Viewtiful Joe: Difference between revisions

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** On the other hand, Joe IS invincible during the animation, which can give you a little breather during combat, and with a VFX Turbo Charger, the invincibility lasts long enough to turn back into Viewtiful mode.
* [[Awesome but Impractical]]: [[BFG|The Six Cannon]]. Unlike the other [[Tag Team|Viewtiful Switch]] [[Combination Attack|moves]], the VFX gauge needs to be extended almost all the way up to the maximum. It also requires a good deal of [[Charged Attack|time for charging]], which leaves you vulnerable for the duration (and if you're hit, you have to start over again). And then when you ''finally'' get around to firing it, it turns out that this attack is better for [[Mooks]] crowd control than against a boss. However, use VFX Slow and [[Difficult but Awesome|you'll be rewarded with]] [[Game Breaker|a crawling blast of death that bites CHUNKS out of any boss's lifebar]].
* [[Back Fromfrom the Dead]]: In ''Double Trouble'', {{spoiler|Queen Heinderella is really Junko, Joe and Jasmine's deceased mother who has descended from Heaven for a day to see how her children have grown.}}
* [[Bare Your Midriff]]: Jasmine.
* [[Battle Couple]]: Joe and Silvia, natch.
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* [[Unreliable Narrator]]: The Narrator persistently attempts to make Joe's showboating look heroic.
** It's even more hilarious when you realize the narrator [[Hey, It's That Voice!|is]] ''[[Final Fantasy X|Jecht]]!''
* [["Wake -Up Call" Boss]]: Hulk Davidson in the first game, Flinty Stone in ''2''.
* [[Warrior Poet]]: Frost Tiger in ''2''. He even utters some poetry in his death throes. It makes his death all the more epic.
{{quote|'''Frost Tiger''' (after dispatching Big John): "Though I have slain/ my heart aches/ the piteous beast fades/ as morning dew."
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{{quote|'''Joe:''' "[[Inspector Gadget|Go-go]] phat fat!" (''a "V" poofs onto his [[Nice Hat]]'') "'''[[Crowning Moment of Funny|SHAZAM!]]'''"}}
* [[Worthy Opponent]]: Alastor, as well as Frost Tiger in ''2''.
* [[X Meets Y]]: It's ''[[Kamen Rider]]'' meets ''[[Last Action Hero]]'' story-wise, with gameplay similar to ''[[Kung -Fu Master]]''.
* [[You Killed My Father|You Killed My Brother]]: Subverted with Frost Tiger. Joe and Silvia expect him to want [[Revenge]] for the death of Fire Leo in ''1'', but Frost Tiger is too concerned with having a good fight to care about such petty things. Still, the strategy guide implies that Tiger may be a mite ticked off about the death of his brother.
* [[Your Mind Makes It Real]]
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