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{{quote|''"I was a fool. I had been deceived that I had been working for a greater good. I was in fact an unknowing tool of a greater evil."''|'''Shunjinko''''s biography, ''[[Mortal Kombat Deception]]''}}
|'''Shunjinko''''s biography, ''[[Mortal Kombat: Deception]]''}}
Not only does an Unwitting Pawn fail to stop the bad guy, but he actually furthers the villain's plan in the process. This is the kind of person that the [[Magnificent Bastard]] and [[Batman Gambit]] depend on. The [[Manipulative Bastard]] will take great delight in using them and then [[Hannibal Lecture|deconstructing]] their [[Horrible Judge of Character|naivete]] and [[Did You Actually Believe?|blind faith]] as they [[Evil Gloating|gloat]]. Not surprisingly, they also have a tendency to [[You Have Outlived Your Usefulness|die ironically after inadvertently helping the villain]].
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The [[Wide-Eyed Idealist]] often becomes this, but sometimes the [[Knight Templar]] and [[Well-Intentioned Extremist]] can fall into this too. When the main character does this, and then has to ''fix'' it, it's [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero]].
Sometimes the unwitting pawn is deserving of his fate. They may be a [[Corrupt Corporate Executive]], Evil BuisnessmanBusinessman, or someone else who has achieved great success through questionable means. Sometimes, he owes his success to someone he screwed over. They will often fall victim to blackmail or the reminder of what could happen "if the truth should get out...". Sometimes, the pawn is allowed to remain a figurehead to keep up appearances while his strings are pulled behind the scenes. This often happens to [[Corrupt Politician]]s as well who come to realize that they probably had a lot of help to realize their ambitions and get to the top.
Compare [[Out-Gambitted]], [[Unwitting Instigator of Doom]], [[My God, What Have I Done?]]. Contrast the [[Spanner in the Works]], who just as ignorantly harms these schemes.
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Tend to be played by [[The Chessmaster]], logically enough.
'''Many examples are intrinsic spoilers.'''
== [[Anime]] and [[Manga]] ==
== [[Anime and Manga]] ==
* In ''[[Fullmetal Alchemist (manga)|Fullmetal Alchemist]]'', {{spoiler|Kimblee masses the Drachman army to attack Amestris from the north, in order to cause enough bloodshed to complete Father's giant Transmutation Circle. All the Drachmans are defeated except for the General, who calls Kimblee out. Kimblee then coolly states that he didn't care which side lost as long as lots of people died. The general is then hit by one last shot from the Amestrians, to add death to insult and injury}}.
** Hohenheim's backstory reveals that {{spoiler|the Emperor of Xerxes also fit this bill. Father lured him into creating a nation-wide transmutation circle, claiming it would grant the Emperor immortality. Instead, Father used it to give immortality to himself and Hohenheim, at the price of the entire nation}}.
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* Lavinia Reberth of ''[[Soukou no Strain]]'' is a [[Fan Girl]] of epic proportions, who'd do anything to get some of Sara's attention. Dress up as a [[Playboy Bunny]]? Failed. Ambush her in the shower? Got the wrong girl. Steal her most precious possession? Dropped it in a garbage dump, which ended up with Sara's [[Luke, I Am Your Father|true identity]] revealed to the whole crew, the Libertad kicked out of port before it could complete repairs, and one of their teammates dead. [[It's All My Fault|Oops.]]
* In the anime of ''[[Chrono Crusade]]'', nearly everything that the main characters do seem to play right into Aion's hands. {{spoiler|In the end, even though [[Downer Ending|almost all of the main cast die]], they only seem to stop him temporarily.}}
* Poor Suzaku Kururugi from ''[[Code Geass]]''. Being an emotional, impulsive, and naivenaïve mix of [[Death Seeker]] and [[Wide-Eyed Idealist]] in a series full of [[Chessmaster]]s and [[Manipulative Bastard]]s is ''definitely'' his perdition. On the other hand, his supernaturally effective combat abilities and tendency to run head first into dangerous situations without telling anybody means he's [[Spanner in the Works|derailed almost as many schemes as he's aided.]]
** Same for the Order of the Black Knights, which was first manipulated by Lelouch before {{spoiler|becoming Schneizel's pawns}}. Lelouch actually ''is'' the hero who is trying to save the world. He has a lot of bad luck and some questionable methods, but the Black Knights generally benefited from his actions, manipulation aside. {{spoiler|Schneizel, not so much. He has decent luck, if not good, and his methods are not questionable - they're definitely not good for the human race as a whole.}}
* In ''[[Death Note]]'', ''nearly everybody'' falls victim to this trope at some point, [[Chessmaster]]s included. Misa is the only major character who does not, and that's likely because [[Mad Love|she's not really the type to act independently]].
** Oh, she was definitely a Unwitting Pawn at least once. Light once suckered the entire rest of the cast except for L himself, who {{spoiler|managed to set up a [[Thanatos Gambit]] to counter his death, which he managed to anticipate before it happened. The anime makes it very clear in the end that L was the true winner after all.}}
** [[Double Subverted]] by Rem, who {{spoiler|kills L for Light in order to save Misa from being arrested}}. She figures out ''exactly'' what Light is trying to get her to do, how he's getting her to do it, and what will happen if she doesn't {{spoiler|(she dies)}}... And she does it anyway.
* In ''[[One Piece]]'', Whitebeard was a target for this. The World Government wanted to kill him and his whole crew with a barricade killzone trap and execute Ace, {{spoiler|the son of the Pirate King}} once they are stuck as a warning to all Pirates and cement their power. However, Whitebeard, {{spoiler|while he still dies, manages to re-ignite the Golden Age of Pirates, and most of his crew and allies survive. Also, technically Ace was saved, but still dies anyways.}} However, in the end, he, and technically the WG, is still fooled by the true mastermind and main cause of the war, {{spoiler|Blackbeard}}. His plan was that he knew Whitebeard would risk anything to save a single of his crew, and the WG would do anything to take him down. {{spoiler|While everyone is focusing on Marine HQ, Blackbeard slips into Impel Down, recruits the strongest prisoners of Level Six, which contains some of the worst criminals in the history of the world, sails back, kills Whitebeard, steals Whitebeard's destructive powers for his own means, and then makes a clean escape.}} Even worse, the WG's pride makes it that they will not acknowledge his success, and cover it up, meaning he can plan even more things unharrased.
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* Treize Khushrenada is such a [[Magnificent Bastard]] he turns essentially the ENTIRE CAST of ''[[Gundam Wing]]'' into Unwitting Pawns.
* [[He's Dedicated to Roses|Hak-Yoon]] ends up being one to Mi-Mi, who manipulated him by pretending to like him, then had him and his gang rape her maid and film it in front of two of said maid's best friends, all because she was jealous that the maid had gotten the boy she was ''really'' in love with, and when said plan fell through, abandoned him to his fate and told him he was nothing more than a pawn for her revenge. [[The Dog Bites Back|He isn't too happy about this.]]
* Alice of ''[[Code Geass]]: [[Nightmare of Nunnally]]'', desperate to save Nunnally, accepts help from Anya and proceeds to Kamine Island. {{spoiler|It turns out that Anya was possessed by Empress Marianne, who needed Nunnally to complete her and Charles' [[Assimilation Plot]]. Thankfully, Alice telling Nunnally that she values her as an individual [[Spanner in the Works|derails]] the plan}}.
* Poor [[Puella Magi Madoka Magica|Homura]], so you wanted to save your friend from certain death using your Faust powered wish? {{spoiler|Well you did technically save her by making it so as long she is not saved, the timeline repeat itself. Unfortunately, you also helped Kyuubey create what is the ultimate power source based on people suffering since Madoka is not only a juicy power source but since with every cycle Homura becomes more cynical, her suffering only gives even more power with each interval. And she can do nothing to get out of the loop.}}
* So many in ''[[Monster (manga)|Monster]]'' as the series' [[Big Bad]], Johan being the [[Magnificent Bastard]] and [[Complete Monster]] that he is (yes he's both), plays everyone like a fiddle in order to get what he wants. At one point, he has a town of Unwitting Pawns as he moves them to the point where they all start massacring each other.
