Warcraft/Characters/The Alliance: Difference between revisions

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{{quote|''My son, the day you were born, the very forests of Lordaeron whispered the name Arthas. My child, I watched with pride as you grew into a weapon of righteousness. Remember, our line has always ruled with wisdom and strength. And I know you will show restraint when exercising your great power. But the truest victory, my son, is stirring the hearts of your people. I tell you this, for when my days have come to an end, you shall be King.''}}
The king of Lordaeron and one of the primary founders of the Alliance. When Lothar brought the refugees of Stormwind with him north to Lordaeron, Terenas immediately called for all of the neighbouring kings to unite as the Alliance. After the Second War had been won, Terenas took over as its leader for years to follow. During the Third War, he ignored Medivh's prophecy of the Burning Legion's coming, dismissing him as "rambling prophet". As a plague had presumably struck the northern parts of Lordaeron, he sent his son, Prince Arthas, to investigate, who found out that an undead army, the Scourge, was behind it all. After Arthas returned from Northrend, he was killed immediately by the now [[Fallen Hero|corrupted Arthas]], who promptly destroyed the lands he had ruled for over 50 years. Alas, he did not get to taste the swift release of death. His soul was bound within [[Evil Weapon|Frostmourne]], alongside many others.
In ''Wrath of the Lich King'', Terenas provides the ironic narration of the expansion's opening. He also plays a major part as a soul in the fall of the Lich King, where he taunts the Lich King that his end comes and {{spoiler|in the final fight, he not only helps players get freed from Frostmourne, he also ressurects the entire raid after Tirion destroys Frostmourne.}}
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After the Second War, he returned to Stormwind as its king. Numerous political events made his early years as ruler difficult. The corrupt House of Nobles refused to play the Stonemasons working on Stormwind’s reconstruction, and the riots that resulted killed his wife, leaving Varian a widower and a single father to his son Anduin (yes, named after Lothar).
Following the events of the Third War (which Stormwind was unable to participate in due to its own internal troubles), Varian attempted to meet with the leaders of the re-established Horde in Kalimdor. However, he was abducted on the way to the summit, and for the first few years of WoW’s life, he was MIA. His fate was later revealed in the [[World of Warcraft Comic(comics)||comics]]: he was abducted by the black dragon Onyxia and spit into two separate personalities. The first personality – the one representative of his dominance and strong will – lost most of his memories, and was captured by an orc slaver and trained as a gladiator, who quickly earned the name "Lo'gosh". The other half – Varian’s cooler and more diplomatic side – returned to Stormwind, but was under the control of Onyxia in her human form, Lady Katrana Prestor. Eventually, Lo’gosh found out his true identity, returned to Stormwind, and exposed Onyxia. The two Varians chased Onyxia back to her lair, one of her spells caused them to merge back into one, and the now- sole Varian slew the black dragon.
Varian returned in-game in time for the events owf Wrath of the Lich King. After the Lich King’s attack on Stormwind, he launched the invasion of Northrend and became the Supreme Commander of the Alliance’s combined forces. However, things took a turn for the worse during the battle at Angrathar, the Wrath Gate, when Varian’s leading general and good friend Bolvar Fordragon died at the hands of a surprise attack by the Forsaken. Enraged by his friend’s unnecessary death, Varian blamed the Horde, and swore that he would not rest until the orcs and their allies were wiped off the face of the earth.
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In the ''Mists of Pandaria'' expansion, according to [[Word of God]], Varian will be set up as the "High King" of the Alliance, in a role similar to Lothar and Turalyon before him.
* [[All There in the Manual]]: The [[World of Warcraft Comic(comics)||Comics]] go into a bit more detail for Varian's reason for his hate for the Horde other than just Fordragon's death. He and Thrall did attempt to have a diplomatic peace treaty, which ended disastrously after {{spoiler|a [[Brainwashed and Crazy]] Garona entered and tried to kill everyone present.}}
** To further clarify, {{spoiler|Varian is aware of the fact that Garona killed his father Llane, but not that she was brainwashed into doing it, and accuses Thrall of hiring her to finish the job, so to speak. He refuses to believe Thrall had nothing to do with the attack, and they part on bad terms.}}
* [[Animal Stereotypes]]: Often compared to a wolf for his [[Big Badass Wolf|ferocity]] and [[Papa Wolf|protectiveness]], and the orcs and tauren nicknamed him Lo'gosh, after a revered wolf ancient.
