Used to Be Aa Sweet Kid]]
* [[White-Haired Pretty Boy]]
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* [[Annoying Younger Sibling]]: To [[Kara noKarano Kyoukai (Literature)|Touko]]. There is little love between the two sisters.
* [[Beam Spam]]: In ''[[Melty Blood]]''
* [[Big Eater]]: among other things is the winner of a beef eating contest
* [[Blue Eyes]]
* [[The Cameo]]: She has been seen in ''[[Fate/stay Stay Nightnight|Fate/Extra]]''. {{spoiler|Along with her [[Sarcasm Mode|beloved elder sister]] [[Karano Kyoukai (Light Novel)/Characters|Touko]] --}} ''' {{spoiler|in the very same room, no less.}}'''
* [[Destructive Savior]]: This seems to be her specialty. Also literally - when Shiki first met her, she threatened to kick his head off.
* [[Fiery Redhead]]: [[Subverted Trope|It's dyed]] as revealed in Mahou Tsukai No Yoru
** Seems to have been retconned into a magical hair color change as a result of overusage of magic {{spoiler|similiar to Shirou in ''[[Fate/stay Stay Nightnight]]''.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Man Behind the Man]]: in ''[[Melty Blood]]'' ''REACT''.}}
* [[Marth Debuted in Smash Bros]]: Aoko was a main character in the unpublished [[Light Novel]] ''Mahoutsukai no Yoru: Witch on the Holy Night'', one of Nasu's earliest works of which ''only five copies were ever made''. She'll star in the novel's [[Visual Novel]] adaptation which is to be released in Winter 2010.
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* [[Dream Weaver]]
* [[Dull Eyes of Unhappiness]]: Has them, but she's not necessarily unhappy. It seems that they're meant to symbolize her inability to outwardly portray her emotions. In contrast, White Len, who was created from the unused parts of Len's personality, has normal, albeit demonic, eyes.
* [[Everything's Better Withwith Spinning]]: For some of her attacks.
* [[Familiar]]: Works for Arcueid at first, but is technically not a familiar because it's impossible to make a connection as they are too similar. {{spoiler|Becomes Shiki's at the end of Kagetsu Tohya via a contract made either with sex or by feeding her his blood.}}
* [[Foot Focus]]: During one of her [[Hentai|h-scenes]].
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* [[Minor Injury Overreaction]]: During his fight with Kiri, he is silent and mostly unresponsive as the assassin continually attacks him, his weapons bouncing off with no effect. However, when Kiri's final strike to his neck manages to -actually- hurt him (and would have killed him if it had gone deeper), he goes on a batshit rampage and kills a good majority of the Nanaya clan by himself.
* [[Names to Run Away From Really Fast]]: Kouma has been dubbed as ''Crimson Red Vermillion'' and ''Red Fierce God''.
* [[Playing Withwith Fire]]
* [[Power Dyes Your Hair]]: Extreme usage of his powers makes his hair go crimson red, the same as Akiha.
* [[Prophet Eyes]]: in Melty Blood, during his Arc Drives.
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* [[The Hyena]]
* [[Shipper Onon Deck]]: Seems to approve of Shiki and his daughter.
* [[Unfazed Everyman]]: He's [[Muggles|mundane]], but has spent his life surrounded by demon-hybrids and demon hunters.
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* [[Hyper Awareness]]: Sion can "overclock her brain" through her techniques; and predict probable future outcomes using math and magic.
* [[Magi Babble]]
* [[Magic Aa Is Magic A]]
* [[Meaningful Name]]: In Japanese, her name is pronounced shion. That's the name of a flower associated with memories. Sion can read and manipulate memories using her Etherlite.
* [[Odd Friendship]]: With Satsuki and Len - the "Back Alley Alliance!" Also with Akiha, once she reveals that she has a method to control Shiki.
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* [[Whip It Good]]: Her Etherlite in ''[[Melty Blood]]'''s gameplay.
* [[You Gotta Have Blue Hair|You Gotta Have Light Purple Hair]]
* [[Zettai Ryouiki]]: Yes! Really! It rivals [[Fate/stay Stay Nightnight|Rin]].
