Verdun: Difference between revisions

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* [[Nintendo Hard]]: This is a game where it's horrifically easy to die. Where obstacles such as barbed wire or even just one wrong move can mean life or death.
* [[Obvious Beta]]: ''Verdun'' has undergone several updates over time, but continues to be in development even after being released. This is in part explained by the developers involved being comprised of only four people.
* [[One Hit Wonder]]: In general, your soldiersoldiers can only take very few hits ''at best''. More often than not however, a single shot or melee attack can be lethal.
* [[Paranoia Fuel]]: Enemies, traps and lethal dangers abound at every corner, be it in the trenches or simply by going "over the top."
* [[Real Is Brown]]: Downplayed, though the overall color palette is fittingly muted.
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* [[Super Prototype]]: After a fashion, the game also includes early-generation LMGs and SMGs that saw action in the latter years of the Great War.
* [[The Squad]]: Gameplay revolves around this; simply going lone wolf on enemies is a guaranteed way to die quickly.
* [[Unfriendly Fire]]: It's possible to switch friendly fire off, though the game strongly discourages team-killing.
* [[Yanks With Tanks]]: The US military also shows up, albeit as "Doughboys" befitting the era.
* [[War Is Hell]]: In spades, given how ''Verdun'' is set in the trench warfare-laden Western Front, not to mention being inspired by one of the bloodiest battles in the Great War. The ''Horrors of War'' expansion also takes this even further, by adding gore and more graphic deaths.