Warcraft/Characters/The Alliance: Difference between revisions

setting it up in alphabetical order
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(setting it up in alphabetical order)
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== Alleria Windrunner ==
An elven ranger, and an early volunteer to help the Alliance against the Horde in the Second War, even before the elves formally chose to join the war. During the war the elven homeland was burned to the ground by the orcs and her younger brother killed, leading her to become obsessed with revenge and fixated on exterminating the orcs. She relished the chance to join the Alliance Expedition to Draenor and fight the orcs further, and once there, with the aid of Turalyon and Khadgar, eventually gave up on her genocidal quest. While she doesn't appear in The Burning Crusade, her son with Turalyon does.
* [[Action Girl]]
* [[The Archer]]
* [[Dead Little Sister]]: Her murdered brother, Lirath.
* [[Death Seeker]]: This is eventually pointed out to her and she gets better.
* [[Defrosting Ice Queen]]
* [[Lady of War]]
* [[Never Found the Body]]: As above.
* [[Put on a Bus]]: As with Turalyon, she's been AWOL since ''Beyond the Dark Portal''.
* [[Revenge]]: Her driving motivation after her brother's death.
* [[Roaring Rampage of Revenge]]: She hates orcs. REALLY hates orcs.
== Anduin Lothar ==
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* [[Shout-Out]]: "Anduin" is the name of the Great River in ''[[The Lord of the Rings]]''.
* [[Supporting Leader]]
== Darius Crowley ==
Noble from Gilneas, separated from his holdings by the Greymane Wall. Disagreed with Genn Greymane about leaving the Alliance after the Second War and started a rebellion against him. The rebellion failed, and Greymane threw Crowley in prison for treason. During the worgen invasion of Gilneas City, Greymane sets Crowley free, and the pair work together to evacuate the city. Crowley stays behind to create a distraction for the rampaging worgen, but gets turned into a worgen in the process. He later plays a key role against Horde players in the Silverpine Forest storyline.
* [[Badass Abnormal]]
* [[Badass Longcoat]]: In his human form.
* [[Cool Old Guy]]
* [[Eyepatch of Power]]
* [[Fan Nickname]]: "Lord Boxhead" due to his model in the early Cataclysm beta.
* [[Good Old Fisticuffs]]: The Cleave ability on mobs with only his bare hands. They later become [[Power Fist|Power Fists]] in Silverpine Forest.
* [[Heroic BSOD]]: Surrendering the war against the Forsaken to save his daughter from being killed and raised as a Forsaken.
* [[Heterosexual Life Partners]]: On and off with Genn Greymane. They were friends before Genn built the Greymane wall and led Darius to rebel, then decided to cooperate again to defeat the Scourge
* [[I Did What I Had to Do]]: One of his quotes when clicked on is "We do what we must."
* [[I Have Your Wife]]: Sylvanas kidnaps his daughter and threatens to turn her into a Forsaken if he doesn't surrender. He does, outraging Ivar Bloodfang.
* [[Memetic Badass]]: He cleaves with [[Good Old Fisticuffs|HIS FISTS]]
* [[Left Hanging]]: His fate at the conclusion of the worgen starting experience for Alliance players; His fate after the events of Silverpine Forest for Horde players.
* [[Oh Crap]]: Upon completing the quest "Last Stand" and returning to Darius Crowley, the player receives this chilling warning:
{{quote|'''Darius Crowley''': ''"They...they've stopped coming. No, <name>, that's not a good thing."''}}
* [[Our Werewolves Are Different]]
* [[Royals Who Actually Do Something|Nobility That Actually Does Something]]
* [[Rebel Leader]]: Leader of the Northgate rebellion against Greymane and later the [[La Résistance|Gilneas Liberation Front]] against the Forsaken occupation of Silverpine Forest.
* [[Redheaded Hero]]
* [[Sword and Gun]]: Before he switches to [[Power Fist|Power Fists]] in Silverpine Forest.
