Understanding Boyfriend: Difference between revisions

"fanfic"->"fan works", best guess at missing words in new example, copyedits
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("fanfic"->"fan works", best guess at missing words in new example, copyedits)
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{{quote|''"Geeze, where do you freaks find these understanding guys, and where do I get one?!"'' |'''Shelly''', ''[[Wapsi Square]]'' }}
So you are a freak of nature, a witch, a [[Superhero]], or a [[Chosen One]]. You are loaded with supernatural powers, and between going to work or [[Wake Up, Go to School, Save Thethe World|school]] you have some world saving duties to attend to that need to be kept secret. And on top of that, you also need to balance it out with a love life!
But you can't tell your boyfriend about it! He'd freak out and leave you, or worse. But then, you can't keep it a secret forever, either. At some point, one of your supernatural incidents will inevitably happen exactly when you were having a romantic dinner. Or maybe your relationship has simply reached the next level, and you feel that you need to be completely honest with him.
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Compare [[But Your Wings Are Beautiful]], when a disguise forms part of the powers. Compare to [[Violently Protective Girlfriend]] for the [[Action Girl]] [[Inverted Trope|variant.]] Compare and contrast [[Nonhuman Lover Reveal]], for the guy/girl who is on the other end of this trope. See also [[The Masquerade Will Kill Your Dating Life]], which is an aversion of this trope.
== [[Anime]] and [[Manga]] ==
* The central premise of ''[[Nogizaka Haruka no Himitsu|The Secrets of Haruka Nogizaka]]''. The titular girl is an otaku.
* Ditto with ''[[Ore no Imouto ga Konna Nini Kawaii Wake ga Nai (Light Novel)!|My Little Sister Can't Be This Cute]]''. Except that the guy is not a boyfriend, but the big brother... [[Brother-Sister Incest|yeah]].
* Austria from ''[[Axis Powers Hetalia (Manga)|Axis Powers Hetalia]]'', in regards to his [[Victorious Childhood Friend]] Hungary. While he's concerned for her well-being, in the end he knows that if she wants to fight, he better lets her... since she will go [[One-Man Army|One Woman Army]] and destroy the enemy. Considering their childhood, [[Love At First Punch|he knows it beforehand]]!
* [[Shaman King|Keiko Asakura]] had been dumped by ''every'' single boyfriend she had when they learnt she was able to see spirits. Until the last [[Jerkass]] left her and a penniless musician with similar abilities comforted her. That guy was Mikihisa, and she would marry him.
* Horribly deconstructed with {{spoiler|Shiso and Ceres}} in ''[[Ayashi no Ceres]]''. {{spoiler|Shiso started like this, but being left helpless when he and Ceres got attacked [[I Just Want to Be Special|made him very frustrated]], so he asked Ceres to give him a part of her powers [[I Will Protect Her|so he wouldn't be a burden on her.]] But then, [[With Great Power Comes Great Insanity|said powers turned out to be too much to handle]], and [[It Got Worse]]...}}
* Shuuji in ''[[Saikano]]''. His girlfriend is a WMD? That's ok, things will work out. {{spoiler|Actually, they don't.}}
* Kenta Usui from ''[[Karin]]'', except for the boyfriend part. {{spoiler|Until the end, that is.}} Comes with him doubling as Karin's crush ''and'' the Marker's [[Secret Keeper]].
* In ''[[Awkward Silence (Manga)|Awkward Silence]]'' Toono Satoru's boyfriend is the only one who can read his seemingly blank and expressionless face (other than an old childhood friend of his who doesn't show up until later volumes) and understand his emotions.
== [[Comic Books]] ==
* Kong is this to Kitty Pryde in ''[[Ultimate Spider-Man]]'', even going so far as to yell "You're welcome!" at [[All of the Other Reindeer]] for not thanking her when she saves their lives.
* Back in the Golden Age, Steve Trevor was this for [[Wonder Woman]] (a remarkably progressive move for the times), and not at all threatened by the idea of getting rescued by or mooning over a woman who was twenty times stronger than him. The Silver and Bronze Age characterizations of him were...[[Too Dumb to Live|unfortunately]] [[Jerkass|less so]], which probably led to him being deleted from continuity [[Post-Crisis]].
