Visual Effects of Awesome (Sugar Wiki): Difference between revisions

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* The CG animals in ''[[Film/The Golden Compass|The Golden Compass]]''.
* The "London Walk" in ''[[28 Days Later]]'', where Jim roams the city looking for anyone else, passing by several landmarks and giving the completely convincing impression that one of the world's major capitals is devoid of human life. All achieved by filming early in the morning, stopping traffic for a few minutes, and blanking out anything else in post-production.
* Voldemort's face in the ''[[Harry Potter (film)|''Harry Potter]]'' movies]].
** By the seventh movie, it's not as good - it's ''so'' real that it pretty much stops being scary and starts being 'meh, so he's a bit pale'.
** The really impressive part, of course, is the nose. Many viewers have wondered what they could have done to make Ralph Fiennes' nose look like that short of facial surgery. The answer is that they erased his nose with CGI. And it's worth noting they had to not effectaffect Ralph Fiennes' performance while they were digitally altering his face in every shot in which he appears, whether it's a close-up of his face or a wide shot in which he can only be seen from a distance.
** Buckbeak in ''[[Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (film)|Prisoner of Azkaban]]''.
** The Dementors, especially in the third.
** The scene where [[Cloudcuckoolander|Luna]] and Harry watch the Thestrals.
** Pretty much ''anything'' Dumbledore does with his wand is gauranteedguaranteed 100% unadulterated awesome, though special mention should go to his fight with Voldemort at the end of [[Harry Potter and Thethe Order of Thethe Phoenix (film)|the fifth]] and his EPIC''epic'' ring of fire in [[Harry Potter and Thethe Half -Blood Prince (film)|the sixth]].
** DOBBY AND KREACHER IN [[Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 1|DEATHLY HALLOWS PART 1]]. Compare Dobby in that to Dobby in [[Harry Potter and Thethe Chamber of Secrets (film)|the second]]. It makes the first, semi -[[The Scrappy|scrappy]] Dobby look like amateur work. Kreacher not as much improvement since he was already pretty damn good in the fifth, but holy cow. There were so many moments where I went "Oh, that's ''got'' to be a puppet".... only to find out it was ''all CGI''.
** ''''' THE UKRAINIAN IRONBELLY'''''. ''Holy shit''. Best special effects in the whole series; ''period''.
** All of the Horcrux destructions.
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* Tony Stark putting on his "suitcase armor" in ''[[Iron Man]] 2''
** By far the better scene was the first movie, when his entire automated workshop dresses him in his Mark III armor, piece by piece, finishing with placing his helmet and mask.
* The three main ''[[X-Men (film)|X-Men]]'' movies all feature incredible visual effects, especially since the first was released in 2000. Particularly impressive is the scene where Magneto confronts the cops, takes control of their firearms and floats them in midair, aiming at each of them. Also, the various closeup shots of Wolverine's claws emerging, Senator Kelly's [[Nightmare Fuel]] mutation, Mystique's transformations (that got progressively better as the films went on) and so on. Also in the first film is an extreme [[Talking to Himself]] scene where Wolverine fights Mystique (the latter disguised as Wolverine) and one seriously cannot tell which is the real Logan. The second film had the X-Jet tornado sequence, Nightcrawler's teleportations and the ending scene where Jean Grey telekinetically holds back the water from the dam. The third film has Angel's wings, Quill's spikes and of course the Golden Gate bridge uprooted and plonked on Alcatraz Island. One moment that is slight more subtle is the "digital skin grafting" that made Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen look two decades younger.
** Not forgetting the practical makeup effects, such as the muscle suit Vinnie Jones wore as the Juggernaut, Angel's wings in their folded position and of course the full-body makeup applied to Beast, Mystique and Nightcrawler.
** The 2006 remake of ''Poseidon''. Beautifully shot capsizing scene or the wonderful opening sequence just goes to show you what computers and animators are capable of.[ The Capsizing scene] and the [ opening scene]