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* "Uncanny Valley" is the name of a trait in ''[[Eclipse Phase]]'' that can be taken in exchange for [[Point Build System|Customization Points]]. It means that your character's body (or "morph," in the game's lingo) is designed to look human (and not like a spider robot or an evolved monkey or something) and doesn't quite make the grade. It has the effect of giving a -10 penalty on all social interactions with humans.
* ''[[Magic: The Gathering]]'''s Phyrexian race goes toward this, being [[Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot|undead cyborgs]], but especially jarring is [http://magiccards.info/nph/en/18.html Phyrexian Unlife], which shows someone finding out that [[Assimilation Plot|she(?)'s become a Phyrexian]].
** It''[[Warhammer 40,000]]'': The Eldar. They are ''creepy'', the lore insists. That said, it also depends on the artist in question, be it official or fan-made. Sometimes they look [http://i440.photobucket.com/albums/qq121/Tialys_bucket/1294545430058.jpg suitably] [http://i440.photobucket.com/albums/qq121/Tialys_bucket/1276797707676.jpg creepy], or [[Our Elves Are Better|stereotypically]] [http://i440.photobucket.com/albums/qq121/Tialys_bucket/1321016808917.jpg elf]-[http://i440.photobucket.com/albums/qq121/Tialys_bucket/1289959920169.jpg beautiful].
* [[Warhammer 40,000|The Eldar.]] They are ''creepy.''
* ''[[Mortasheen]]'' has the [http://www.bogleech.com/mortasheen/lester.htm Lester,] a monster designed to look like humans and infiltrate their societies. But, because of "some imperceptibly trivial flaw in the monstersmonster's camouflage," humans immediately recognize it as a fake.
** It depends on the artist in question, be it official or fan-made. Sometimes they look [http://i440.photobucket.com/albums/qq121/Tialys_bucket/1294545430058.jpg suitably] [http://i440.photobucket.com/albums/qq121/Tialys_bucket/1276797707676.jpg creepy], or [[Our Elves Are Better|stereotypically]] [http://i440.photobucket.com/albums/qq121/Tialys_bucket/1321016808917.jpg elf]-[http://i440.photobucket.com/albums/qq121/Tialys_bucket/1289959920169.jpg beautiful].
* ''[[Cyberpunk (role-playing game)|Cyberpunk]]'' inverts this with the Maelstrom. This [[Gang of Hats|Gang's Hat]] is taking cybernetic augmentation to levels that are extreme even by the setting's standards, with a common one being replacing the upper face with a mount for more than two optics. Yet because they don't go all the way to full-body replacements that are [[Brain In a Jar]] within a fully robotic-looking chassis, but instead retain enough of the original flesh that observers can tell there [[Was Once a Man]], they end up looking more disturbing than either the less augmented or the fully-replaced.
* ''[[Mortasheen]]'' has the [http://www.bogleech.com/mortasheen/lester.htm Lester,] a monster designed to look like humans and infiltrate their societies. But, because of "some imperceptibly trivial flaw in the monsters camouflage," humans immediately recognize it as a fake.