== Khadgar ==
At first Medivh's apprentice, but eventually becomes one of the most powerful wizards in the world. On discovering that Medivh is possessed by Sargeras and responsible for bringing the orcs to Azeroth, Khadgar betrayed Medivh to Lothar and, together with Lothar and the half-orc Garona, slew Medivh. Unfortunately, in doing this Medivh cursed Khadgar, then a young man, to age prematurely. The newly greybearded Khadgar went on to be the representative of [[The Magocracy|Dalaran]] to Lothar, and an advisor to Turalyon. He was ultimately the one to destroy the Dark Portal that had brought the orcs into Azeroth, ending the Second War. Afterwards he was part of the Alliance Expedition into Draenor, where he played a key role, and destroyed the Dark Portal again, this time from the Draenor side. Khadgar reappeared in The Burning Crusade, where it was revealed that he survived Draenor's destruction, made contact with the naaru, and now helps to lead the forces of good on that world.
* [[The Archmage]]
* [[Badass Beard]]
** [[Wizard Beard]]: [[Depending on the Artist]]
* [[Big Brother Mentor]]: To Turalyon.
* [[Celibate Hero]]: Not by choice, but as he has the body of an old man at twenty two, in "Beyond the Dark Portal" he lectures Turalyon and Alleria for denying their budding romance, as he'll never get to have the same pleasures.
* [[Mr. Exposition]]: Summons a familiar that leads the player around Shattrath, giving background on the Aldor and the Scryers.
* [[Plot-Relevant Age-Up]]: And how!
* [[Squishy Wizard]]
== Kurdran Wildhammer ==
Former High Thane of the Wildhammer clan, Kurdran joined the Alliance Expedition to Outland and was thought to have died. He turns out to have survived and returns to Azeroth in ''Cataclysm'', helping to unite the independant Wildhammer clans of the Twilight Highlands.
As seen in ''Fire and Iron'', Kurdran was briefly the Wildhammer representative of the Council of Three Hammers, but gave up the position to Falstad, the current High Thane of the Wildhammer clan.
* [[Badass]]
* [[Bald of Awesome]]
* [[Drop the Hammer]]
* [[Manly Tears]]: In ''Fire and Iron'', when he discovers one of Sky-Ree's eggs to have survived.
* [[Our Dwarves Are All the Same]]: Not quite in the case of him and the Wildhammer clan. Heavily emphasised in ''Fire and Iron'', where the main conflict comes from the Bronzebeard dwarves' and the Dark Irons' disdain of his clan.
* [[Shock and Awe]]
* [[Shout-Out]]: Some believe the entire premise behind ''Fire and Iron'' is one big reference to the infamous Red Shirt Guy from Blizzcon 2010. Said Guy corrected a mistake in the ''Cataclysm'' beta, where Kudran was on the Council of Three Hammers instead of Falstad. Very soon after the event, Kudran was indeed replaced rightfully with Falstad.
== Malfurion Stormrage ==
{{quote|''"Our sins have returned... to haunt us."''}}
One of the first Night Elves empowered by Cenarius, Malfurion was is renowned for being the greatest druid in the world. His rise to power in Night Elven society came after helping his people during the War of the Ancients, when the old Highbourne regime lead by Queen Azshara summoned demons into the world. Since the end of the war, the Night Elves chose to forsake the Highbourne practices of arcane magic, and instead turned to druidism and the worship of nature under Malfurion and Cenarius' guidance.
After the war, Malfurion went into a deep sleep every few hundred years to rejuvenate his druidic powers. He was awoken during one such slumber by Tyrande, when the Burning Legion's invaded of Kalimdor once more during the Third War. With the guidance of the prophet Medivh, Malfurion formed an alliegance with the Alliance and Horde to make one last stand against the Legion upon the peak of Mount Hyjal. Summoning the spirits of the ancient Night Elves, Malfurion lured the Legion's general, Archimonde, to the base of the World Tree Nordrassil, and used the spirits' power to destroy him once and for all.
Following the Battle of Mount Hyjal Malfurion once again fell into a deep sleep, but this time was different; he was trapped in the Emerald Dream against his will, and unable to escape. For years, Malfurion was tended too in his comatose state, with no-one able to contact him or find out what was happening. In reality, he was being poisoned by his pupil Fandral Staghelm, who had become leader of the Night Elves since Malfurion's coma. Fandral was stopped, and after fighting the monsters in the Emerald Dream, Malfurion escaped and returned to the waking world.