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{{quote|'''Genn''': Never- never have I nor any of my warriors acted so basely! The bravery of Gilneas-
'''Varian''': "Bravery"? The definition must be different in Gilneas from what it is in most other lands... the very opposite, I'd say. }}
** He's particularly prone to snarking as and under the influence of Lo'Gosh.
* [[Determinator]]
* [[Double Standard Rape (Sci Fi)]]: It's all but made explicit that Katrana Prestor/Onyxia was having sex with Varian while she was controlling his mind. Never explored in canon, probably thankfully.
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Current ruler of Theramore Isle, and pretty much one of the few humans that believe that peace can be attained between the two factions. During Warcraft III Jaina was introduced as a young and idealistic mage, and Arthas' former girlfriend. Unfortunately, she became unable to stomach his growing corruption, and at the advice of the mysterious Prophet she led a sizable human contingent to the lost continent of Kalimdor. After a series of battles Jaina formed an alliance with the Horde and Night Elves, and fought bravely in the final conflicts of the Third War. Afterwards, she and her people founded the island city of Theramore and sought peace with the Horde.
Despite quite possibly being the [[Only Sane Man|most reasonable human leader]], things never seem to go Jaina's way. Some time after the battle of Mount Hyjal the navy of Kul Tiras, led by her father, took over Theramore and pushed for renewed war with the reformed Horde. Jaina was unable to convince her father that the Horde had changed, and had to watch him die in battle against the Horde's champion Rexxar. In spite of her experience and foresight she is very much the junior player in the modern Alliance, compared to Stormwind and its returned king Varian Wrynn. By the time of the most recent expansion Jaina is more or less the ''sole'' Alliance leader (or at least the only one who gets any screentime) terribly interested in peace, actively defying Varian Wrynn when he seeks to wage war with the Horde.
* [[A Day in the Limelight]]: She's said to get more of a role in the plot for Mists of Pandaria, especially because {{spoiler|Theramore will be destroyed}}.
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* [[Ship Tease]]: See Thrall's. Also add "Jaina looks like the human girl that cared for Thrall when he's young."
** [[Ship Sinking]]: At least this one given that Thrall is now [[Happily Married]]
** She gets one with Varian, too, at Icecrown Citadel.
*** Also add "Jaina looks like his [[Dead Little Sister|dead]] [[The Lost Lenore|wife]]", as well as the fact that her relationship with Anduin is very much that of a mother and child, furthering implications.
* [[Squishy Wizard]] / [[Gameplay and Story Segregation]]: A rather egregious case, in-game, Jaina has more HP than King Varian Wrynn, and actually deals more damages with her physical staff attacks than her fireballs.
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{{quote|''"If I didn't kick so much ass, I'd feel a tad awkward."''}}
[[Name's the Same|Not to be confused with the God of Dwarves in]] ''[[Dungeons and& Dragons]]''.
Muradin is probably one of the more well known dwarves in the Warcraft Universe. He was friends with Arthas, at least while he was still sane. He later leaves in an expedition to search for the mythical blade Frostmourne, and later ends up meeting Arthas who sought the same sword, but he has much more sinister agenda behind his search. Muradin accompanied him, but grew increasingly disturbed with his twisted change. When they came upon Frostmourne, Muradin realized that the blade is evil and cursed and opted to abandon it. But Arthas, already insane, pulled out the sword, sacrificing Muradin as the ice blocks surrounding it crushed him. Muradin is dead...
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* [[Badass]]
* [[Bald of Awesome]]
* [[Canon Immigrant]]: Originated from [[Warcraft: Day of the Dragon]].
* [[Drop the Hammer]]
* [[Our Dwarves Are All the Same]]: Not quite in the case of him and the Wildhammer clan.
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== Aysa Cloudsinger ==
Leader of the Alliance-aligned Pandaren. Aysa embodies the Tushui monk arts, which emphasizes meditation, stoicism, rigorous training and moral convictions. These ideals draw her to the Alliance, whose values are much the same.
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High Priestess of Elune and official head of the Night Elf government. Tyrande is the passionate, and occasionally rash, leader of the night elf Sentinels. She is also the High Priestess of the Moon, and worships Elune with total submission and adoration. She loves Malfurion Stormrage and will do almost anything to help or protect him. Tyrande is a caring soul at her core, and is willing to do anything to protect those she loves and is sworn to protect - which these days means the entire kaldorei race. She is decisive, and may take courses of action that others find disagreeable, but always has the well being of Kalimdor at the forefront of her thoughts. Illidan once observed that she looked like a goddess herself in her war regalia, a compliment Tyrande was reluctant to accept, given her initially peaceful nature. Tyrande is in many ways the perfect avatar for Elune on Azeroth: she is a caring and gentle soul when she needs to be, but is willing to do whatever it takes to protect her home and her people. Tyrande was originally daunted by her task, but found the strength needed to adapt with the support of her beloved Malfurion.
