Unfortunate Implications/Video Games: Difference between revisions

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** On the flipside, Americans are consistently protrayed in the series as either incompetent fools to cock everything up, unwitting patsies for the villains, or flat-out villains themselves. If you're the sort who looks for reasons to get offended, ''Modern Warfare'' will see your challenge no matter who you are.
** In Modern Warfare 3, a child is killed by an explosion in London. As [[Zero Punctuation|Yahtzee]] points out, other children probably died in the war, and the only one worth focusing on was the American tourist. Apparently, Americans can't identify with anyone but other Americans...
*** The framing device for the scene requires the characters to be videotaping themselves in downtown London, and tourists are much more likely to be doing that than natives. And if you want non-British tourists in Britain who still speak English, 'American' is first up on the list of possible choices.
* In ''[[Pokémon Black and White]]'', the villain team is Team Plasma. Their clothing is designed to evoke the armor of knights, and they even use a symbol used as a shorthand for Jesus's name as a symbol. And they allegedly want to "save" your [[Mons|Pokémon]]. Yep, the villain team are Christian radicals.
** They plan to "save" the Pokémon by creating separate worlds for them. Not just Christian radicals, but an [[Animal Wrongs Group]].