United Nations Is a Super Power: Difference between revisions

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* Larry Niven's ''[[Known Space]]'' has the UN develop into a planetary government.
* ''Shah Guido G'', a short story by [[Isaac Asimov]], has the UN ultimately transform into a tyrannical, caste-based oppressive regime headed by a hereditary Sekjen ([[Don't Explain the Joke|Secretary General, in other words]]), only to fall when one of the high caste arranges for the flying capital city of Atlantis to crash after seeing just how corrupt the society has become. The reason for the name of the story is in-universe a nickname by the oppressed masses for the last Sekjen, and out-universe a [[Shaggy Dog Story|reference]] to the [[Word of God|Asimov-admitted]] point of the story being to set the stage for an [[Incredibly Lame Pun]].
* [[Poul Anderson]]'s ''The Psychotechnic League'' has the UN reforming into a superpower after a nuclear conflict in 1958. However, many nationalists oppose this, and the UN sends special agents (''"UNMen") to defuse threats. Unlike some other examples, the UN are the good guys.
* David Feintuch's ''[[Seafort Saga]]'' has the UN as the governing body of Earth and its colonies. Oddly enough, it's society is akin to Napoleonic-era Britain: Swearing in public can lead to legal trouble, The Church is an important factor of life, and there are legal duels.
* ''[[The Forever War]]''