Fridge Brilliance

  • The first time we see adult Elijah, he's talking about a comic book artist drawing villains with disproportionately-large heads. The way the scene is shot, we only see his reflection in the picture he's describing. Elijah's hair makes his head look oversized.
    • In the same scene, he also says superheroes often have a slack jaw. In this film, the hero is played by Bruce Willis, and near the the end of the film, this is what he becomes.
  • During the conversation where Elijah asks David about his ability to detect evil-doers by sheer intuition, only in retrospect do we realize David has seated Elijah in the yellow section, which is one of the colours that shows up around evil-doers.
    • David's Kryptonite Factor is drowning because the increased density of his bones makes him less buoyant than other people, and thus he tends to sink and drown easier.
    • The fact that "Mr. Glass" is exactly the sort of name a comic book supervillain would have may not be apparent to some viewers, even after the Twist Ending.

Fridge Logic

  • There have been numerous accidents in history with only one survivor, this doesn't prove the survivor is a superhero, as the villain in the story would like to believe.
    • Mr. Glass knew this. Being completely uninjured by a train wreck, displaying mild psychic aptitude towards human iniquity and the ability to perform feats of superhuman physicality are probably what set him apart from the rest.