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== Comic Books ==
* ''[[Spider-Man (Comic Book)|Spider-Man]]'' is famous for this. His arachnid powers allow him to scale buildings and cling to ceilings. The films showed a close-up of his hands with protruding barbs in an attempt to explain his wall-crawling abilities. Which just [[Fridge Logic|makes you wonder]] a) how thin the gloves and shoes of his costume are, and b) how exactly that works when he's sliding down a wall after taking a particularly powerful blow. Wouldn't that hurt? Another comic-book explanation had him manipulating "nuclear force" to do the wall-sticking.
** [[Legacy Character]] May Parker, a.k.a. [[Spider-Girl]], inherited the ability; in an odd twist, she can also use it to ''repel'' objects.
** The Lizard can also do this. In his first appearance, he compares it to the ability of the gecko.
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== Tabletop Games ==
* ''[[Dungeons and Dragons]]'' back from the first edition have a spell called "Spider Climb". Guess what it does? Later sourcebooks, especially on drow (with their spider theme and living in caverns) add some variations.
* ''[[Dungeons and Dragons]]''
** [[Forgotten Realms]] AD&D2 sourcebook ''The Drow of the Underdark'' got a divine version of the spell, ''Menzoberranzan'' has Improved Spider Climb and Cling (stationary, but working on any surface and unshakeable).
** 3e introduced Icewalking ability of some creatures (and provided by magic items) that resembles Spider Climb, except it works on any ice surfaces, and only them.
** Vampires in the game have the ability, presumably going back to the example in ''Dracula''.
** Some creatures - including sentients such as Grippli or Geckonid - based on real life animals that do it (spiders, reptiles etc) can move up the walls or tree trunks at their normal walking speed.
** The warlock class from ''D&D'' 3.5 can pick up an ability which allows them to climb on ceilings, or walls, whenever they want. That said, they can also pick up permanent flying.
** Furthermore, it is possible for characters with no magic to climb up perfectly smooth ''walls of force''. Then again, they can also swim up waterfalls, so it might just be a case of the game getting ridiculous after a while.
** Also featured in ''D&D'' are "Boots of Spiderwalk" that allow this.
** In 4th, the new Dark pact for the Warlock class has this as a 2nd level Utility power, called Spider Scuttle; ''As you casually scale the wall, onlookers catch glimpses of hundreds of shadowy legs and pieces of spider-selves that couldn't possibly match the real you.''
** Making this [[Older Than They Think|older than most people realize]], at least where tabletop gaming is concerned, first edition ''Dungeons & Dragons'' featured the "Spider Climb" spell, also seen later. Guess what it does?
** Vampires in the game have the ability, presumably going back to the example in ''Dracula''.
* ''[[Exalted]]'' gives Solars an athletics Charm called Spider-Foot Style. As above... [[Captain Obvious|guess what it does?]]
* Lizard-Climb from ''[[GURPS]]: Martial Arts'' as well as the advantage Clinging (which you can get cheap if you limit it to certain surfaces, like metal or chocolate).
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== Web Comics ==
* ''[[Freefall]]''. "''Spider Sam, Spider Sam -- do anything, duct tape can....''" Of course, he ''was'' in microgravity at the time.