User:Jade Shauni/sandbox: Difference between revisions

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** Killing off games with high potential, like Paragons (an Overwatch clone), because of greed and "You outlive your usefulness."
* [[Snake Oil Salesman]]: Tim Sweeney comes across as this to those being critical of the new Epic Games Store.
** Some developers and publishers are this, like Deep Silver and the , who handled the Shemnue 3 Kickstarter, they promised their customers a release at digital stores, like GOG. But at last minute, jumped to Epic Games Store.
** The Ooblets developers and publishers, who are hostile against customers that they called them "Gamers<sup>TM</sup>"
* Some indie developers and publishers jumped into Epic Games Store, because:
** Steam is so clogged up with tons of video games, including asset flips, that their own games will get buried underneath.