User:Jade Shauni/sandbox: Difference between revisions

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* [[Sinister Surveillance]]: Some of the gamers are suspicious of Tencent, who is one of Epic Games' shareholder that owns 40% of the game company alone and are concern about their influence as well as potential spying. Because Tencent is connected with China's government for to be too close for comfort.
** Also, that Epic Games Store is spying on a customer's Steam friends without their consent.
* [[FandumbFan Dumb]]: They accused [[Steam]] of taking thirty percent cut from publishers and developers, despite this being the industry standards that tech companies use all the time, like Apple, Microsoft, Sony, and etc.
** Even forgetting or outright ignoring that other launchers, like [[GOG]],, and others existed and were chipping away at Steam long before Epic decided to make turn their launcher/client into a storefront. But the fandumb states that "It's only now that Steam is currently being challenge."
** Rejoicing of the lack of forums...Until they need to go do a "[[A New Hope|Help me, obiObi wanWan kenobiKenobi,...]]" in the Steam forums.
** Mainly from some console gamers, who are raised by similar practices, like third-party timed exclusives, and doesn't see why PC gamers' are worried about the creeping anti-consumer practices.
*** Subverted, that some console gamers hated pc gaming in general and are happy that a huge rival is getting shot, despite that these same anti-consumer practices will bite them in the butt in the future.
**** Some Fandumb console gamers have often accused PC gaming as a hotbed of pirates, therefore ANYONE that games on PC is an evil version of [[Watch Dogs|Aiden Pearce]] and are happy that some company is laying the smackdown of law.
** Accusing Steam of "Not doing anything" to make PC gaming better, despite that Valve's accomplishments: like making Proton so Mac OS and Linux won't be left out, having tools for publishers/developers to make games easier,
* [[Fan of Underdog|Fans of Underdog]]: Some game publishers and companies, like Devolver Digital and Supergiant Games, release a few of their games as timed exclusive at EGS first or strictly exclusive, since they wanna assist a newcomer digital store.
* [[Idiot Programming]]: Epic has a laundry list of examples, like:
** Having a security vulnerability that allows hackers to steal the accounts of others.
** No shopping feature, especially for those who like to buy a ton of games, buying five games or more will cause the client to go bonkers.
* [[Internet Backdraft]]
* It Got Worse: It increased the Publishers and Gamers have an "Us vs. Them" mentality (More than usual), since publishers and some devs think that gamers don't understand the hard work it is to make games, the blood, toil, and management. While gamers see some of those that jump to Epic Games Store as those who would break their promises and are regarded as dishonest scumbags.
** It made gamers not trust indie companies' crowdfunding projects, due to the last minute switching and broken promises.
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** They made a deal already and released their game(s) first in Epic Games Store.
** It's a change of circumstances, like that wonderful game that's in the works will die without the V-Bucks and deal, the indie company also explained to customers why they're going to switch and can't keep their promises.
* [[Playful Hacker|Playful Pirates]]: Some gamers who would otherwise not pirate or quit pirating, since there's good storefronts to buy games from, began to pirate or return to the practice due to Epic Games taking the "No Export for You" tooextreme seriouslyway, their trust with certain video game companies was broken/, so they use pirating as a form of boycotting, Epic Games' regional pricing is too much for them to afford (Even though EG is working to fix that somehow), or the game doesn't work or worse, the Epic Games Store launcher won't work as intended.
** Somewhat subverted, Some gamers are just pirating and waiting for the timed exclusivity to end, so they can buy it from the storefront of their choice.
* Protagonist Journey to Villain: Some gamers see Epic Games and the EGS controversy as this. The company used to be awesome and producing memorable titles, but now it's a shadow of its former self.
* Some gamers took issues about the Epic Games Store roadmap, for example they were told that certain features would be available sooner and fully implemented. But these features are in beta-form or not available.
* Other gamers decided to wait for the timed exclusive to be release in the client of their choice.