=== Miyako Arima ===
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* [[The Unexpected]]: Shiki mentions maybe once in Tsukihime that the Arima family had a little girl, but gave zero details. Then Miyako appears as a full-fledged character with [[I Know Karate|insane fighting abilities]].
=== The Night of Wallachia (Tatari/[[Spell My Name Withwith an "S"|TATARI]]) / {{spoiler|Zepia Eltnam Oberon}} ===
==== Voiced by: [[Yasunori Masutani]] (JP) ====
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* {{spoiler|[[Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?]]:}} {{spoiler|It still took [[Summon Bigger Fish]].}}
* [[Dracula]]: The game does in fact point out that Vlad Tepes was a mortal; but one of the first massacres that the Tatari did in the past was a town in the Romanian province of Wallachia that feared the legend of the Son of the Dragon.
** Amusingly the real Vlad Tepes appears as a Servant in ''[[Fate/stay Stay Nightnight|Fate/EXTRA]]''; one wonders what would happen if the two encountered each other.
* [[Enemy Without]]: He does not have a true form, he simply takes form according to the dominant fears and rumors in his "hunting grounds".
** The fact that he does this is the reason for {{spoiler|Red (Bousou/Berserk) Arcueid, stabby-mode Nanaya Shiki, Mecha Hisui, Magical Amber Kohaku, and possibly also Vermillion (Kurenai Seki Shuu) Akiha}} existing.
* [[Evil Laugh]]: Both evil and maniacal.
** Don't forget the demented giggling.
* [[Everything's Better Withwith Spinning]]: AND HOW! "Mawase mawase mawase mawase mawasemawasemawase''mawasemawasemawase'' '''MAWASE'''[[User:Dai-Guard|Dai-Guard]] ([[User talk:Dai-Guard|talk]])!"
* [[Eyes Always Shut]]: Because he drinks so much blood it [[Tears of Blood|leaks from his blood filled eyes]] when he opens them.
* [[Hey, It's That Voice!]]: Played by [[Yasunori Masutani]], who also plays Raphael in the [[Soul Series]].
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* [[Dark Magical Girl|White Magical Girl]]
* [[Dream Weaver]]: Just like Len, this is her specialty.
* [[Everything's Better Withwith Spinning]]: For some of her attacks.
* [[Cute Kitten]]
* [[Expy]]: In-story; she's based on the unused parts of Len's personality.
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* [[Horny Devils]]: Not exactly the horny type. But, since she's literally a more outspoken version of Len. Yeah...
* [[Jerkass]]: For most of the time.
* [[Kill It Withwith Ice]]
* [[Little Miss Badass]]
* [[Oh Crap]]: When she realizes that the [[Enemy Without|Tatari-esque]] [[Super-Powered Evil Side]] characters ''aren't'' under her control.
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* [[Breaking the Fourth Wall]]: Her Last Arc summons ''Nasu himself'' and crushes her opponent with his giant mushroom avatar.
** This is pretty much the entire reason she exists - as mentioned below, she started as Ciel's foil in the "[[Have a Nice Death|Teach Me Ciel-Sensei]]" scenes, which directly addressed the player and had characters commenting on events happening in the game.
* [[Guest Fighter]]: In [[Fate/stay Stay Nightnight|Fate/tiger colosseum]].
* [[Joke Character]]
** [[Lethal Joke Character]]: Seriously, you will '''hate''' fighting her.
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* [[Chainsaw Good]]
* [[Insistent Terminology]]: Kohaku is addressed by Mecha-Hisui as either 'Doctor' or 'Doctor Kohaku'. (And 'Nee-san'.)
* [[Magic -Powered Pseudoscience]]: ''What'' exactly Mecha-Hisui isn't quite known; but she was created "under the Tatari's Influence." It is highly unlikely that Kohaku; no matter how twistedly smart she is; knows traditional electronics, programming, and robotics to the degree necessary.
