Tear Jerkers in United 93 include:

  • The stark, realistic film style and not using Big Name Actors made it feel almost like a documentary of military personnel hearing about the attacks. That was the first breakdown. Then there was the part with the passengers calling their families to say goodbye after deciding what they had to do, and making peace with their own deaths (not bothering with spoilers, because we all know what happened that day).
  • Once everyone started making the phone calls, it was tears straight through until the end of the movie. The worst part was the flight attendant who rang her husband and said "I swear to you, if I make it through this alive, I promise I'll quit tomorrow. I promise, I'll quit tomorrow". Especially sad because she said at the beginning that she wanted to get home to see her babies. Another thing was the interviews that came in the DVD, which had the actors meeting the families of the deceased. Seeing the reactions of the actors, in particular one guy who was trying so hard to keep it together, but just burst into tears while talking to the family.
  • The horrified reactions of all the air traffic controllers witnessing the second plane hit the World Trade Center. She made it through the phone calls without crying. But when the passengers fought back for control of the plane, especially in the last minute or two of the movie, she started crying. Hard.

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