* Near the end of the first season of ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh! GX]]'', Sho assumes that {{spoiler|everybody in Duel Academy were the pawns of Kagemaru, the season's [[Big Bad]].}}
* ''[[Gundam Seed]]'': Everyone—but especially [[General Ripper|Patrick Zala]] and [[Villain with Good Publicity|Muruta Azrael]]—serve as Unwitting Pawns to series' [[Big Bad]] Rau Le Creuset. In ''[[Gundam Seed Destiny]]'', Shinn Asuka is the Unwitting Pawn of Chairman Durdandal.
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== FanfictionFan Works ==
* In the ''[[Mass Effect]]'' fanfic ''[[The Council Era]]'', Krogan Overlord Tikrog Kurvok unknowingly becomes a pawn in his advisor Halak Marr's plot to start the Krogan Rebellions and turn the krogan into a [[Master Race]].
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* {{spoiler|Tom Ludlow}} in ''Street Kings''
* Subverted in ''Collateral Damage'': The protagonist very nearly succeeds in helping the terrorists' [[Evil Plan]] come to fruition, but luckily becomes wise to his true situation just in time to foil it.
* Subverted in ''[[Blade]] II''. The [[Evil Overlord]]'s [[Affably Evil]] daughter mocks the eponymous protagonist for agreeing to a meeting with his enemies to easily, but quickly shuts her trap when itsit's revealed he was prepared to kill them all with a LOT of carry-on explosives at the first sign of treachery. Later in the movie, when [[The Mole]] reveals himself and gloats at the heroes' gullibility, Blade corrects him by stating that he knew of his duplicity from the beginning, a fact he illustrates in [[Your Head Asplode|explosive fashion]].
* Christopher Nolan's first film, ''[[Following]]'' has two levels of Unwitting Pawns. A house burglar and a blonde femme fatale sucker a floundering writer into {{spoiler|framing himself for the burglar's murder charge.}} Then we learn that {{spoiler|the burglar is actually working for a gangster who the blonde is blackmailing, and he was setting the writer up for ''her'' murder.}}
* In ''White Noise'', once John begins experimenting with EVP (a way of listening to/seeing spirits in the beyond) on his own, he starts receiving messages from his late wife, believing them ways to save people. {{spoiler|They're really trick visions sent by three very, very malicious spirits so that they can follow him and break into the realm of the living through the door he's opened up. And Anna's constant insistence that he 'Go now!'? Those were visions of when he arrived at the final location the messages showed him, where she was trying to warn him to get away and save himself.}} "Exactly as planned" indeed.
* In ''[[Wanted]]'', {{spoiler|the main character is played especially with the charms of the hot chick. Who is played herself, along with everyone in the order. At the end, some of her "colleagues" decide going into business for themselves isn't such a bad idea, but she has the... balls to set things right.}}
* Everything that Morpheus does in ''[[The Matrix]]'', since The One, The Prophecy, The Oracle are all further systems of control of the humans by the AI's.
* In ''[[Twice Upon a Time (1983 film)|Twice Upon a Time]]'', Synonimess Botch tricks our heroes Ralph and Mumford into bringing him the mainspring from the Cosmic Clock, giving him control over time and the chance to cover the land of Din in nightmare bombs as part of his plot to trap the Rushers in waking nightmares.
* In ''[[Total Recall]]'', Quade is his own unwitting pawn. He had his own memory wiped as part of his cover to infiltrate [[La Résistance]] and identify its leader.
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* In the words of {{spoiler|the fake}} Mad-Eye Moody in the fourth ''[[Harry Potter]]'' book,
{{quote|Decent people are so easy to manipulate.}}
** {{spoiler|Ginny Weasley}} in ''[[Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (novel)|Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets]]'', though she eventually became suspicious and {{spoiler|tried unsuccessfully to destroy the diary.}}
** Harry Potter himself in ''[[Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (novel)|Order of the Phoenix]]'', when Voldemort tricks him into {{spoiler|going to the Department of Mysteries}}. Especially notable given that he told Snape (who at this point he believed loyal to Dumbledore) that he'd {{spoiler|had a vision of Sirius in danger there}}, [[Idiot Ball|and still rushes in to do the Dark Lord's dirty work for him]].
** This hits Harry ''hard'' in books 4 and 5. Given how badly these stories ended for everyone, the best thing Harry could have done was ''nothing''.
** Ultimately, {{spoiler|almost every major character in the series is revealed to be one to some extent, pawns for Dumbledore and Voldemort, both of whose decades long game of wits to destroy the other is revealed to be what the whole series revolves around. Even Harry himself is a piece in the game. Snape on the other hand is a willing pawn for Dumbledore}}.
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* Although Ian Irvine has one in every single book, the conclusion to the ''Well of Echoes'' series deserves special mention for the sheer scale of it. The main character attempts to stop the [[Magnificent Bastard]] from using the most powerful magic in the world to take over said world by {{spoiler|destroying the power sources of all magic, thus preventing anybody from using it}}. Except it turns out that {{spoiler|the magic the [[Magnificent Bastard]] was using was the only one powered by something else}}, and what she had actually done was {{spoiler|destroyed any and every chance the heroes had of stopping him}}. Whoops.
* The ''[[Chronicles of Thomas Covenant]]'' by Stephen Donaldson. Lord Foul is a [[Chessmaster]] and [[Manipulative Bastard]] extraordinaire, and his plan to destroy the Land involves not just conquering everything, but continually engineering situations where the protagonists become Unwitting Pawns. Thomas Covenant is saddled with the role of Unwitting Pawn for the entire duration of the first and second trilogies, knowing that Lord Foul's plan hinges on the destructive and harmful actions he takes, but helpless to do otherwise because there are no good alternatives.
* Most of the Blood Angels in [[James Swallow]]'s [[Warhammer 4000040,000]] novels ''[[Blood Angels|Deus Encarmine'' and ''Deus Sanguinius]]''. Sachiel in particular; {{spoiler|Inquisitor Stele}} thinks how easy he is to manipulate, and when he realizes at last the corruption, {{spoiler|Stele}} kills him, declares the loyal Blood Angels did it, and starts a battle.
* In [[Tad Williams]]' ''[[Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn]]'' series, this role is amply filled by King Elias. From the start, [[Evil Sorcerer]] Pryrates tricks and manipulates him via promises: first, to {{spoiler|communicate with his dead wife}}, and later, to {{spoiler|grant him [[Immortality]]}}, all while turning him into {{spoiler|a [[Demonic Possession|vessel]] for the [[Sealed Evil in a Can|return]] of the [[Big Bad]] Storm King}}.
** Ironically enough, {{spoiler|Pryrates is an even bigger Sucker. The Storm King manipulated him with the promise that Pryrates would be the "first among men" when The Storm King returned. And he was the first...to die.}}
** The entire cast of protagonists are suckers, by the classic definition, as the most basic element of the Storm King's [[Xanatos Gambit]] is to trick them into {{spoiler|[[MacGuffin Delivery Service|bringing him the Three Swords]]}}. It works perfectly.
* [[Discworld|Vimes]]. Oh, dear, poor Vimes. ''[[Discworld/Thud|Thud!]]'' comes to mind, in which the ''entire'' quest he undertakes has been engineered by the very politicians whom he thinks he's going to stop, to give them an excuse to make peace with each other, which is what Vimes wanted all along, except that he's been their unwitting pawn...
{{quote|You can't bribe Sam Vimes, but why bother when you can just pull the wool over his eyes?}}
* The [[Dale Brown]] book ''Act of War'' has many characters play into {{spoiler|National Security Adviser Robert Chamberlain's}} hands.
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* In [[Kurt Vonnegut]]'s novel ''[[Cat's Cradle]]'', Angela and Newt Hoenikker are suckered by agents of the American and Russian governments, respectively.
* At the end of Suzanne Collins's ''[[The Hunger Games|Catching Fire]]'', Katniss learns that she was central to an enormous plot that no one let her in on.
