Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines/YMMV: Difference between revisions

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*** Even without Obfuscate, if you managed to persuade the first guard but screw up (i.e. take too long and the guard is back at his post), you can just run right by him, pistols aren't going to drop you that fast and you can still avoid killing anyone.
* [[Suspiciously Similar Song]]: The main menu music sounds almost like an instrumental version of "Angel" by [[Massive Attack]].
* [[That One Level]]: The Warrens, a [[Marathon Level]] that largely serves as nothing but [[Padding]]. They're ''full'' of annoying and hard to kill monsters, tricky puzzles, and contain no interesting loot or anything importance to the plot. Thankfully, the most recent versions of the unofficial patch re-implements a [[Dummied Out]] shortcut that allows you to skip the lower three levels.
* [[Too Dumb to Live]]: None of the factions can really match the utter foolishness of the Society of Leopold. Not only do their 'field agents' dress like your typical cliche [[Old World of Darkness|oWoD]] character ( Literally a trenchcoat and a katana), making them stand out like sore thumbs, their base is littered with ammocrates not seen in any other base (not even the sabbat) ripe for anyone to shoot everybody to hogh heaven. The actions of the hunters are also so stupid, it gets lampshaded. But the best example of their foolishness has to be their laser trip-wires, while one might expect the lasers to simply warn the hunters, instead, they are explosive rigged. And why would people fighting against vampires allow their own laser tripwires to be easily toggled between being triggered by vampires (room temperature) and humans (body temperature)? Of course, it could just be [[Law of Conservation of Detail]] and the player character actually does something more complicated to change the settings than pick one in a menu.
* [[Ugly Cute]]: Of all things, Mitnick the hacker Nosferatu. Unlike the other members of the clan, he looks like a perfectly normal 20-something aside from pointed ears and baldness. Some dialogue implies that Mitnick somehow became ''more attractive'' after becoming a Nosferatu.