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* [[Insult Backfire]]: Lillian Woods was originally created as a Vivian James knock-off by anti-GG to both mock [[Gamergate]] supporters and create a "proper" representation of female gamers. Not only did it ironically result in Lillian looking very much like a [[Unfortunate Implications|veritable Aryan girl, blond hair, blue eyes and all]], but she was ultimately embraced by pro-GG as both Vivian's "rival" and a caricature of anti-GG.
* [[Image Boards]]: Aside from Vivian originating from them, the personifications of /v/ and /pol/ are known to pop up.
* [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold]]: How she's commonly shown to be, given how friendly and tolerant she can be once people get to know her. Cross her or push her [[Berserk Button]]s however, and she becomes ''merciless.''
* [[Jumped At the Call]]: Sort of. As much as she would very much rather "play vidya," she doesn't hesitate to call out nonsense or defend herself.
* [[Mascot]]: In addition to her association with [[Gamergate]], Vivian is the defacto mascot of the KotakuInAction subreddit, alongside Ethics, the Sea Lion.