* In the ''Mistborn'' trilogy, {{spoiler|everyone is Unwitting Pawn for Ruin and its plan for complete...ruin.}} And in true Xanatos spirit, that's not even the end of it it, since {{spoiler|Preservation made a Unwitting Pawn out of Ruin by making humans in ITS''its'' plan for offing Ruin.}} DANG. For the record, "everyone" includes the [[Big Bad]] ''and'' the [[Chessmaster]]. No mind goes [[Mind Screw|unscrewed]].
* In Hunger, the second book of the [[Gone (novel)]] series, the Gaiaphage does this to Caine and Lana. Caine thinks he's messing with the nuclear power plant for revenge and power, and Lana thinks she's actually trying to destroy the Gaiaphage. It may also be doing this to Brittney in book 3. Drake is corrupt enough that he actually works for it willingly.
* Kronos does this to ''everyone'' in [[Percy Jackson and The Olympians]]. Furthermore, especially in the second book of the new series, [[The Heroes of Olympus]], many characters, among which the [[Big Bad]] herself, state that Percy will be Gaia's pawn, and that he'll bring about the destruction of the gods.
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* ''[[In Death]]'': William from ''Rapture In Death'' doesn't even know that his wife, Reanna [[The Sociopath]], has manipulated him in more ways than one to help her commit murder.
* Under the advice of his dead wife's spirit and [[Big Good]] Kil'jaeden, the old orc shaman Ner'zhul in the ''[[Warcraft]]'' novel ''[[Rise of the Horde]]'' [[The Alliance|convinces his people to put away their differences]] and [[Training the Peaceful Villagers|prepare to defend themselves]] against the Draenei. Except his wife's ghost was an illusion, Kil'jaeden is [[The Devil]] and this book is the [[Start of Darkness]] of the orcs that explains how they became the [[Exclusively Evil]] [[The Horde|horde]] of the first two games. Oops.
* In [[A Song of Ice and Fire]], EVERYONE''everyone'' is this to {{spoiler|Petyr Baelish. He hired an assassin to kill Brandon Stark, knowing that Catelyn would blame the Lannisters. By doing this, he provoked Catelyn into sending Ned to King's Landing where he was killed, which got the North to take arms against the king. This started an entire war for the Seven Kingdoms. That's just in the first book. And he's not even ''nearly'' done. }}
* In ''Fred, Alice and Aunty Lou'', a [[Robert Westall]] short story in his anthology ''[[Break of Dark]]'', author Peter Wingfield plays into the hands of vengeful ghosts; giving them a conduit to the real world and the energy of his dislike for his old school-mate, Roger.
* ''[[A Certain Magical Index]]'':
** Touma to practically every character and faction in the setting.
** The Pope to Fiamma of the Right. Fiamma misleads him into thinking that Touma is a threat to the world, and thus tricks him into furthering Fiamma's own plans.
** The members of Gremlin involved in the attack on Hawaii turn out to be expendable pawns to the true organisation of Gremlin. {{spoiler|It's later revealed that Othinus, Gremlin's leader, was herself an unwitting pawn to the other Magic Gods.}}
== [[Live Action TV]] ==
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*** Britain as a whole served as the Sucker, or maybe just [[Too Dumb to Live]]. The Doctor's six words ("Don't you think she looks tired?") were only to the Prime Minister's ''assistant'', the one person she should have been able to count on to defend her. Harriet Jones, to all appearances, was as popular and successful as Churchill and had just saved London from invading aliens. The ''next day'', Parliament ousts her in a vote of no confidence because she's "tired". Is it any surprise who they put into power next? They got what they deserved.
**** It was very compressed, but apart from the speed, isn't entirely unlikely. And it could be that her frantic worry about what he had said didn't help her side of things.
**** It should be noted that The Doctor, like all Time Lords, is telepathic, and while not as skilled at it as The Master has the potential for mind control and planting false memories and perceptions in people. I always thought it was implied that he did that to Jones' assistant.
** The Daleks are admittedly pretty good at [[Incredibly Lame Pun|suckering]] the Doctor. In "[[Doctor Who/Recap/S31/E03 Victory of the Daleks|Victory of the Daleks]]", the Daleks use the Doctor's hatred of the Daleks and love of Earth to not only create ''five'' retro-style Daleks (a net gain of two), but also {{spoiler|for once, survive the events of the episode}}.
*** In ''"[[Doctor Who/Recap/S31/E12 The Pandorica Opens|The Pandorica Opens]]", the Doctor goes to the Pandorica when it opens to see what's inside...{{spoiler|only to realise he's been suckered by every alien in existence and it is in fact him that's meant to go inside the Pandorica in order to stop the [[The End of the World as We Know It|TARDIS exploding]]. Needless to say, it does anyway.}}
**** "[[Person of Mass Destruction|The most dangerous warrior in the world]]" indeed.
** In ''The Doctor's Wife'' it is revealed that the Doctor has been being manipulated for a very long time by {{spoiler|The TARDIS, who was waiting for a time lord crazy enough to try and steal her so she could see the universe. The Doctor protested that he chose her because someone had left the door unlocked. The TARDIS, briefly able to speak, replied that of course "someone" had.}}
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* In ''[[Lexx]]'', captain Stanley Tweedle's backstory, in which he was supposed to deliver what amounted to blueprints for the emperor's superweapon to the rebel forces, and instead ended up providing the emperor with the codes to deactivate the rebel's planetary defenses.
* ''[[Lost]]''
** Poor John Locke is now the '''king''' of this tropeoften. {{spoiler|In the course of the last seasons he has been a pawn used by a supernatural being who apparently planned Locke's whole ordeal, his reputation as someone "special" and then his final sacrifice so that he could take John's form and ultimately kill his own enemy, Jacob.}} The sheer number of episodes in which this [[Gambit Roulette]] at his expense has unfolded makes him something of a Unwitting Pawn Marathon Man. Also, {{spoiler|Ben manipulated him into blowing up the submarine.}}
** He also kept juggling [[Idiot Ball]]s, [[Villain Ball]]s and [[Conflict Ball]]s all throughout the series, while every single flashback has portrayed him as a gullible loser. It's a testament to Terry O'Quinn's acting that, in spite of that, he has consistently been one of the most interesting, popular and [[Badass Grandpa|badass]] characters of the show.
** For a devilish [[Manipulative Bastard]] and a supposedly wise ageless man, Ben and Richard too came across as total dupes; Locke, Ben and Richard, the [[Three Stooges]]?
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* In the 1998 ''[[Merlin (TV miniseries)|Merlin]]'' series, both multiple characters (Arthur, Merlin, Guinevere) end up as Mab's suckers at one point or another.
* The "rich and powerful" marks Nate Ford mentions during the opening credits for ''[[Leverage]]'' are usually these. At some point along the way, their Mooks will often fall to this trope or Elliot, whichever one hits first.
* Averted in [[Kamen Rider OOO]],; if it was played straight, Eiji would have just been used by Ankh as a means of farming Cell Medals. IF''If'' it was played straight, that is... Instead, Ankh explains why he needs him, which [[Nice Job Fixing It, Villain|was not a good move on his part]], as it leads to Eiji refusing to transform when Ankh needed him to in episode two, and in the next episode, the tables turn and Ankh is forced to do what Eiji says or else he will throw away his [[Transformation Trinket]].
* In the fourth season finale of ''[[Chuck]]'', {{spoiler|it's revealed that every major plot point that has happened since the pilot has been part of a bigger scheme, with Chuck and possibly everyone involved with those major plot points as the unwitting pawns. Whose pawns, exactly, and in what game, has yet to be revealed.}}
* Mulder and Scully in the [[The X-Files|Mulder and Scully]]. It's pretty much their job description.
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* In the original ''[[Guilty Gear]]'', after you defeat the sub-boss, Testament, he reveals that this was all part of his plan, since he can now use his blood to awaken Justice.
* The player character in ''[[BioShock (series)]]''. However, this is justified, as the player character {{spoiler|is being mind controlled by Atlas/Fontaine from the very beginning, so he had no control over his actions. At least, until Dr. Tennenbaum snaps him out of it}}.