* In an old What If comic, Jimmy Olsen married ''[[Supergirl]]'' because of amnesia. Once she recovers and lets him know, he's totally fine with being married to [[Superman]]'s cousin.
== [[FanficFan Works]] ==
* [[Gender Flip|Gender Flipped]]ped in ''[[Ultimate Sleepwalker (Fanfic)|Ultimate Sleepwalker: The New Dreams]]'' when Alyssa Conover unwittingly learns that her boyfriend Rick Sheridan harbors a crimefighting alien warrior in his mind. At first she has a hard time dealing with it, but she actively continues supporting Rick and makes a point of ''trying'' to come to terms with Sleepwalker's presence in their lives. Once she understands what Rick and Sleepwalker have been going through, she fully accepts Sleepwalker and even starts becoming [[The Heart]] for him the way she is for Rick.
== [[Film]] ==
* In ''[[Innocent Blood]]'', [[Friendly Neighborhood Vampire]] Marie has her understanding [[Cop Boyfriend]] Joe.
* In ''[[Hancock]],'' Ray is pretty understanding when he finds out Mary is not only the same kind of [[Flying Brick]] that Hancock is, but was also his wife.
* In ''[[Turning Red]]'', Meiling's father, Jin Lee, turned out to be this in the backstory. He was very accepting of his then-girlfriend's ability of turning into a giant red panda, to the point of understating how big the panda form of Ming was back in the day.
== [[Literature]] ==
* Elend in Brandon Sanderson's ''[[Mistborn]]''. At least {{spoiler|until he gets superpowers himself.}}
* Seth in ''[[Wicked Lovely]]''. When Aislinn tells him that she can see faeries, he has exactly one moment of "Is this a joke?" before accepting it and trying to help her with her faery situation.
* In ''[[Discworld (Literature)|Discworld]]'', Carrot is completely understanding about his werewolf girlfriend Angua, even the part about her not being human for one week out of four. She's actually upset that he's ''not'' upset about this at one point.
{{quote| ''That was almost...almost one of the ''annoying'' things about him. She suspected he wouldn't mind if she shaved her head, or grew a beard. It wasn't that he wouldn't notice, he just wouldn't mind, and for some reason that was very aggravating.''}}
* In ''[[Bras and Broomsticks|Parties and Potions]]'' by Sarah Mlynowski, Rachel is a witch and has to tell her human boyfriend Raf. It mainly escalates when she starts doing training for her witch "debutante ball" and ends up being gone whenever he wants to hangout with her. He is okay with it when he finds out, though.
== [[Live -Action TV]] ==
* The ''[[Ghost Whisperer]]'' features Jim the Understanding Husband.
* Both [[Subverted Trope|subverted]] and played straight in ''[[Bewitched (TV)|Bewitched]]''. The original Darrin (Dick York) was less than understanding, to the point of being downright hostile to Samantha when she used her magic. [[The Other Darrin]] (Dick Sargeant), on the other hand, tried his hardest to be understanding, the point that it was more the fault of Endora and the rest of Samantha's family that [[The Other Darrin]] didn't get along with witches.
* Played with in the ''[[Sabrina the Teenage Witch (TV series)|Sabrina the Teenage Witch]]'' TV series. Harvey ''does'' leave Sabrina when he finds out she's a witch, not out of intolerance but because she'd been using magic to mess with his life for years. He eventually does come back to her, though, and says he never had a problem with her being a witch per se.
* Zack was the "gay best friend" equivalent of this in ''[[Heroes (TV series)|Heroes]]'', at least until [[Executive Meddling]] got in the way.
* Unless she's dating one of the undead, Buffy never got this on ''[[Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV)|Buffy the Vampire Slayer]]''. (Even Riley, who was himself a demon fighting super-soldier, had an inferiority complex due to dating a genuine superhero.) It's Willow who hit the boyfriend jackpot with Oz; upon being told the truth about the supernatural world she runs in, he replies, "Actually, it explains a lot," and just goes with the flow from there. Of course, Oz discovers he is a werewolf shortly after they begin dating, so he's more or less stuck in the supernatural world regardless, and Willow ends up having to play Understanding Girlfriend just as often.
