• Big Lipped Alligator Building: Played with via Fast Eddie's Treetop Casino. Built in the Arbor Day episode, it was only mentioned when a cannonball crashed through and ruins the casino.
  • Crowning Moment of Funny: Deserves its own page, but whenever Vito gets into his unintelligible mode is a good start.
  • Funny Aneurysm Moment: One frequent source of comedy on the show and the commentaries was Ryan's driving abilities, or rather lack thereof. In June 2011, Ryan crashed his Porsche after a night of drinking, killing himself and a passenger.
    • When the crew steal April's car to get it pimped out, they tell her that Ryan has borrowed it. Her reaction is, "Ryan Dunn?! Who has flipped more cars than Evil Kinevil." Previously he has flipped a car with himself, Bam & Chris Raab inside in which they could have died, he also wrecked a motorcycle, then an expensive custom motorcycle.
  • Hilarity Ensues: Naturally.