Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[Sissy Villain]]: Downplayed, but still present. For a man driven by ambition and greed, he sure hates getting his hands dirty.
* [[Surrounded by Idiots]]: Very much believes himself to be in this position. The Anarchs hate him, the Camarilla treats him like a joke, his position hangs by a thread, and the only person he can actually throw his weight against is, well, ''you''. So he does.
* [[The Uriah Gambit]]: The ''entire frigging game'' is a series of these.
* [[Ungrateful Bastard]]: You'd think, especially given all the epic badassery you do for the guy, he'd wind up respecting you as at least a very useful cats paw, right? Not at all.
* [[The Uriah Gambit]]: The ''entire frigging game'' is a series of these.
* [[Vampires Are Rich]]: Lives in a condo in downtown LA, decorated with quite a lot of gilt. He's certainly not poor.
* {{spoiler|[[Villainous Breakdown]]: Suffers one of these because of the player character's refusal to die. It comes to a head if he opens the sarcophagus - he sees the bombs and simply laughs madly until he's incinerated.}}
* [[Villain by Default]]: No matter how useful, how polite and understanding the player is to LaCroix, he never stops trying to get them killed.
* {{spoiler|[[Villainous Breakdown]]: Suffers one of these because of the player character's refusal to die. It comes to a head if he opens the sarcophagus - he sees the bombs and simply laughs madly until he's incinerated.}}
* [[Why Won't You Die?]]: His raison d'etre for everything he involves you with.
* [[Xanatos Gambit]]: After being forced to spare your life at the Camarilla meeting, LaCroix sends you on a series of increasingly impossible suicide missions. If you die (or fail, giving him an excuse to have you executed,) he gets what he wanted in the first place; if you survive, he gets whatever he wanted out of the mission you completed. [[Spanner in the Works|If you choose to oppose him, you shoot these plans all to hell.]]
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The Tremere Primogen and Regent, Strauss is a mysterious, unfailingly polite sorcerer often found in the Tremere chantry Downtown. Unlike many of the other Elders, he actually shows some respect to the Fledgeling. {{spoiler|He becomes the new Prince in the Camarilla ending.}}
* [[Affably Evil]]: Although, most of his villainy is restricted to [[Offscreen Villainy|behind-the-scenes details]]...
* [[Ambiguously Brown]]: So, is he black or is he [[Amazing Technicolor Population|blue]]?
** Almost certainly a caucasian European. Over 300 years without a circulatory system (especially if you're low humanity) does wonders for your (lack of) complexion.
*** Oh, true about the circulatory system; however, he does seem to have the visage of a black man, or at least a mixed race. His accent definitely has a German touch, so it is likely he is European and spoke German as his native language.
* [[Affably Evil]]: Although, most of his villainy is restricted to [[Offscreen Villainy|behind-the-scenes details]]...
* [[Bald of Awesome]]: As part of his striking "modern wizard" look.
* [[Camp]]: He has extremely theatrical mannerisms to the point where one may suspect animation glitching.
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* [[Reliable Traitor]]: Gary is the Camarilla Primogen of the LA Nosferatu. He also sells his info freely to the Camarilla's enemies, has no bones about flaunting this fact in LaCroix's face, and has no respect for LaCroix, his fellow primogen, or any members of the Camarilla whatsoever. Justified insofar that the local Nosferatu were residents of LA while it was a Free State (even the Anarchs knew better than trying to root them out), and Gary has probably gotten used to flying solo; much like Grout, he probably got saddled with the title of Primogen as a matter of seniority when the Camarilla rolled back into town.
* [[Sharp-Dressed Man]]: Wears a crisp white shirt, black vest and bow-tie.
* [[Stealth Expert]]: Doesn't matter how good your stats are. Gary ''will'' get the drop on you.
* [[The Spymaster]]
* [[Stealth Expert]]: Doesn't matter how good your stats are. Gary ''will'' get the drop on you.
* [[Troll]]
* [[Verbal Tic]]: He ends just about every sentence with "Boss."
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* [[Properly Paranoid]]: Well, he's Malkavian, he's powerful, and this is the World of Darkness. ''Someone's'' gonna be out to get him.
* [[Psycho Psychologist]]: Despite his rather calm demeanor, Grout is ''not'' someone you want treating you.
* [[Shout-Out]]: To Coppola's "Bram Stoker's Dracula". The audiotapes he leaves around are similar to the ones used by Dr. Seward, and he also operates an asylum of sorts. Furthermore, his [[Love Makes You Crazy|basic motivations]]...
* [[Sanity Slippage]]: As with all Malkavians, he's insane; however, Grout has a very slow-acting version of the Malkavian madness, going from a cold-hearted psychopath to a reclusive paranoid schizophrenic over the course of several decades.
* [[Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness]]: Notes that vampires do it, theorizes as to why, then realizes he's [[Got Me Doing It|doing it too]] over the course of one diary recording.
* [[Shout-Out]]: To Coppola's "Bram Stoker's Dracula". The audiotapes he leaves around are similar to the ones used by Dr. Seward, and he also operates an asylum of sorts. Furthermore, his [[Love Makes You Crazy|basic motivations]]...
* [[The Spock]]: By Malkavian standards, to the point that the Ventrue diplomats that persuaded him to become Primogen hand-tailored their arguments to his "obvious infatuation with reason."
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* [[Nice Guy]]
=== Mitnick ===
{{quote|''Oh my god, are you kidding me? What are you using for security down there, a Trash-80? Guys, it's called "encryption." This is too easy; I'd let you off the hook, but stupidity always brings out the asshole in me...''}}
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* [[Troll]]: Implied by his dialogue when you first meet him. He still manages to be rather nice face-to-face, on the other hand.
=== Imalia ===
{{quote|''Bitch! I can't believe she got the cover of ''Glamorella ''this month!''}}