Malfurion has made his first major in-game appearance in ''Cataclysm'', aiding new Night Elf players in stopping the elemental chaos in Darkshore, and most notably being the leader of the Cenarion Circle's defence against the servants of Ragnaros in Mount Hyjal. Though he's technically aligned with the Night Elves, he recruits both Horde and Alliance players to help defend Hyjal.
* [[Badass Beard]]
* [[Cain and Abel]]: Malfurion and his brother Illidan.
* [[Dull Surprise]]: He sounds awfully bored while experiencing "excruciating pain".
* [[Flanderization]]: In the books, Malfurion goes from being a bit of a controlling dick to being a pure saint.
* [[Friend to All Living Things]]: He's the leader of the druids, and thus has a very close connection to nature, as well as considerable respect for all the races, Alliance and Horde. In fact, he isn't even flagged for [[PvP]] (which leads to some [[Fridge Logic]] that he would watch his dear wife be killed without lifting a finger).
* [[Happily Married]]: To Tyrande.
* [[I Can't Believe a Guy Like You Would Notice Me|I Can't Believe A Girl Like You Would Notice Me]]: Malfurion evidently still doesn't fully understand why Tyrande chose him over Illidan.
* [[Shapeshifter Mashup]]: In ''Cataclysm'', he has physical traits of all the animals druids can transform into, most prominently antlers, wings, and claws.
* [[Walking Shirtless Scene]]
== Muradin Bronzebeard ==
{{quote|''"If I didn't kick so much ass, I'd feel a tad awkward."''}}
[[Name's the Same|Not to be confused with the God of Dwarves in]] ''[[Dungeons & Dragons]]''.
Muradin is probably one of the more well known dwarves in the Warcraft Universe. He was friends with Arthas, at least while he was still sane. He later leaves in an expedition to search for the mythical blade Frostmourne, and later ends up meeting Arthas who sought the same sword, but he has much more sinister agenda behind his search. Muradin accompanied him, but grew increasingly disturbed with his twisted change. When they came upon Frostmourne, Muradin realized that the blade is evil and cursed and opted to abandon it. But Arthas, already insane, pulled out the sword, sacrificing Muradin as the ice blocks surrounding it crushed him. Muradin is dead...
OR IS HE!?!?
Turns out [[Unexplained Recovery|he got better]]. Unfortunately, he suffered amnesia as a result, and was found by the Frostborn dwarves. Despite being amnesiac, Muradin helped them out by slaying a jormungar that assaulted their home. Grateful, they adopted him as their leader (despite their skin color difference) and gave him the name 'Yorg Stormheart'. He led the dwarves until he is eventually reunited with his brother and resolved to fix his mistake opposing Arthas.
After the Shattering, with Magni being [[Taken for Granite|a bit preoccupied]], Muradin serves as the leader of Ironforge and represents the Bronzebeard dwarves on the Council of Three Hammers in Magni's place.
* [[Asskicking Equals Authority]]: Yorg Stormheart was made leader of the Frostborn Dwarves because of his ability to kick ass--giant, rock-eating, acid-spewing worm ass.
* [[Badass]]: Slay a monster while being amnesiac.
* [[Badass Beard]]
* [[Cool Helmet]]
* [[Dual-Wielding]]
* [[Foil]]: To Saurfang as in the [[Gunship Rescue]] in Icecrown.
* [[Helmets Are Hardly Heroic]]: Averted in ''Warcraft III'' and in Icecrown Citadel, where he always wears a helmet.
* [[Laser-Guided Amnesia]]
* [[Not Quite Dead]]
* [[Our Dwarves Are All the Same]]
* [[Royals Who Actually Do Something]]: He is the brother of the former king so he qualifies.
* [[Unexplained Recovery]]
* [[Wolfpack Boss]]: In ''Cataclysm'' he fights alongside Falstad and Moira.
Line 45 ⟶ 171:
* [[The Paladin]]: According to the RPG and to [[World of Warcraft]], Terenas is a paladin, contradicting his [[Non-Action Guy]] status in ''Tides of Darkness''.
* [[Reasonable Authority Figure]]: Slightly arguable, he mostly proves unreasonable when Medivh comes to him, but even then, he had reasons to easily dismiss him as the rambling prophet he thought he was.
