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Two characters in a verbal dispute are reduced to exchanging insults -- backinsults—back and forth, over and over, like a ping-pong ball. Sometimes they escalate to extraordinary heights of inventiveness, but more often it degenerates into [[Big Stupid Doodoo Head|utter lameness]] as they run out of ''nasty'' things to call each other and resort to [[Big Stupid Doodoo Head|stupid ones]]. If an intellectual character is involved, their [[Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness]] will be their key to victory.
If the participants are of each other's preferred gender, [['''Volleying Insults]]''' can sometimes take a left turn into a [[Slap Slap Kiss]]. Common for [[Belligerent Sexual Tension]].
And if the participants [[Ho Yay|happen to be the same gender]], such as with [[Vitriolic Best Buds]], certain [[Yaoi Fangirl|fans]] will use this as a ground for claiming that the pairing has a basis. Namely, that the characters have chemistry by bickering [[Like an Old Married Couple]], or that they have a lot of [[Foe Yay]].
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* The last episode of ''[[Code Geass]] R2'' had Rakshata and Lloyd bickering at each other {{spoiler|when they're in prison, right before Lelouch's assassination at the hands of Suzaku/Zero}}. Hardly surprising, since they're ex-classmates and members of opposing [[Rival Science Teams]]. Lampshaded when {{spoiler|the also imprisoned}} Nina hears them, asks Lloyd's assistant Cécile what's up, and Cécile is all "oh, don't worry hon, they've been like this since forever".
* In ''[[Full Metal Panic!]]'', Kurz and Sousuke tend to do this with each other a lot. Kurz tends to take the dirtier approach, and insults Sousuke by calling him a stupid, naive, [[Virginity Makes You Stupid|gutless virgin]] (which Sousuke reacts angrily to mainly because he [[Chaste Hero|assumes it's probably an insult]]), while Sousuke tends to attack Kurz as being a lazy, useless good-for-nothing. Interestingly enough, Kurz is shown to pretty much be the ''only'' person who can make [[The Stoic|Sousuke]] get annoyed to the point where he yells petty insults and bickers. Some people think it [[Ho Yay|means]] [[Like an Old Married Couple|something]].
* Kanda and Allen from ''[[D.Gray-man]]''. They can't go two sentences without [[Volleying Insults]] at each other. Most of the time it ends with Kanda calling Allen "Moyashi," and Allen calling Kanda some random insulting name.
** One example is in the Drama CD where the following conversation takes place:
{{quote|Kanda: Gluttonous pig with no sense of taste.
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Which, from there, leads to the two whaling away at each other with their walking sticks in a donnybrook that can only be broken up by gunfire. In Congress. Some things never change. }}
* In ''Keating! The Musical'' a song called ''On The Floor'' is a rap-battle of volleying insults between Paul Keating and John Hewson. It's all the funnier because all the insults are things they actually said.
* Gyorgy Ligeti's operatic [[Mind Screw]] masterpiece ''Le Grand Macabre'' has this embarassing scene where the Black and the White Ministers trade insults with each other -- alphabeticallyother—alphabetically, from A to W, because they cannot think of anything that start with X, Y or Z.
{{quote|'''White''': Arse-licker! Arse-kisser!
'''Black''': Blackmailer! Bloodsucker!
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'''Timon:''' Rogue, rogue, rogue... }}
** In [[Henry IV]], Hal and Falstaff spend most of their scenes together trying to top the other in insults.
{{quote|'''Hal:''' I'll be no longer guilty of this sin; this sanguine coward, [[Fat Bastard|this bed-presser, this horseback-breaker, this huge hill of flesh,— ]]<br />
'''Falstaff:''' 'Sblood, you starveling, you elf-skin, you dried neat's tongue, you bull's pizzle, you stock-fish! O for breath to utter what is like thee! you tailor's-yard, you sheath, you bowcase; you vile standing-tuck,—<br />
'''Hal:''' Well, breathe awhile, and then to it again. }}
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== Video Games ==
* [[Volleying Insults]] are a staple of ''[[Monkey Island]]''.
** The most famous example is the "insult swordfights" from ''[[The Secret of Monkey Island|Secret]]'' ("You fight like a dairy farmer!" "How appropriate. [[You Fight Like a Cow]]."); the Fettucini Brothers indulge in this a bit as well ("Slacker!" "Weasel!" "Ruffian!" "Fop!").
** The quality of your insult comes from your swordfighting skill, of all things.
** ''[[The Curse of Monkey Island]]'' features ''rhyming'' insult sword-fighting.
** [[Escape from Monkey Island]] has insult arm-wrestling and a monkey form of insult battles, "Monkey Combat". Also in ''Escape'', in order to solve a puzzle, Guybrush needs to "borrow" a time clock from two chess players, so he gets the two mad enough at each other that they're too busy [[Volleying Insults]] (such as "Falstaff stand-in!" and "Weasel worrier!") to notice him take it.
*** [[Crowning Moment of Funny|FRINGE CANDIDATE!]]
* Likewise, there's an entire pirate insult mini-game in the third ''[[Sly Cooper]]'' game where the object is to not do the same insult twice.
* Pirates and [[Volleying Insults]] seem to go well together: a quest in ''[[Kingdom of Loathing]]'' requires you to face another pirate in a game of Insult Beer Pong.
** That's a blatant swipe/parody of ''[[Monkey Island]]'', though, even to the point of having the same (long, tedious) puzzle solution and even some of the same insults.
* In [[World of Warcraft]], an exchange between two [[Vitriolic Best Buds|bumbling ex-cops]] in Dalaran (possibly a [[Shout-Out|tribute]] to the above [[Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles]] example) goes as follows:
