Wacky Fratboy Hijinx: Difference between revisions

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== Web Comics ==
* ''[[El Goonish Shive]]'' has featured an un-named "college party comedy".
* Exists even in fantasy worlds, as Roy Greenhilt has to learn in the ''[[The Order of the Stick]]'' prequel "On the Origin of PCs".
* ''[[Shredded Moose]]'' attempts to mix this with [[Refuge in Vulgarity]] and gets [[Moral Event Horizon]]s.
* At one point in '''[[Schlock Mercenary]]'' the Toughs have to get information out of a computer center in a college library. While they're there, some frat boys decide to play a game of 'taunt the human'. Their leader gets the brilliant idea of punching a man who outweighs him roughly 3:1, all of it in muscle, starting a brawl in which the frat boys get clobbered.