== Uther The Lightbringer ==
{{quote|''Remember, Arthas, we are paladins. Vengeance cannot be a part of what we must do. If we allow our passions to turn to bloodlust, then we will become as vile as the Orcs''}}
First paladin ever and founder of the Order of the Silver Hand, Uther the Lightbringer became one of the greatest heroes during the Second War of Azeroth. Prior to the events of Warcraft III, Uther took Prince Arthas Menethil as his apprenctice, hoping that he would grow into a benevolent and powerful paladin, but he had to watch in horror how he slowly [[Face Heel Turn|became the champion of the Lich King]], who slayed King Terenas, his own father and a personal friend of Uther, and finally Uther himself. Uther is remembered as one of the greatest heroes of the Alliance, right behind Lothar.
* [[A Father to His Men]]: Many characters and fellow paladins imply that Uther really cared for his men.
* [[Authority Equals Asskicking]]: Not only the Grand Master of the Paladin Order, but also the most powerful.
* [[Badass Beard]]: In Warcraft III.
* [[Badass Cape]]
* [[Badass Grandpa]]: ''*sigh*'' "I'm getting too old for this."
* [[Dead Person Conversation]]: In ''Wrath of the Lich King'', the player character, along with Jaina or Sylvanas, has one of these with the spirit of Uther in the Halls of Reflection. It's Uther who first gives the warning that there must always be a Lich King, lest the Scourge will run rampant and out of control.
* [[Drop the Hammer]]: And perhaps because of him, it became the Paladin's weapon of choice.
* [[Knight in Shining Armor]]
* [[The Messiah]]
* [[Mighty Glacier]]: Combat-wise is slow like every paladin, but can endure a lot of pain.
* [[Old Soldier]]
* [[Perma-Stubble]]: Young Uther in Warcraft II.
* [[The Paladin]]: First of them, in fact.
* [[Spell My Name with an "S"]]: In Warcraft II his name was given as [[Luke Nounverber|Uther Lightbringer]], no 'the'.
* [[White Magic]]
Line 93 ⟶ 195:
* [[White Magic]]
== Khadgar ==
== Uther The Lightbringer ==
At first Medivh's apprentice, but eventually becomes one of the most powerful wizards in the world. On discovering that Medivh is possessed by Sargeras and responsible for bringing the orcs to Azeroth, Khadgar betrayed Medivh to Lothar and, together with Lothar and the half-orc Garona, slew Medivh. Unfortunately, in doing this Medivh cursed Khadgar, then a young man, to age prematurely. The newly greybearded Khadgar went on to be the representative of [[The Magocracy|Dalaran]] to Lothar, and an advisor to Turalyon. He was ultimately the one to destroy the Dark Portal that had brought the orcs into Azeroth, ending the Second War. Afterwards he was part of the Alliance Expedition into Draenor, where he played a key role, and destroyed the Dark Portal again, this time from the Draenor side. Khadgar reappeared in The Burning Crusade, where it was revealed that he survived Draenor's destruction, made contact with the naaru, and now helps to lead the forces of good on that world.
* [[The Archmage]]
* [[Badass Beard]]
** [[Wizard Beard]]: [[Depending on the Artist]]
* [[Big Brother Mentor]]: To Turalyon.
* [[Celibate Hero]]: Not by choice, but as he has the body of an old man at twenty two, in "Beyond the Dark Portal" he lectures Turalyon and Alleria for denying their budding romance, as he'll never get to have the same pleasures.
* [[Mr. Exposition]]: Summons a familiar that leads the player around Shattrath, giving background on the Aldor and the Scryers.
* [[Plot-Relevant Age-Up]]: And how!
* [[Squishy Wizard]]
{{quote|''Remember, Arthas, we are paladins. Vengeance cannot be a part of what we must do. If we allow our passions to turn to bloodlust, then we will become as vile as the Orcs''}}
First paladin ever and founder of the Order of the Silver Hand, Uther the Lightbringer became one of the greatest heroes during the Second War of Azeroth. Prior to the events of Warcraft III, Uther took Prince Arthas Menethil as his apprenctice, hoping that he would grow into a benevolent and powerful paladin, but he had to watch in horror how he slowly [[Face Heel Turn|became the champion of the Lich King]], who slayed King Terenas, his own father and a personal friend of Uther, and finally Uther himself. Uther is remembered as one of the greatest heroes of the Alliance, right behind Lothar.