* Serge of ''[[Chrono Cross]]'' ''defines'' this trope. The guy can't go to the bathroom without furthering someone or [[AIA.I. Is a Crapshoot|some]][[Eldritch Abomination|thing]]'s plans. The fact that [[Gambit Pileup|everyone's plans revolve around him trying to get out of someone else's gambit does not help]].
** Here's the short version: {{spoiler|First, Lynx manipulates him into coming to Fort Dragonia so he can steal Serge's body and release the lock on the computer system FATE (which Lynx is a [[Wetware Body]] for). The Dragon Gods and Harle get him to kill FATE to release the seal on their power, then merge into their original [[Eldritch Abomination]]-ish form and start work on annihilating all human life. Except that ''all of this'' was planned by Balthasar, because only by awakening the Dragon Gods would it be possible to create the Chrono Cross, which is the only thing that can save [[Chrono Trigger|Schala]] from [[Eldritch Abomination|Lavos]]'s hold over her.}} [[Mind Screw|Confused yet?]]
* Practically ''everyone'' in the [[Chzo Mythos]] is a Unwitting Pawn in some way. Practically a testament to how incredibly good Chzo is at this [[Magnificent Bastard]] business.
* There is sort of a subversion played on this in ''Spartan: Total Warrior'' The game, like the movie [[300]] which it shares many similarities to, consists of ridiculously epic [[Conservation of Ninjutsu|One Against Billions]] battles and sweeping, one-button-per-5-victims decapitations like a living lawnmower, all while listening to the god of war Ares's evil laughter and bloodlusty encouragement ("Hahaha, kill and kill again!"). It appears blatantly obvious to anyone familiar with button-mashing spells and swordplay epics that he will turn out to be some sort of enemy in the future, and that his plan all along was to get you to kill every Roman and his mother, but it turns out that it's only half true; {{spoiler|while Ares does indeed to turn out to be the [[Big Bad]], your genocide on the Romans was merely a distraction so that your homeland of Sparta could be destroyed while you were away. We are treated to multiple more tropes during Ares's [[Hannibal Lecture]], such as the fact that he is your [[Luke, I Am Your Father|father]] and Tiberias was merely a [[The Man Behind the Man|puppet]]. You technically did fulfill his plans for mass murder, but it was of both your enemies AND your friends.}}
* The Global Defense Initiative (okay, mostly Boyle) in ''[[Command & Conquer]] 3: Tiberium Wars'' walks ''right'' into Kane's [[Gambit Roulette]], and their only hint that they were even hit by it is when the [[Scary Dogmatic Aliens]] arrive. The expansion pack then explains that Kane specifically planned for Boyle to be the only surviving GDI leader after the nuclear strike on the Philadelphia ''specifically'' because Boyle is easily predictable. If you play the Scrin campaign, even the [[Scary Dogmatic Aliens]] are suckers in Kane's roulette.
* ''[[Diablo]]'': This trope is played painfully straighthappens when the player character gets [[Grand Theft Me|possessed]] by Diablo. [[Downer Ending]] for sure.
** Even more so Diablo 2: {{spoiler|The entire game is the tale of how Marius gets manipulated by Bhaal into rescuing his soulstone from destruction at the hands of the player character, escaping the fate that his brothers suffered. Poor Marius dies in asylum cell as the horrible truth comes crashing down on him.}}
** [[Diablo III]]: Diablo's unwitting pawns? {{spoiler|''Everyone''. Except Adria, who wasn't unwitting, and may not have actually been a pawn.}}
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** Terra and her comrades fall for this ''hard'' when the Empire in ''[[Final Fantasy VI]]'' insists that it wants to commence peace talks. Granted, a few party members are suspicious enough to prepare a backup plan, but Terra, Locke, and General Leo swallow the plot hook-line-and-sinker and deliver a whole bunch of Espers for Kefka to turn into Magicite. Worse, this enables him to enter the Esper World and raise the Floating Continent, where the Three Goddesses are hidden away. It turns out that Emperor Gestahl was also a Unwitting Pawn: {{spoiler|Kefka uses him and the Empire to get to the Goddesses, and then uses their power to kill him and take all of it for himself.}}
** Cloud from ''[[Final Fantasy VII]]''. One of the main points of his character is that [[White-Haired Pretty Boy|Sephiroth]] can make Cloud do anything by manipulating him just the right way, and he makes sure Cloud knows it.
*** One can argue that, for a brief, shining moment, {{spoiler|Sephiroth himself could be considered one, depending on whether or not Aeris knew she needed to die to make Holy work.}}
*** Sephiroth was also implied to be one throughout the whole game. No, not the fanon about him being used by Jenova. It was by Hojo. Hojo was implied to have set up all the events for Sephiroth to go berserk, and then was trying to aid him upon his return without Sephiroth knowing it, not simply because Sephiroth was his son, but also because Hojo wanted to see his (amoral) research blossom to full fruititionfruition. The Novellas also implied that Hojo actually ended up possessing Sephiroth to give him more power after he was killed by AVALANCHE so he can bear witness to the final results of his creation, due to not being able to properly diffuse into the lifestream. What's worse, he doesn't stop there. He also ends up digitalizing his mind into the worldwide network and later possesses Weiss, making most of Deepground unwitting pawns as well for his final, final experiment, the revival of Omega, which was also implied to be concurrent with Sephiroth's revival and ascension.
** Tidus and Yuna from ''[[Final Fantasy X]]''. They get bounced like ping-pong balls back and forth between Yevon's plan to {{spoiler|continue the spiral of death and Auron's plan to destroy it and free Spira.}} ''[[Final Fantasy X-2]]'' seems to imply that Yuna, at least, ''never figured it out.''
** {{spoiler|Almost ''everyone''}} ends up this way in ''[[Final Fantasy Tactics]]'' after the dust has settled from the [[Gambit Pileup]] by the story's end. {{spoiler|Except Delita. And Ramza.}}.
Line 198 ⟶ 200:
** [[Final Fantasy V|Bartz]] is this, aside from being an [[Idiot Hero]]. He and his companions {{spoiler|Head into the Great Forest of Moore, in order to stop [[Big Bad|Exdeath]] from taking what's sealed inside. Turns out ''he'' waited for them to get to that world's crystals... And destroy them. Wow.}}
*** Bartz and Krile go to seek Ghido for help after {{spoiler|Exdeath is defeated and the worlds fuse together}} and at that point, {{spoiler|an innocuous-looking splinter that Krile has}} enables Exdeath to return. Having overheard the converstion, {{spoiler|he sets out to take control of the Void}}.
** Oh [[Final Fantasy IV|Cecil]]. We love the guy, but he's got a bad history with traps. First he delivers a trapped ring to the village of Mist (which, is known as the "Bomb Ring" in some versions). Then later he's approached with a [[Hostage for Macguffin]] deal, and he hands over the macguffin (assumed at the time to be the last one Golbez needed) before seeing the hostage. Then he and his group have the door to the second-to-last Underworld crystal opened because of some disturbance inside, and end up giving Golbez a way in. And ''then'', after failing to secure the (seven!) lost Crystals, they go and unseal the door to the last one, and trudge through the [[Scrappy Level]] both ways to bring it outside, only for Golbez to re-control Kain and take it at the last second. And if you include the crystal that he retrieved for Baron in the backstory, that makes him directly responsible for Golbez getting fully ''half'' of the Crystals. Sometimes, you wonder why Cecil keeps doing things, considering that the situation gets worse every time he gets close to a macguffin[[MacGuffin]].
** By the time [[Final Fantasy XIII]] rolls around, the main group is being ''told'' that they're Unwitting Pawns.
* [[Radiata Stories]]. [[Idiot Hero|Jack]] does [[Well-Intentioned Extremist|Lucian's]] job for him. All he has to do is provide the tools and the directions.
* Non-FF Squaresoft example: Surlent from ''[[Treasure of the Rudra]]''. Being fooled by a thief is one thing, being fooled about ''once every thirty minutes'' by the very ''forces of Creation'' is another. Although it quickly becomes clear that Surlent helping the game's [[Gambit Pileup]] along (and {{spoiler|losing his body thrice in the process}}) is actually his destiny (by failing hard but consistently, he accidentally brings all of the [[Mac GuffinsMacGuffin]]s to the right people at the right time), it still occasionally starts looking like a case of [[Just Eat Gilligan]].
* ''[[Golden Sun]] I'' and ''II'' has Alex, who uses both parties in a massive Unwitting Pawn. While they fight amongst each other about lighting the lighthouses Alex twiddles his thumbs for when they finally do and cause the Golden Sun to rise and shine down massive power down on Mt. Aleph, where he happens to be waiting.
** Only to discover that he ''himself'' was {{spoiler|the Wise One's}} Unwitting Pawn in his plan: {{spoiler|he knew lighting the lighthouses would allow someone to gain enough power from the Golden Sun to conquer the world, so when all but one of the gems required to light the lighthouses was removed from their chamber, the Wise One transferred just enough of that power (which was originally split evenly between the gems) from the remaining gem to Isaac without telling him, meaning that if the lighthouses were all lit, anyone who wanted the Golden Sun's power would not get enough of it to conquer the world.}}
*** {{spoiler|And in [[Golden Sun: Dark Dawn]] it's shown that he one-upped The Wise One, and is doing the same thing again. He's so good at this that in his very first appearence, he even says to the characters they're pawns, and they can't do anything about it. By the end of the game, it's clear that he's been using almost everyone of importance throughout the whole plot, including [[Those Two Bad Guys]]. And the player still doesn't have the slightest idea what his long-term goals are, as he remains [[The Unfought]].}}
** Gloriously subverted in Agatio's intro scene in ''The Lost Age'', in which he flat-out tells Alex [[Take That|to his face]] that [[Genre Savvy|he knows he's being used]], and ''just doesn't care'' as long as his goals get accomplished, too. Definitely Agatio's personal [[Crowning Moment of Awesome]], since he's otherwise one of the flattest major characters in a series known for [[Flat Character|FlatCharacters]]s.
* The ''[[Metal Gear]]'' series:
** ''[[Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater]]'' shows Naked Snake being used by the United States government into achieving their goal of gaining Russia's portion of the Philosopher's Legacy. ''Portable Ops'' has {{spoiler|Zero}} use Big Boss to defeat Gene and scare the Philosophers enough that Ocelot can gain control of their whereabouts and the American portion of the Philosophers' Legacy.
Line 211 ⟶ 213:
** ''[[Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots]]'' retcons many of the events previously established in the franchise. It is explained that the events of the first two ''[[Metal Gear]]'' games involved {{spoiler|Big Boss trying to create a place where individual liberty is guaranteed for everyone, instead of being a soldiers' haven. The Patriots have Solid Snake tear down both Outer Heaven and Zanzibar Land to destroy Big Boss' dream of freedom}}. The first two ''Metal Gear Solid'' games are changed to have Solid Snake again being used by the Patriots {{spoiler|and possibly Zero}} to defeat anyone who stood in their way. The Patriots by MGS4 (set in 2014) are now an {{spoiler|AI system which was supposed to continue Zero's legacy by gaining control of all of mankind using the Sons of the Patriots (SOP) system. Snake is sent in to stop Revolver Ocelot from destroying the Patriots AI system}}. At the same time, Snake and his allies are used {{spoiler|by Liquid Ocelot in his goal in destroying the Patriots AI systems, Liquid Ocelot pretending to plan to hijack the System using the AI named 'GW' and Snake and company countering it by using a virus to destroy the it, not knowing the virus as written by Naomi would destroy the remaining Patriot [[A Is]] as well}}; even if he didn't know about it or plan for it to happen, it certainly fit his goals. ''Somewhat'' averted in that his own post-Patriot vision was averted by {{spoiler|Sunny Gurlukovich, who wrote the virus to destroy the Patriot [[A Is]] but preserve key parts of modern civilization, and then, Drebin implies that Ocelot's vision of a war-torn world would still be an inevitable likely outcome despite this, that or the UN becoming a neo-Patriots/Philosophers III group}}.)
** Solid Snake was manipulated throughout the entire series. The most affecting part of the MGS4 ending {{spoiler|might be Big Boss promising Snake that there is no one left to manipulate him anymore}}.
** In ''[[Metal Gear Solid]]'', Liquid's plan hinged on Snake discovering the card keys (Really, 3 keys in one). {{spoiler|To manipulate Snake into doing this, Liquid masqueraded as one of Snake's few friends (Snake's support staff apparently figured out the location of his radio calls, but not until the big reveal), locked Snake in a cell with a dead hostage whom a master of disguise had been pretending to be (Snake even recognized that the hostage should not have been as decayed as he was), and left the control room for the card keys virtually unguarded even when Liquid had earlier encountered Snake outside the room. Snake didn't realize he was being duped until after he activated Metal Gear.}}
*** The sad thing is that, even if Liquid's plan didn't work or didn't even happen, Snake still would have been an unwitting pawn in either case: {{spoiler|According to Liquid and his Pentagon spy, the real reason why Snake was sent over to Shadow Moses was to infect most of the people on the island, both the terrorists and most of the people involved in the REX project, so the Pentagon, and presumably the Patriots, would have recovered REX and the Genome Soldiers from the island without any risk of damage, even making absolute certain that FOXDIE was injected into Snake.}}
** Arguably in the original ''Metal Gear'', where Big Boss intentionally selected Snake as the agent to send false information back to NATO (and by proxy, The Patriots), not counting on Snake's hereditary ability to kick ass and take names.
*** If Peace Walker is anything to go by (and possibly ''[[Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots]]''), Big Boss's misinformation doesn't even come close to the fact that the Patriots essentially manipulated Snake into trying to destroy Metal Gear and take Big Boss down as an insurance policy in case they failed to either bring him back into the fold or ruin/kill Big Boss the first time by one of their agents firing a nuke at the East Coast.
** Speaking of ''[[Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker]]'', other than the brief revelation that Coldman was the deviously cunning strategist that Gene alluded to in Portable Ops, it turns out that most of the game was manipulated by Paz Ortega Andrade, even the KGB agent Zadornov hiring Snake as a distraction to force Coldman to activate Peace Walker so he could hijack it and frame America with an attack on Cuba, and she wasn't even the one who pulled all the strings: Her employers, Cipher, had planned out the entire incident just to get Big Boss to rejoin the fold, and it is also heavily implied that they also ordered Paz to frame Big Boss and MSF with nuking the East Coast when Big Boss refused the offer. They also arranged for Kaz to briefly work with them, although it is also implied that they didn't tell him about the nuke plan.
Line 226 ⟶ 228:
* Virtually every single named character in the ''[[Xenosaga]]'' trilogy is a Unwitting Pawn. This is not an exaggeration.
* The majority of the plot of ''[[Atelier Iris 3]]'' concerns three quirky teenagers trying to find [[Mineral MacGuffin|eight gemstones]] so they can open a book which will grant any wish, while helping the even-more-quirky townsfolk with their problems. What could go wrong? {{spoiler|How about nearly causing [[The End of the World as We Know It]] because you were manipulated by an evil spirit from (almost) the very beginning into wasting the only wish you get?}}
* ''[[Warcraft]]'': After slaughtering his own people and eventually letting one of his closest friends die, [[Warcraft|Prince Arthas]] {{spoiler|becomes a servant of the Lich King}}. He also becomes the new Lich King.
** ''You'' are always an Unwitting Pawn in this game. Abercrombie in Duskwood, Myzrael in Arathi Highlands, Kalaran the Deceiver in Searing Gorge, Teron Gorefiend in Shadowmoon Valley, Drakuru in Grizzly Hills, Loken in the Storm Peaks, Athissa in the Azsuna questline and Xal'atath of Stormsong Valley are just a few examples of villains who have used Azeroth's biggest sucker - aka, your character - as an Unwitting Pawn. Seeing as being the Unwitting Pawn is part of zone progression each time, a [[Violation of Common Sense]] rule seems to be enforced. Worth noting, however, than in most of these cases, you get a chance later to go back and get revenge against whoever was behind it.