** In the pre-battle dialogue with Aoko; Aoko refers to Mecha-Hisui as a magic doll.
* [[Mid Boss]]
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A Church Executor, she was a close friend of Sion before dying at the hands of the Night of Wallachia in the incident that infected Sion with vampirism. {{spoiler|However, Wallachia absorbed her information, that is her memories and personality. Sion was able to steal this from Wallachia and save the information in 2 of the partitions of her brain; and then destroy him using a bullet she created from both her's and Riesbyfe's [[Empathic Weapon]] (which had Riesbyfe's soul). Later in the alternate future, Dust of Osiris used her timeline's version of that same information to recreate or copy her as a "Defense System Physical Spirit". In Sion's good ending, Sion is able to use her own mana to maintain Riesbyfe's current existence after Dust's defeat (much like a [[Fate/stay Stay Nightnight|Servant]]). She appears to be effectively a part of the "Back Alley Alliance"}}
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* [[Church Militant]]
* {{spoiler|[[Downer Ending]]: Her story ends in one. Having taken place during the Sion TATARI continuity, Riesbyfe is forced to take her down. In the end, Riesbyfe defeats Dust of Osiris, the person who resurrected her. Osiris tells her how she instigated the new TATARI in order to save her. After a heartfelt talk between the two of them, the two die together as TATARI collapses.}}
* [[Expy]]: Not particularly her character, {{spoiler|but her existence is very similar to the Servants of ''[[Fate/stay Stay Nightnight]]''. She's a Defense System Physical Spirit created from the previous Tatari's perfect information of her after Oberon ate her.}}
** In the manga, she even boasts that she is Sion's Shield; a similar oath to the one that Saber made.
* [[Fan Nickname]]: Roast Beef Stroganoff/Strudelburger/Stringburger.
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* {{spoiler|[[Phlebotinum Rebel]]: She was animated to protect Dust of Osiris.)}}
* [[Posthumous Character]]: She was member of the Church and mentioned as a companion of Sion's in the group that was sent to try to stop Tatari, and died trying to buy her time to escape. Sion was extremely close to her, and kept a memento of her at all times. {{spoiler|Then she appears in ''Actress Again'', reanimated by the Dust of Osiris.}}
* [[Shout-Out]]: In sixth chapter of ''[[Kara noKarano Kyoukai (Literature)|Kara no Kyoukai]]'', the headmaster of Reien Girl's Academy is stated to be "Mother Riesbyfe" and mentioned to have a large string instrument case in her office.
* {{spoiler|[[Staking the Loved One]]: Playing as her in ''Actress Again'' takes place in the Sion Tatari continuity, and she has to put down both V. Sion and The Dust Of Osiris; also Sion.}}
** {{spoiler|[[Together in Death]]: "I hope to be able to see you again, friend, after the darkness."}}
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=== The Dust of Osiris ===
The [[Big Bad]] and [[Final Boss]] of ''Actress Again''. {{spoiler|The TATARI of a possible future, created from Sion's blood that was sucked by Wallachia. [[For Want of a Nail|It is effectively Sion as she would have been had she never been bitten by Wallachia or met Shiki]], a [[Well-Intentioned Extremist]]. When Arcueid pulled the Crimson Moon from a thousand years in the future to defeat Wallachia, the Dust of Osiris was able to follow it. Having felt that humanity was unsavable, she hoped to utilize the Philsopher's Stone, as well as a distorted space caused by the Crimson Moon's [[Time Travel]] to [[Kill All Humans]] and [[Fling a Light Into Thethe Future|leave behind a record of their existence]], at least giving the lives of humanity significance. In all endings where she is fought she is defeated and vanishes; except V. Sion's where V. Sion absorbs her power.}}
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* [[Big Bad]]: in ''Melty Blood: Actress Again''
* [[Enemy Without]]
* {{spoiler|[[Fling a Light Into Thethe Future]]:}} {{spoiler|[[Kill All Humans|After killing everyone first.]]}}
* [[For Want of a Nail]]: See [[Future Badass]] below.
