Unskilled but Strong/Playing With: Difference between revisions

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* '''Straight''': Bob has [[Super Strength]], but his strategy is pretty much "punch until it stops moving".
* '''Exaggerated''': Bob has a vast array of superpowers, but zero skill.
* '''Downplayed''': Bob has a minimum of skill, but is surrounded by friends and foes who are obviously more technically competent.
* '''Justified''': Since Bob can rely on his superpowers, he doesn't need to fall back on skill.
* '''Justified''':
* '''Justified''':* Since Bob can rely on his superpowers, he doesn't need to fall back on skill.
** Bob is a [[Reluctant Warrior]] who [[I Just Want to Be Normal|Just Wants To Be Normal]]. He doesn't want to use his powers and so doesn't train.
** In an inversion of [[Semantic Superpower]], Bob's abilities are so narrowly defined and lacking in [[Required Secondary Powers]] that he ''can't'' exercise fine control over it.
* '''Inverted''': [[Weak but Skilled]]
* '''Subverted''': Bob is temporarily depowered. [[Brought Down to Badass|He reveals that he's quite skilled,]] [[I Am Not Left-Handed|but just keeps it to himself.]]