She is highly suspicious of outsiders from other races, and only rarely volunteers advice or assistance to them. The most she will offer to do for visitors is to provide a small escort of archers or huntresses to guide them, as well as to secretly keep tabs on them and prevent them from despoiling her homeland in any way. As she grows to know outsiders better, she tends to open up more to them and can become quite friendly. She often develops a deep respect and camaraderie with anyone who fights side-by-side with her on the battlefield, and appreciates the assistance of strangers even if she doesn't display or communicate that appreciation very well.
* [[The Archer]]: She fought with a bow in ''Warcraft III'' and had an ice arrow spell. In Well of Eternity, she uses a bow until she runs out of arrows, but most of the relevant mechanics are her using Elune's blessing.
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* [[Roaring Rampage of Revenge]]
* [["The Reason You Suck" Speech]]: Gives one to Thermaplugg at the end of their confrontation in "Cut Short," after explaining where he had gone wrong in the past.
* [[Took a Level Inin Badass]]: Looks to the case in the retaking of Gnomeregan.
* [[Unwitting Pawn]]: And [[Meaningful Name|Sicco]] [[Devil in Plain Sight|Thermaplugg]] wasn't even ''convincing''!
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* [[Cain and Abel]]: A line made at the Sunwell Plateau implies he and Kil'jaeden are brothers. This is almost certainly figurative, but even so.
* [[Cassandra Truth]]: Kil'jaeden and Archimonde don't believe him even when he psychically shares his vision with them. It's what makes him realize that they're too far gone.
* [[Elderly Immortal]]: While he's not the only draenei who remembers Argus (Velen's [[Immortality]] has been recently confirmed, and all uncorrupted draenei are known to be either [[The Ageless]] or just ridiculously [[Long Lived]]), he's one of the few who actually looks old.
* [[Good Shepherd]]: In a way. He chose exile and "betray" someone he loved as a brother rather than see all of his race changed into demons. Also in his backstory he heals people once he understands he needs to live more in the now than in the past or the future.
* [[The Messiah]]: For the Draenei.
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{{quote|''"Damn the orcs, damn the Alliance, and damn you! The last thing Gilneas needs is sponges from other nations drawing from our resources, Dalaran wizards meddling with our affairs, and someone else's enemies killing our soldiers! Gilneas is its own nation and it always will be. This is the last time I'll ever talk to you, Terenas, so I hope you were listening."''}}
King of Gilneas and formerly one of those in the Council of the Alliance of Lordaeron, which is strictly because of [[Enemy Mine]]. He later constructed the Greymane Wall in order to isolate his kingdom from the outside. He stubbornly kept the gates shut even as refugees from the war or the Scourge desperately begged to be let in to have a place of refuge. While the wall has successfully kept the Scourge and other enemies at bay, it still did not prevent the Worgen curse from coming in where it did most of its damage. He finally agreed to rejoin the Alliance following the breach of the wall by the Horde and the help from the Night Elves in controlling the Worgen curse.
* [[The Atoner]]
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* [[Our Werewolves Are Different]]
* [[Royals Who Actually Do Something|Nobility That Actually Does Something]]
* [[Rebel Leader]]: Leader of the Northgate rebellion against Greymane and later the [[La Résistance|Gilneas Liberation Front]] against the Forsaken occupation of Silverpine Forest.
* [[Redheaded Hero]]
* [[Sword and Gun]]: Before he switches to [[Power Fist|Power Fists]] in Silverpine Forest.
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* [[Better to Die Than Be Killed]]: Commits suicide after his allies are defeated.
* [[Came Back Wrong]]
* [[Chronic Backstabbing Disorder]]: First he betrays Gilneas by capturing Genn Greymane, promising to hand him over if the Forsaken let Gilneas alone, a deal very unlikely to go through. After he is foiled, he commits suicide, before being raised as a Forsaken, betraying Gilneas for real. After essentially winning the battle for Silverpine Forest for the Forsaken, he {{spoiler|'''kills''' Sylvanas, though only [[Back Fromfrom the Dead|temporarily]]}}, before running off with his companions and taking over Shadowfang Keep.
* [[Driven to Suicide]]: But it didn't last.
* [[Evil Old Folks]]: Once he becomes undead, at least.