* [[Future Badass]]: {{spoiler|She's an future version of Sion. Sort of. When Night of Wallachia drank Sion's blood; it hadn't fully "converted" it yet because it only existed for a few hours of a few days at a time every 30 years, plus he had stopped being a physical vampire. When Oberon's personality was destroyed, the non-vampiric blood took over the Tatari's magic. [[For Want of a Nail|It essentially acts as Sion would have acted had she not been attacked by Wallachia, not met Shiki, and stayed with Atlas.]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[Kill All Humans]]:}} {{spoiler|Since she finds humanity will destroy itself anyway, the Dust of Osiris decides the [[Murder Is the Best Solution|best solution]] is to speed it up and [[Fling a Light Into Thethe Future|leave behind an eternal record of their existence and history]]}}.
* [[Humongous Mecha]]: well, it sure does seem she's riding one...
* {{spoiler|[[Murder Is the Best Solution]]:}} {{spoiler|More like since humanity is going to die anyway, might as well make something constructive from it}}.
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{{quote| ''"I see... you're definitely some kind of imitation."'' [said to Shiki Tohno]}}
Shiki Ryougi from ''[[Kara noKarano Kyoukai (Literature)|Kara no Kyoukai]]'' makes a [[Guest Fighter|special]] [[Crossover|appearance]] in Melty Blood: Actress Again. For a proper writeup, please consult the ''[[Kara noKarano Kyoukai (Literature)|Kara no Kyoukai]]'' [[Karano Kyoukai (Light Novel)/Characters|characters page]]. Shiki is explicitly stated in Melty Blood to have come from [[Alternate Universe|another universe]] (thus confirming that ''[[Kara noKarano Kyoukai (Literature)|Kara no Kyoukai]]'' and ''[[Tsukihime]]/MeltyBlood'' are in different universes, if it isn't simply the [[Shrug of God]] used for most [[Guest Fighter|Guest Fighters]] and crossovers to avoid canonically linking stories). {{spoiler|She was apparently brought there by Archetype: Earth, and her story mode ends with the two of them starting to fight.}}
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The original form of Arcueid, and the template for the vampires for planet Earth (thus an archetype, rather than Type like Brunestud and ORT below). However, in ''Current Code'', she doesn't actually exist as a separate character despite being playable, merely as Arcueid's personality.
* {{spoiler|[[Battle in Thethe Center of Thethe Mind]]: Climax of her and Arcueid's plot in Current Code is this; with the winner coexisting with humanity or destroying it.}}
* [[Blow You Away]]
* [[Empathic Weapon]]: claims to be, but has soft spot for [[Official Couple|Shiki]] and [[Foe Yay|Ciel]]
* [[Everything's Better Withwith Princesses]]
* [[Everything's Better Withwith Spinning]]: In ''Current Code''.
* [[Dying Asas Yourself|KOed As Yourself]]: If she loses a [[PvP]] match, she'll revert into Arcueid.
* Kuudere: see Empathic Weapon entry above
* [[Light'Em Up]]
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** [[Humanoid Abomination]]: Possibly.
** [[Fighting a Shadow]]: In a sense; the Ultimate Ones still exist in some fashion even if their physical bodies are destroyed.
* [[Friendly Enemy]] / [[Go-Karting Withwith Bowser]]: Has a conversation with Shiki in the guise of Arcuied in a dream in one of Kagetsu Tohya's side stories. Although it does shred Shiki into eighteen pieces after the first conversation, the next chat was far more cordial.
* [[Evil Eye]]: It has Rainbow Mystic Eyes that allow it to "crush reality".
* [[Our Vampires Are Different]]
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* [[Ax Crazy|Ax Crazy?]]: Maybe, maybe not. All we know is Crimson Moon Brunestud calls her unstable. This may really be referring to her being a [[Half-Human Hybrid]].
* [[Badass Princess]]
* [[Everything's Better Withwith Princesses]]
* [[The Ghost]]
* [[Half-Human Hybrid]]: Half True Ancestor, half Dead Apostle. [[Epileptic Trees|Fans speculate as to how]].
* [[Kid Withwith the Leash]]: Primate Murder is the ''Beast of Gaia'', [[Gaia's Vengeance|the manifestation of the planet's will to survive]] (just as the [[Fate/stay Stay Nightnight|Counter Guardians]] -- collectively called the ''Beast of Alaya'' -- are manifestations of the survival instinct of ''humanity''). It takes a minimum of ''seven'' of these Counter Guardians to restrain Primate Murder. Of course, Altrouge isn't a kid.