** This is also the reason Vanessa VanCleef spares you in the Westfall storyline, as you've inadvertently helped her, but she promises it won't be the case the second time.
* The main characters in ''[[Persona 3]]'' spend a good portion of the game fighting a series of [[Monster of the Week|powerful bosses that appear once a month]] only to discover that {{spoiler|Ikutsuki}} tricked them into doing so {{spoiler|by doctoring video footage of Yukari's father}} so that he could {{spoiler|[[Eldritch Abomination|summon Nyx]]}}. {{spoiler|His plan fails when he forgets about [[Spanner in the Works|the dog]].}}
* ''[[Persona 4]]'': {{spoiler|If the player doesn't choose to immediately kill him (and get the Bad Ending), Taro Namatame is revealed to be a [[Tragic Hero]] with genuinely good intentions misguided by Adachi, the [[Man Behind the Man]]. Later on he has a [[My God, What Have I Done?]] moment upon learning that the TV World was not the shelter he thought it was. But then it turns out there's an even BIGGER [[Man Behind the Man]]...}}
Line 241 ⟶ 245:
** It's implied that Thrall only let the Forsaken into the Horde because they need a presence in the Eastern Kingdoms, and because the Earthen Ring suggested that they could potentially cure undeath. The Forsaken are considered allied to the Horde rather than true members.
** [[You Suck]] too. There are multiple quest chains where you're [[Stupidity Is the Only Option|suckered into doing a bad guy's bidding]]. Unfortunately for the bad guy, once they decide that you've outlived your usefulness, you [[Oh Crap|show up with friends]] and proceed to [[Spanner in the Works|beat the tar out of them and take their loot.]]
* Speaking of which, theThe ''[[Warcraft]]'' franchise is full of these, really. [[He Who Fights Monsters|Arthas]] thought he was fighting against the Scourge right up until they sucked out his soul and made him their champion. The entire [[Knight Templar|Scarlet Crusade]] seems not to realize it's ''actually run by demons'' (those Magnificent Nathrezim again.) And the quests player characters keep getting have led fans to lament "How many times do I have to help the Lich King before I learn better?"
** The game implies that Thrall doesn't really trust the Forsaken, apparently he flat out needs them because otherwise the Alliance is too much more powerful. (Without the Forsaken and the Blood Elves, the Horde would be entirely on Kalimdor [and then Outland and more recently Northrend] which is also home to two of the Alliance races ''and'' a noticeable number of human outposts, including Jaina Proudmoore's city of Theramore Isle.) The other Horde leaders never even mention Varimathras when planning. It's very likely that nobody trusted him at all except [[What an Idiot!|Sylvanas]]. And Arthas was savvy enough to realize he was probably selling his soul and just didn't realize it was to his enemy. After all, it DID give him the power to almost destroy the Scourge. The Scarlets? Morons.
** Thrall is ''not'' fooled though by {{spoiler|Neeru Fireblade}}, who remains only at Thrall's pleasure because he doesn't have enough information to move against the Burning Blade cult, all the while convinced that ''he'' has ''Thrall' outwitted.
** Sintharia, Deathwing's only surviving consort, despises him and plots to make a new Twilight Dragonflight to take over Azeroth. It is implied that she's been manipulated by him all along, as in Cataclysm, he has reanimated her and uses her eggs to create Twilight Dragons to assist him in his plans.
* ''[[BioWare]] loves this one to death'':
** In ''[[Baldur's Gate|Baldurs Gate]] II: Throne of Bhaal'', {{spoiler|your whole party is this, killing off the other Bhaalspawn for Melissan's scheme to ascend to power.}}
** [[Knights of the Old Republic]], anyone?: {{spoiler|You're the ex-Sith Lord?. Captured, [[Mind Rape|mind-wiped by the Jedi Council]], and with Bastila holding your leash}}. [[Jedi Truth]] on par with Obi-Wan and his "certain point of view."
*** Alhough not made by [[BioWare]], the player character from the second game counts too.
** {{spoiler|''The protagonist''}} in ''[[Jade Empire]]''. [[Magnificent Bastard|"Magnificent"]] indeed.
Line 253 ⟶ 257:
** In ''[[Dragon Age II]]'', Hawke becomes an Unwitting Pawn of {{spoiler|Anders, a ''party member''}} in a scheme to {{spoiler|start a war between the Templars and Mages.}} Since ''[[Dragon Age II]]'' is [[Darker and Edgier]] than other Bioware games, the scheme ''works'' regardless of Hawke's actions afterwards.
** In [[Mass Effect]], so many of them. Notably {{spoiler|Saren Arterius and Matriarch Benezia for the Reapers}} and {{spoiler|Shepard for The Illusive Man, though you can give him a massive 'screw you' by taking the paragon ending.}}
* Happens to the player in several [[RunescapeRuneScape]] quests.
* {{spoiler|''The protagonist''}} in ''[[Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines]]''. And with the [[Gambit Pileup]] that's going on, it's at time hard to tell exactly ''whose'' plan.
** Possibly also {{spoiler|anyone who tried to use the Ankharan Sarcophagus to gain power.}}
Line 265 ⟶ 269:
** Also, {{spoiler|[[The Heartless]]}} took advantages of both {{spoiler|Maleficent and Organization XIII}} by playing on their darkest desires while pretending they were the [[mook]]s. {{spoiler|Maleficent}} never figured it out but {{spoiler|the Organization}} did, but kept playing the game for their own purposes.
** {{spoiler|Most of the cast}} of ''[[Birth By Sleep]]'' are thoroughly manipulated by {{spoiler|Master Xehanort, Terra being the biggest sucker of them all}}, but {{spoiler|Vanitas}} is at the top of BBS trickery list {{spoiler|for playing ''Xehanort the Xanatos King'' just as he was being beaten over the head with Terra's Keyblade...[[Crowning Moment of Awesome|By Terra's AnimatedArmor, no less]].}} And all of this trickery was simply for the {{spoiler|[[Narm Charm|X-Blade]] }}. And during the game Terra gets suckered by Maleficent, Jumba, Hades, and Captain Hook. [[Genre Blindness]] doesn't begin to describe it.
* Onaga's manipulation of Shujinko in ''[[Mortal Kombat: Deception]]'' is actually the namer of the game.
* In ''[[Mitadake High]]'', you are either this or the Manipulative Bastard themselves
* In ''[[Tales of Vesperia]]'', {{spoiler|Harry Whitehorse unwittingly falls into Alexei and Yeager's plot to cause tension in the guilds by helping cause the death of Belius, and by extension, his grandfather, the Don. Belius gets better, the Don does not.}}
Line 279 ⟶ 283:
* General Morgahn during much of ''Guild Wars: Nightfall''. Once he learns the truth about Varesh, however, he helps defeat her and joins the player character's team as an NPC. The PC also spends a fair bit of time being this during various schemes in ''Guild Wars: Prophecies''.
* Harry spends most of ''[[Silent Hill 1]]'' being Dahlia's Sucker, but his unwavering love for his daughter is also what causes him to be the [[Spanner in the Works]]. Depending on which of the [[Multiple Endings]] you get, you can argue the same for the protagonists of the other games: passively taking directions from everyone [[Silent Hill 2|and their dog]] at every turn, but fully capable of [[Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?|killing]] the local [[Eldritch Abomination]] when push comes to shove.
