Under Siege: Difference between revisions

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*** Still flawed in the "only a yeoman or a cook" logic, though. One, there's a lot of potential jobs that require only the lowest level of security clearance. Menial jobs, mostly, but they're still jobs. But the thing is, Yeoman is ''not'' one of those jobs. As the rate concerned with administration and paperwork, a YN pretty much needs a Secret clearance at minimum because there is a lot of information you can pick up just by reading all the routine paperwork, which is an essential part of their job.
** After someone punches a senior officer in front of multiple witnesses, it would not take an order from the captain to put that someone in the brig. The captain should admittedly still be ''notified'' of such an occurrence, which Krill would still be anxious to avoid.
** An order to lock someone in a freezer should be questionable. An order to lock someone up after its been specifically pointed out that the officer in question allegedly does not have the authority to lock someone up is even more questionable. Just barely justifiable in that a private fresh out of boot camptraining will understandably fear to contradict a full commander to their face (although he should still have contacted his own chain of command after Krill left to ''tell'' them about this and ask for a second opinion, as it involves possible officer misconduct), and that the individual Marine in question was picked specifically because he was the stupidest guy Krill could find.
* [[Berserk Button]]: It's not really a good idea to spit in Ryback's soup. He takes it kind of personally.
* [[BFG]]: The 16" guns of the Missouri. Which Ryback uses to sink the sub.
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* [[Villainous Breakdown]]: Strannix goes completely insane after Krill is killed, firing ''cruise missiles'' randomly. Shell shock from the deck gun blasts probably contributes, but still. Dane in 2 also has a bit of a breakdown when the [[Kill Sat]] CD is stolen, but goes back to normal when he gets it back. Of course, he has another one once Ryback starts messing his plans up big time.
** Not ''that'' randomly in Under Siege 1 -- given where the ship is, Honolulu is the only large city within Tomahawk range at the time.
* [[What Anan Idiot]]: The Marine keeping Ryback locked in the meat locker. What kind of Marine can't recognize ''gunfire''? No, never having been in combat before still doesn't explain this; to get onboard a battleship's security detail he's already had to go through Basic, Advanced Infantry Training, and then Force Security training, which means he'll have heard weapons fired only about fifteen thousand times in training by now, at various distances ranging from 'directly next to his face' on up to 'all the way over on the other side of the urban assault course'.