== Alleria Windrunner ==
An elven ranger, and an early volunteer to help the Alliance against the Horde in the Second War, even before the elves formally chose to join the war. During the war the elven homeland was burned to the ground by the orcs and her younger brother killed, leading her to become obsessed with revenge and fixated on exterminating the orcs. She relished the chance to join the Alliance Expedition to Draenor and fight the orcs further, and once there, with the aid of Turalyon and Khadgar, eventually gave up on her genocidal quest. While she doesn't appear in The Burning Crusade, her son with Turalyon does.
* [[A Father to His Men]]: Many characters and fellow paladins imply that Uther really cared for his men.
* [[Action Girl]]
* [[Authority Equals Asskicking]]: Not only the Grand Master of the Paladin Order, but also the most powerful.
* [[The Archer]]
* [[DeadBadass Little SisterBeard]]: Her murderedIn brother,Warcraft LirathIII.
* [[Badass Cape]]
* [[Death Seeker]]: This is eventually pointed out to her and she gets better.
* [[Badass Grandpa]]: ''*sigh*'' "I'm getting too old for this."
* [[Defrosting Ice Queen]]
* [[Dead Person Conversation]]: In ''Wrath of the Lich King'', the player character, along with Jaina or Sylvanas, has one of these with the spirit of Uther in the Halls of Reflection. It's Uther who first gives the warning that there must always be a Lich King, lest the Scourge will run rampant and out of control.
* [[Lady of War]]
* [[Drop the Hammer]]: And perhaps because of him, it became the Paladin's weapon of choice.
* [[Never Found the Body]]: As above.
* [[Knight in Shining Armor]]
* [[Put on a Bus]]: As with Turalyon, she's been AWOL since ''Beyond the Dark Portal''.
* [[The Messiah]]
* [[Revenge]]: Her driving motivation after her brother's death.
* [[Mighty Glacier]]: Combat-wise is slow like every paladin, but can endure a lot of pain.
* [[Roaring Rampage of Revenge]]: She hates orcs. REALLY hates orcs.
* [[Old Soldier]]
* [[Perma-Stubble]]: Young Uther in Warcraft II.
* [[The Paladin]]: First of them, in fact.
* [[Spell My Name with an "S"]]: In Warcraft II his name was given as [[Luke Nounverber|Uther Lightbringer]], no 'the'.
* [[White Magic]]
Line 137 ⟶ 233:
* [[Royals Who Actually Do Something]]
* [[Warrior Prince]]: By virtue of being the last heir to the throne.
== Kurdran Wildhammer ==
Former High Thane of the Wildhammer clan, Kurdran joined the Alliance Expedition to Outland and was thought to have died. He turns out to have survived and returns to Azeroth in ''Cataclysm'', helping to unite the independant Wildhammer clans of the Twilight Highlands.
As seen in ''Fire and Iron'', Kurdran was briefly the Wildhammer representative of the Council of Three Hammers, but gave up the position to Falstad, the current High Thane of the Wildhammer clan.
* [[Badass]]
* [[Bald of Awesome]]
* [[Drop the Hammer]]
* [[Manly Tears]]: In ''Fire and Iron'', when he discovers one of Sky-Ree's eggs to have survived.
* [[Our Dwarves Are All the Same]]: Not quite in the case of him and the Wildhammer clan. Heavily emphasised in ''Fire and Iron'', where the main conflict comes from the Bronzebeard dwarves' and the Dark Irons' disdain of his clan.
* [[Shock and Awe]]
* [[Shout-Out]]: Some believe the entire premise behind ''Fire and Iron'' is one big reference to the infamous Red Shirt Guy from Blizzcon 2010. Said Guy corrected a mistake in the ''Cataclysm'' beta, where Kudran was on the Council of Three Hammers instead of Falstad. Very soon after the event, Kudran was indeed replaced rightfully with Falstad.
Line 385 ⟶ 465:
* [[Taken for Granite]]: In ''Cataclysm''.