* ''[[StarcraftStarCraft]] Brood War'' was already a pretty confusing [[Gambit Pileup]] to begin with, but as if that wasn't enough, {{spoiler|Kerrigan ends up convincing Aldaris that he's an Unwitting Pawn to the actual good guys. As a result he turns against them, actually becoming an Unwitting Pawn in the process.}} Every character who isn't directly opposed to {{spoiler|her}} ends up being one of {{spoiler|Kerrigan's}} UnwittingPawns as time goes on, with the exception of {{spoiler|Samir Duran}}. {{spoiler|He used her rise to power to speed up and hide his Protoss-Zerg Hybridization project}}. It can be said that the biggest Unwitting Pawn of all is Jim Raynor, who despite being one of the more heroic characters in the game, often ends up directly or indirectly helping villains, and in the grand scheme of things, is almost powerless. This tendency has unfortunately carried on into the next game. To his credit, he spends the Wings of Liberty campaign openly bemoaning the fact that he's probably either being openly played with, or just being set up to be used later. He spends nearly as much time trying to figure out ''how'' as he does trying not to have a bunch of Zerg chew his face off.
* Warhammer40000 : [[Dawn of War]] ends with Gabriel destroying [[Diabolus Ex Machina|Maledictum]], {{spoiler|which turns out to be prison of Daemon of Khorne.}} Forces of Chaos used unknowing Gabriel as an Unwitting Pawn in their scheme {{spoiler|to free the Daemon}}.
* In ''[[Prototype (video game)|Prototype]]'' [[Humanoid Abomination|Alex]] [[Person of Mass Destruction|Mercer]] spends most of the game unknowingly aiding the plans of people who want him dead. {{spoiler|First, he frees Elizabeth Greene, thinking she's just another victim. As it turns out, she's the [[Hive Queen]] behind the virus. Then, he tries to help his ex-girlfriend, Karen Parker, by providing her with biological materials from the infected. As it turns out [[Armies Are Evil|Blackwatch]] has coerced her into working for them, and that genetic material Alex collected gets turned into a parasite which almost kills him. Then, Blackwatch Captain Cross tricks him into going to a location where they hit him with both [[Deadly Gas|Bloodtox]] and [[Super Soldier|D-Codes]]. Finally, the Supreme Hunter consumes Cross, and uses that form to get Alex to kill off the Blackwatch leadership, and in an attempt to catch Alex off-guard so that the Hunter might eat him}}. Our [[Heroic Sociopath]] manages to overcome all this because he's a [[Badass]], but he does come across as a bit of a gullible idiot.
** Part of the reason is because the amnesiac Mercer, even though he's [[I'm a Humanitarian|eating people left and right]] in order to understand what the hell is going on, is often in the dark about what the hell is going on. As the game progresses he ''knows'' he's probably being played, but due to a lack of options he has to play along anyways if he's going to have a hope of accomplishing anything. He even says it outright to {{spoiler|Cross}}.
{{quote|'''Mercer''': Why do I get the feeling I'm getting the short end of this deal?}}
* {{spoiler|The new leader of Team Plasma, N,}} is shown to be this in [[Pokémon Black and White|PokemonPokémon Black and White]] when {{spoiler|his father, Ghetsis, reveals that he was [[Complete Monster|using N to make pokemonPokémon illegal for everyone but himself]].}} What an asshole.
* The Tribunal expansion of Morrowind gives us the power-maddened (literally) {{spoiler|pseudo-god Almalexia. Centuries of wielding power that is unfit for mortals has left her more than a little crazy, and she has the protagonist carry out her increasingly insane orders (whether or not the character is aware that he's being manipulated is [[Heroic Mime|impossible to tell]]. Either way, it's a case of [[Plot Induced Stupidity]]). When she finally lays out her cards, she embarks on a long monologue about how nutty she is and how stupid you are, and there isn't even a [[Talk to the Fist]] option}}.
* Vhailor in ''[[Planescape: Torment]]'' by {{spoiler|the Practical Incarntion}}. And then, yourselfyou fall for it, by {{spoiler|the aptly-named Trias the Betrayer}}.
* Dear lord, Zelenin from [[Strange Journey]]. [[Manipulative Bastard]] [[Dragon with an Agenda|Mastema]] and [[Council of Angels|The Three Wise Men]] play her like a fiddle all the game, playing on her insecurities and fears in a terribly blatant manner, which she always blissfully ignores, until either their plans come to fruition or she's been reduced to holy dust.
* In the old FPS/RPG ''[[Strife]]'' you get hit with this in the bad ending, {{spoiler|Blackbird, your [[Voice with an Internet Connection]], is revealed to be the Entity and has been using you to free her}}.
* {{spoiler|Ace, or Gentarou Hongou}} from ''[[Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors|Nine Hours Nine Persons Nine Doors]]'', {{spoiler|ends up being used by Zero to mop up the other [[Corrupt Corporate Executive]]s who ran the Nonary Game 9 years ago.}}
* ''[[Last Scenario]]'', in its grand quest to [[Playing with a Trope|break]] RPG plots, couldn't possibly leave this one alone. However, unlike most of the tropes it targets, it's not [[Subverted]]- it's {{spoiler|exaggerated. Not only is Hilbert doing exactly what the Kingdom wants him to do for the first half of the game, he was set up as a hero ''purely'' for this purpose. The entire [[Heroic Lineage]] spiel was [[Unreliable Expositor|lies]], and in falling for it hook, line, and sinker, Hilbert was doing exactly what they wanted.}}
* In ''[[Dungeons and& Dragons]]'' ''Daggerdale'' it's revealed at the very end that {{spoiler|your questgiver was [[The Starscream]] to the [[Big Bad]] Rezlus, and she had you kill Rezlus so she could take over the tower for herself.}}
* In Fable 2, the protagonist spends his entire LIFE trying to stop the [[Big Bad]] Lucien from rebuilding an ancient tower of magical doom. Once {{spoiler|Lucien is dead, Theresa, who guided him through this quest, reveals that she was just using Lucien to rebuild the spire and using you to defeat Lucien so she could claim the spire herself}}.
* Happens to the player characters in ''[[The Elder Scrolls]]'' games way too often. Then again, the only manipulators who you can't get bloody revenge against in these games are the untouchable Daedric Princes, and they at least compensate you for your work with cool artifacts.
Line 299 ⟶ 303:
* {{spoiler|Dimentio}} does this to Mario and co. in [[Super Paper Mario]]:
{{quote|''"Even if the count dies, the Chaos Heart won't disappear if I continue to control it! But I needed the power of the Pure Hearts to beat him. I couldn't do that on my own. So I had you do all the sweaty labor for me. And you even used your Pure Hearts to defeat Count Bleck! If they make greeting cards to thank people for helping with evil plans, I owe you one."''}}
** To make it worse, [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero|this speeds up The Void]], to the point where it [[EndoftheThe End of the World Asas We Know It|destroys the multiverse]]; it's hardly a spoiler to say that everything turns out all right in the end, though.
* The Player Character is this in ''[[Dark Souls]]''. No matter what you do, by beating the game you're just a pawn in an [[Ancient Conspiracy]] and [[Forever War]] regarding whether the Age of Fire should continue or end.
* [[Pirate Girl|Risky Boots]] from the ''[[Shantae]]'' series; from ''Risky's Revenge'' onward, manipulating others to meet her goals has pretty much been her MO in every one of her schemes.
== [[Visual Novels]] ==
== [[Visual Novels]] ==
* Mary in ''[[Shikkoku no Sharnoth]]'' is obviously the pawn of multiple competing factions, but doesn't realize it fully until well into the story.