* Tyler Ford in ''[[The Middleman]]'''s unaired season finale (released as a comic)...{{spoiler|at least, until MM pushes the [[Reset Button]]}}.
* Allison's husband Joe on ''[[Medium]]'' believes in her powers and is understanding and accepting of them.
* In ''[[Merlin (TV series)|Merlin]]'', 2x09. Merlin discovers {{spoiler|Freya turns into a bastet at night, but he isn´t afraid and still takes care of her. He even pets her cat´s head...}}
* In the TV version of1970s ''[[Wonder Woman (TV series)|Wonder Woman]]'', played by LyndaTV Carterseries, espespecially in the first season (set in WWII), Steve Trevor comes across as completely comfortable with the fact that Diana is more physically powerful than he is, and in fact manages to work with her and make himself actively useful while giving every impression of appreciating her for who and what she is...and doesn't come across as unbelievable or weak, either.
* In the TV version of ''[[The Tick (animation)|The Tick]]'', Captain Liberty and another female superhero discuss the difficulties of finding a boyfriend while picking up their dry-cleaning. Seriously subverted in this episode.
* ''[[Roswell]]'' had Isobel and Jesse; she tries to send him away after he discovers she's an alien, but in the novel 'season 4', they end up together anyway.
== [[Video Games]] ==
* In ''[[Final Fantasy XIII (Video Game)|Final Fantasy XIII]]'', Serah wanders into some ruins and is made a [[Blessed Withwith Suck|Pulse l'Cie]]. Public opinion of Pulse l'Cie being... rather low, she tries to break up with Snow so he won't be associated with her should she be found out. He refuses to accept this, demands an explanation, and upon being told the truth says he will do anything to help her and [[Crowning Moment of Heartwarming|proposes a few days later]].
* In ''[[Dragon Age II (Video Game)|Dragon Age II]]'' Hawke can be this if s/he's romancing Anders or Merrill. Particularly if the player character is on the friendship path.
* A major part of several romances in the ''[[Mass Effect (Video Game)|Mass Effect]]'' series, especially with the nonhumans, is Shepard being this about their various issues. Aside from the inherent problems of romancing, say, a drell or a quarian, the strongest is probably Jack, who only really warms up to Shepard when she realizes he cares ''despite'', not because of, her history and nature -- thatnature—that is to say, he truly loves her rather than pitying her. Of course, given the people Shepard is willing to let into the [[Ragtag Bunch of Misfits]] ("Asari? Krogan? ''TURIANS!?''") it's only to be expected.
== [[Web Comics]] ==
* [[Lampshade Hanging|Lampshaded]] in [http://wapsisquare.com/comic/understanding/ this] ''[[Wapsi Square]]'' comic. Also the page quote.
* [[Subverted]] (although this may be a retrospective way of seeing it) in ''[[Sluggy Freelance (Webcomic)|Sluggy Freelance]]''. Leo seems to be accepting of all the weird things Zoë tells about happening to her - but it turns out that was only because he thought she was lying. In the words of another jerk he hangs out with, "You've got to respect a girl who realizes romantic relationships are based on lies and goes to town with it!" As soon as Leo finds out it was all true, he feels betrayed, and they eventually break off.
== [[Western Animation]] ==
* Despite Candace's fanatical attempts to put a stop to [[Phineas and Ferb (Animation)|Phineas and Ferb]]'s projects, and her general tendency to [[Law of Disproportionate Response|blow minor problems out of proportion]], her crush Jeremy never, ever seems to lose his cool, and they eventually end up going steady.
* ''[[Danny Phantom (Animation)|Danny Phantom]]'' gets this with his friends, although his tendency to "ditch" them does get on their nerves. He's also lucky enough to have an understanding sister.
* ''[[Futurama]]'': Fry [[Freaky Is Cool|doesn't seem to have a problem]] with Leela's [[Cyclops|big ol' eye]]. In fact, when Leela [[I Just Want to Be Normal|gets a prosthetic second eye]] in "The Cyber House Rules", Fry is the [[Only Sane Man|only one who objects]], saying that he [[But Your Wings Are Beautiful|liked her better the way she was]]. Eventually she [[Status Quo Is God|renounces her decision]], admitting Fry was [[The Cuckoolander Was Right|right all along]].
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