* [[Ultimate Blacksmith]]: He forged the [[Cool Sword|Ashbringer]] himself, harnessing all of his rage, fury and the desire of vengeance against Arthas into the blade. Kind of pointless as his brother survived, {{spoiler|however it gets used for the purpose it was forged, shattering Frostmourne and ending Arthas' reign by the hands of Tirion Fordring.}}
== Muradin Bronzebeard ==
{{quote|''"If I didn't kick so much ass, I'd feel a tad awkward."''}}
[[Name's the Same|Not to be confused with the God of Dwarves in]] ''[[Dungeons & Dragons]]''.
Muradin is probably one of the more well known dwarves in the Warcraft Universe. He was friends with Arthas, at least while he was still sane. He later leaves in an expedition to search for the mythical blade Frostmourne, and later ends up meeting Arthas who sought the same sword, but he has much more sinister agenda behind his search. Muradin accompanied him, but grew increasingly disturbed with his twisted change. When they came upon Frostmourne, Muradin realized that the blade is evil and cursed and opted to abandon it. But Arthas, already insane, pulled out the sword, sacrificing Muradin as the ice blocks surrounding it crushed him. Muradin is dead...
OR IS HE!?!?
Turns out [[Unexplained Recovery|he got better]]. Unfortunately, he suffered amnesia as a result, and was found by the Frostborn dwarves. Despite being amnesiac, Muradin helped them out by slaying a jormungar that assaulted their home. Grateful, they adopted him as their leader (despite their skin color difference) and gave him the name 'Yorg Stormheart'. He led the dwarves until he is eventually reunited with his brother and resolved to fix his mistake opposing Arthas.
After the Shattering, with Magni being [[Taken for Granite|a bit preoccupied]], Muradin serves as the leader of Ironforge and represents the Bronzebeard dwarves on the Council of Three Hammers in Magni's place.
* [[Asskicking Equals Authority]]: Yorg Stormheart was made leader of the Frostborn Dwarves because of his ability to kick ass--giant, rock-eating, acid-spewing worm ass.
* [[Badass]]: Slay a monster while being amnesiac.
* [[Badass Beard]]
* [[Cool Helmet]]
* [[Dual-Wielding]]
* [[Foil]]: To Saurfang as in the [[Gunship Rescue]] in Icecrown.
* [[Helmets Are Hardly Heroic]]: Averted in ''Warcraft III'' and in Icecrown Citadel, where he always wears a helmet.
* [[Laser-Guided Amnesia]]
* [[Not Quite Dead]]
* [[Our Dwarves Are All the Same]]
* [[Royals Who Actually Do Something]]: He is the brother of the former king so he qualifies.
* [[Unexplained Recovery]]
* [[Wolfpack Boss]]: In ''Cataclysm'' he fights alongside Falstad and Moira.
Line 466 ⟶ 516:
* [[Shock and Awe]]
* [[Wolfpack Boss]]: Now fights alongside Moira and Muradin.
== Malfurion Stormrage ==
{{quote|''"Our sins have returned... to haunt us."''}}
One of the first Night Elves empowered by Cenarius, Malfurion was is renowned for being the greatest druid in the world. His rise to power in Night Elven society came after helping his people during the War of the Ancients, when the old Highbourne regime lead by Queen Azshara summoned demons into the world. Since the end of the war, the Night Elves chose to forsake the Highbourne practices of arcane magic, and instead turned to druidism and the worship of nature under Malfurion and Cenarius' guidance.
After the war, Malfurion went into a deep sleep every few hundred years to rejuvenate his druidic powers. He was awoken during one such slumber by Tyrande, when the Burning Legion's invaded of Kalimdor once more during the Third War. With the guidance of the prophet Medivh, Malfurion formed an alliegance with the Alliance and Horde to make one last stand against the Legion upon the peak of Mount Hyjal. Summoning the spirits of the ancient Night Elves, Malfurion lured the Legion's general, Archimonde, to the base of the World Tree Nordrassil, and used the spirits' power to destroy him once and for all.
Following the Battle of Mount Hyjal Malfurion once again fell into a deep sleep, but this time was different; he was trapped in the Emerald Dream against his will, and unable to escape. For years, Malfurion was tended too in his comatose state, with no-one able to contact him or find out what was happening. In reality, he was being poisoned by his pupil Fandral Staghelm, who had become leader of the Night Elves since Malfurion's coma. Fandral was stopped, and after fighting the monsters in the Emerald Dream, Malfurion escaped and returned to the waking world.