== [[Web Animation]] ==
* In the [[Homestar Runner|Strong Bad Email]] [http://www.homestarrunner.com/sbemail98.html 'stupid stuff'], Strong Bad makes a bet with Kevin Grumbles that he can make Homestar say something intelligent. In desperation, he tries saying something nonsensical (''[[Word Salad|"I say there, Homestar...butt's twelve by pies?"]]''); as it turns out, Homestar apparently made his ''own'' bet with Kevin Grumbles that he could make Strong Bad say something stupid, and Strong Bad just won it for him. The real kicker is that Kevin actually wanted Strong Bad to make Homestar say something ''stupid'', but Strong Bad thought that too little challenge. Perhaps he should've asked an insultingly simple math question. He could have at least gotten Coulomb's law out of it. He also gets suckered in the game ''Strong Badia the Free''. {{spoiler|He spends the entire game trying to become the new king, only to find out that it was all a ploy by the King of Town to get Strong Bad stuck in the castle and the King in Strong Bad's position.}}
== [[Web Animation]] ==
* In the [[Homestar Runner|Strong Bad Email]] [http://www.homestarrunner.com/sbemail98.html stupid stuff], Strong Bad makes a bet with Kevin Grumbles that he can make Homestar say something intelligent. In desperation, he tries saying something nonsensical (''[[Word Salad|"I say there, Homestar...butt's twelve by pies?"]]''); as it turns out, Homestar apparently made his ''own'' bet with Kevin Grumbles that he could make Strong Bad say something stupid, and Strong Bad just won it for him. The real kicker is that Kevin actually wanted Strong Bad to make Homestar say something ''stupid'', but Strong Bad thought that too little challenge. Perhaps he should've asked an insultingly simple math question. He could have at least gotten Coulomb's law out of it. He also gets suckered in the game ''Strong Badia the Free''. {{spoiler|He spends the entire game trying to become the new king, only to find out that it was all a ploy by the King of Town to get Strong Bad stuck in the castle and the King in Strong Bad's position.}}
== [[Web Comics]] ==
* ''[[The Order of the Stick|Order of the Stick]]:''
** Miko Miyazaki {{spoiler|leads the villains to Azure City and allows them to discover the location of [[McGuffin|Soon's Gate]]. She kills Lord Shojo, leaving the city more vulnerable to attack. Then she ''destroys Soon's gate'' when the villains are on the verge of losing, giving them a chance to escape certain death}}. And all the while, she believes that she's following the will of the ([[Lawful Good]]) gods. Although she was only being manipulated into the first one of these, the least important error really. The other two she she accomplished on her own.
** Vaarsuvius has now turned into one, when {{spoiler|s/he attacked Xykon with his newfound power, knocking him [[Orcus on His Throne|off his throne]], exactly as the fiends who granted hir that power planned.}}
** As it turns out, {{spoiler|''Xykon himself'' is this to Redcloak, who's been playing humble servant all these years in order to get Xykon to aid in completing the Plan (which, it seems, doesn't aid Xykon's own goals ''at all''.}}
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* Sillice of ''[[Drowtales]]'' when {{spoiler|Kalki tells her that the Nidraa'chal she's just fighting are just a diversion for the enemies that are currently most probably killing the Val'Sharess. Sillice then barges into the ravaged tower, confronts one of her sisters ([[Guilt by Association Gag|the only one NOT included in this plot]]) and then gets accused of having killed all the guards in an attempt to overthrow her mother, and has to run away to exile with their mortal enemies. No one suspects the ones that are truly pulling the strings: Snadhya'rune, Sarv'swati and Zala'ess, who get off scot free and take control of the clan while pretending their mother is still alive.}}
* Terezi of ''[[Homestuck]]'' is usually [[Awesome By Analysis]], but she's recently fallen into this at the hands of {{spoiler|Gamzee, who she has no idea turned evil}}.
** Absolutely everyone to {{color|#2ED73A|D}}{{color|white|o}}{{color|#2ED73A|c Scratch}}. There's a ''reason'' he calls people who aren't [[The Omniscient|omniscient]] "suckers." Which is taken beyond[[Up theto impossibleEleven]] in [[Wham! Episode|[S] Cascade]], where itsit's revealed that he {{spoiler|manipulated the entire main cast into creating the Green Sun. Note that the main cast has been doing everything in their power to destroy the thing. Scratch's last word, said to Gamzee, is even "S u c k e r s", a succinct summary of just how much he played everyone.}}
* Nick in the "Surreptitious Machinations" arc of [[General Protection Fault]]. The entire plan hinges on him being isolated from his friends and building the "Project Velociraptor" to power Trudy's energy weapons, enabling her and C.R.U.D.E. to take over the world. He's also [[Horrible Judge of Character|one of the only ones who still trusts Trudy]], so the heroes have to try to convince him to see the truth.
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== [[Western Animation]] ==
* ''Challenge Of the [[Superfriends]]'': In one of the more [[So Bad It's Good|infamous]] plots from the series, the Legion of Doom collaborates with a group of Venusians to rework Earth's climate into something more tropical. To this end - in what may be ''the'' single most contrived [[Gambit Roulette]] in history - they enact a series of disasters, and the Superfriends play right into their hands when their attempts to stop them result in ''filling the atmosphere with steam, flooding the western hemisphere, and moving the Earth out of its orbit''. Uh, oops?
* Xanatos used to make suckers out of the ''[[Gargoyles]]'' many a time by turning their hatred of him to his advantage. XanatosHe was then suckered by Thailog. At the episode's end he says, "[[My God, What Have I Done?|I've created a monster.]]"
* In ''[[Transformers Armada]]'', almost every major non-human character takes a turn being one of these, as would be expected when [[The Mole]] happens to be a [[Manipulative Bastard]].
* In season 4 of the 2003 ''[[Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2003|Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles]]'', both the turtles and the [[Well-Intentioned Extremist]] Agent Bishop are suckered ''royally'' by the Foot Mystics/Shredder's Heralds, resulting in the ''entire plot'' to season 5.
* Danny from ''[[Danny Phantom]]'' becomes one of these almost every time he encounters Vlad Masters. Usually Vlad hints at what he's going to do right away, and Danny fails to understand and plays right into his hands anyway. Surprisingly, Valerie was an even ''bigger'' sucker than Danny—her entire ghost hunting 'career' was started by Vlad as part of a gambit and just became the gift that kept on giving for him and all his plans. She was NOT happy when she found out the truth.
* Timmy from ''[[The Fairly Odd ParentsOddParents]]'' is this sometimes, most noticably in "[[Musical Episode|School's Out! The Musical]]", where he, along with Flappy Bob, are pawns in the pixie's [[Gambit Roulette]]. He also plays into [[Jackass Genie|Norm's]] hands in "Fairy Idol".
* In ''[[Xiaolin Showdown]]'', Omi ends up playing right into Chase Young's hands in the second season, {{spoiler|temporarly becoming his apprentice}}.
* [[Kim Possible]] found herself in this position in ''So The Drama'', when it was revealed that [[Romantic False Lead|Erik]] was really [[The Mole|a "synthodrone"]] working for Drakken. As Ron observed, "Drakken didn't win, he played you." An even more direct case was in the episode "Hidden Talents", where Drakken created fake messages from [[Mission Control|Wade]] (as well as sending a virus to the real Wade) to get Kim to [[MacGuffin Delivery Service|bring him]] one of Dementor's inventions. He also attempted to do it a second time after he forgot to tell Kim to get the adaptor plug, but the second time didn't work as well due to Wade debugging his computer.
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== [[Real Life]] ==
* Napoleon III, who got played by every second-rate power in Europe, and some overseas. He certainly WAS''was'' one to Bismarck, but that was because [[Magnificent Bastard|Bismarck was Bismarck]] rather than because Napoleon III was gullible. Indeed, he actually came out on top of most of his battles (Mexico and the war of 1870 were the exception, not the rule), and most of the time he was being "played" by said second-rate powers, it was largely because he grasped more or less what they were doing and sympathized enough to go through with it anyway (Italy 1859 is the most obvious example, but the Belgian revolution and the Crimean War came in close seconds). If anything, he fell victim to trying to be someone he wasn't and had the misfortune to run up against the most ruthless and skilled ruler in Europe in charge of the largest and best military on the continent.
* Supposedly, the only relatively foolproof reason for letting yourself be recruited as a spy is to do it for the money. Any other motives (Freedom, Nationalism, the Workers' Revolution, whatever) expose you to being played as an unwitting double agent, mole, or agent provocateur by the people you oppose.
** This is NOT a "[[wikipedia:Useful idiot|useful idiot]]," which is when (usually overt) support for a third party's nominal, moderate, public goals is cynically manipulated by the latter to advance their more closely-held, radical and secret goals. The "idiot" part comes from them being [[The Quisling]] without realizing that's what they're doing. They claim to love their country/faction/family/4-H club, but their actions and words say otherwise—and they'd never believe you if you pointed it out.
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