* [[Names to Run Away From Really Fast]]: In-universe, she bears the title of Brunestud, so she's already marked as a potential vessel for the Crimson Moon. Out of universe, her 'pet' is named ''Primate Murder''.
* [[Oracular Urchin]]: She is said to have prophetic visions dictating the time of death for Dead Apostles. Since she normally [[Really Seven Hundred Years Old|looks fourteen...]]
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* [[Heel Face Turn]]: Enhance is said to have turned against a group of Dead Apostles planning to assassinate Arcueid.
* [[Klingon Promotion]]: If the one who kills a Dead Apostle meets the requirements (that is to say, drinks blood as a matter of course), they will instantly earn the Dead Apostle's ranking. Incidentally, this is how ORT got on the list, by virtue of obliterating a Dead Apostle foolish enough to disturb its slumber.
* [[Meaningful Name]] / [[Hoist Byby His Own Petard]]: Caubac ''Alcatraz'' has been trapped inside a labyrinth of his own devising for the past century, And he hasn't been able to free himself nor has anyone helped him it's not even known if he still is alive after all that time.
* [[Ravens and Crows]]: Gransurg Blackmore
* [[Red Baron]] / [[Names to Run Away From Really Fast]]: [[Beyond the Impossible|They pretty much all have at least one of each]].
* [[Sealed Evil in Aa Can]]: The Dark Six, aka. the first Dead Apostle. It's currently regenerating and summoning it is the focus of the Aylesbury Ritual.
* [[Sword and Gun]]: Enhance's fighting style.
* [[The Beast Master]]: Merem Solomon's preferred mode of combat. His beasts actually comprise his four limbs.
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Wizard Marshall and the master of the Second Sorcery, which is also named after him (alternate name ''Kaleidoscope''), and deals with alternate universes. He vanquished the Crimson Moon, though the latter managed to suck his blood, turning him into a vampire.
Though listed as one of the Twenty-Seven Dead Apostle Ancestors he still is friendly to humanity at large, and has contacts with various characters across the [[Nasuverse|multiverse]]: [[Tsukihime|Aoko Aozaki, Arcueid Brunestud (to whom he acted as godfather)]] {{spoiler|and the [[Fate/stay Stay Nightnight|Tohsaka family, Rin in particular.]] In fact, more than [[Fate/kaleid Kaleid Linerliner Prisma Illya|one Rin]]}}.
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* [[Badass]]
** [[Badass Grandpa]]: Old enough that even as a vampire, he's starting to feel his age. And ''still'' one of the most powerful beings on the planet.
* [[Big Damn Heroes]]: {{spoiler|in the True End of ''[[Fate/stay Stay Nightnight|Heaven's Feel]]'' he pops in from an alternate universe (just as Rin was about to lose everything in a Mage Association's kangaroo court) to announce that he was taking apprentices. Rin's case was forgotten in the ensuing excitement; Zelretch praises her and takes her under his wing.}}
* [[Colony Drop]]: One of the few things we know he's done is taking Crimson Moon Brunestud, dragging it into an alternate reality with an empty Earth and ''dropping the moon on it.'' Dropping the moon on someone is badass enough, but he dropped it on ''TYPE-Moon'' itself. Which definitely makes him a
* [[Cool Old Guy]]
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* [[Friendly Neighborhood Vampire]]: Well, he's still a jerk, but he's a ''good'' jerk.
* [[For the Lulz]]: Giving your apprentice a magic wand which provides a lot of mana (among other things)? ''Tres cool.'' {{spoiler|Not telling her that said wand has a mind of its own and likes to force its wielder into embarrassing costumes? [[Hilarity Ensues]].}}
* [[Spell My Name Withwith an "S"]]: His first name is sometimes romanized as 'Kischur.'
* [[Training From Hell]]: Students (hand-picked and initially ''very'' eager, mind you) are more often than not left a gibbering mess and unable or unwilling to continue their careers.