Malfurion has made his first major in-game appearance in ''Cataclysm'', aiding new Night Elf players in stopping the elemental chaos in Darkshore, and most notably being the leader of the Cenarion Circle's defence against the servants of Ragnaros in Mount Hyjal. Though he's technically aligned with the Night Elves, he recruits both Horde and Alliance players to help defend Hyjal.
* [[Badass Beard]]
* [[Cain and Abel]]: Malfurion and his brother Illidan.
* [[Dull Surprise]]: He sounds awfully bored while experiencing "excruciating pain".
* [[Flanderization]]: In the books, Malfurion goes from being a bit of a controlling dick to being a pure saint.
* [[Friend to All Living Things]]: He's the leader of the druids, and thus has a very close connection to nature, as well as considerable respect for all the races, Alliance and Horde. In fact, he isn't even flagged for [[PvP]] (which leads to some [[Fridge Logic]] that he would watch his dear wife be killed without lifting a finger).
* [[Happily Married]]: To Tyrande.
* [[I Can't Believe a Guy Like You Would Notice Me|I Can't Believe A Girl Like You Would Notice Me]]: Malfurion evidently still doesn't fully understand why Tyrande chose him over Illidan.
* [[Shapeshifter Mashup]]: In ''Cataclysm'', he has physical traits of all the animals druids can transform into, most prominently antlers, wings, and claws.
* [[Walking Shirtless Scene]]
Line 639 ⟶ 666:
* [[Small Name, Big Ego]]: Though he has certainly mellowed out in ''Cataclysm''.
* [[Sword and Gun]]: What official art has shown him wielding as weapons.
== Darius Crowley ==
Noble from Gilneas, separated from his holdings by the Greymane Wall. Disagreed with Genn Greymane about leaving the Alliance after the Second War and started a rebellion against him. The rebellion failed, and Greymane threw Crowley in prison for treason. During the worgen invasion of Gilneas City, Greymane sets Crowley free, and the pair work together to evacuate the city. Crowley stays behind to create a distraction for the rampaging worgen, but gets turned into a worgen in the process. He later plays a key role against Horde players in the Silverpine Forest storyline.
* [[Badass Abnormal]]
* [[Badass Longcoat]]: In his human form.
* [[Cool Old Guy]]
* [[Eyepatch of Power]]
* [[Fan Nickname]]: "Lord Boxhead" due to his model in the early Cataclysm beta.
* [[Good Old Fisticuffs]]: The Cleave ability on mobs with only his bare hands. They later become [[Power Fist|Power Fists]] in Silverpine Forest.
* [[Heroic BSOD]]: Surrendering the war against the Forsaken to save his daughter from being killed and raised as a Forsaken.
* [[Heterosexual Life Partners]]: On and off with Genn Greymane. They were friends before Genn built the Greymane wall and led Darius to rebel, then decided to cooperate again to defeat the Scourge
* [[I Did What I Had to Do]]: One of his quotes when clicked on is "We do what we must."
* [[I Have Your Wife]]: Sylvanas kidnaps his daughter and threatens to turn her into a Forsaken if he doesn't surrender. He does, outraging Ivar Bloodfang.
* [[Memetic Badass]]: He cleaves with [[Good Old Fisticuffs|HIS FISTS]]
* [[Left Hanging]]: His fate at the conclusion of the worgen starting experience for Alliance players; His fate after the events of Silverpine Forest for Horde players.
* [[Oh Crap]]: Upon completing the quest "Last Stand" and returning to Darius Crowley, the player receives this chilling warning:
{{quote|'''Darius Crowley''': ''"They...they've stopped coming. No, <name>, that's not a good thing."''}}
* [[Our Werewolves Are Different]]
* [[Royals Who Actually Do Something|Nobility That Actually Does Something]]
* [[Rebel Leader]]: Leader of the Northgate rebellion against Greymane and later the [[La Résistance|Gilneas Liberation Front]] against the Forsaken occupation of Silverpine Forest.
* [[Redheaded Hero]]
* [[Sword and Gun]]: Before he switches to [[Power Fist|Power Fists]] in Silverpine Forest.
