Warcraft/Characters/The Alliance: Difference between revisions

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* [[Shout-Out]]: "Anduin" is the name of the Great River in ''[[The Lord of the Rings]]''.
* [[Supporting Leader]]
== Archbishop Benedictus ==
Leader of the Church of the Holy Light in Stormwind, and one of the foremost religious leaders of the Alliance. A student of the late Archbishop Alonsus Faol himself. As the archbishop, he appears to be a man of action, either fighting evil invaders himself or send adventurers to deal with the undead. {{spoiler|He turns out to be leader of the Twilight Hammer Cult after Cho'Gall's death, and is the Twilight Prophet spoken of by Fandral when he attacked Thrall.}}
* [[Badass Grandpa]]
* [[Badass Preacher]]: You wouldn't think that the Warcraft equilavent to the Pope would be much of a frontline fighter, but he proves himself when he not only fights the elemental invasion of Stormwind, but also journeys to Wyrmrest in Northrend for the [[Final Battle]] in ''Cataclysm''.
* [[Bald of Awesome]]: Though hidden beneath a hood, and later a hat in ''Cataclysm''.
** {{spoiler|[[Bald of Evil]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[Beard of Evil]]}}
* [[Cassandra Truth]]: {{spoiler|Telling Bishop Farthing that Benedictus is a traitor will get you nowhere}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Casting a Shadow]]}}
* [[Cool Old Guy]]
* {{spoiler|[[Deep-Cover Agent]]}}
* [[Despair Event Horizon]]: {{spoiler|Apparently the cause of his [[Face Heel Turn]]}}
* [[Dummied Out]]: He and Grand Magister Rommath were originally supposed to be confronted by their respective racial leaders and accused of treason. {{spoiler|His treason is actually revealed to the reader in ''Thrall: Twilight of the Aspects'' and he is actually unmasked in Patch 4.3.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Evil Old Folks]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[Fallen Hero]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[Face Heel Turn]]}}: In ''Cataclysm''.
* [[Good Shepherd]]: {{spoiler|Obviously not beneath the facade.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Light Is Not Good]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[The Mole]]}}
* [[Nice Hat]]: Gains one in ''Cataclysm''.
* {{spoiler|[[One-Winged Angel]]}}: {{spoiler|One can arguably call his phase after his Twilight Epiphany spell as this.}}
* [[Retcon]]: In ''[[Thrall Twilight of the Aspects]]'', his first appearance {{spoiler|as a villain, he was actually the Twilight Father, and the Twilight Prophet was a seperate person.}} In 4.3, he {{spoiler|is referred to as the Twilight Prophet instead, and no mention is made of any Twilight Father.}}
* [[Saintly Church]]: {{spoiler|Benedictus himself is not, though}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Sinister Minister]]}}
* [[Squishy Wizard|Squishy Priest]]
* {{spoiler|[[Villain with Good Publicity]]}}: {{spoiler|He appears to be absolutely worshipped by the people of Stormwind, and could easily deceive the entire populace and have them join the cause of the Old Gods if not for Varian's survival in his short story.}}
* [[Wham! Line]]: {{spoiler|''"And now, Shaman, you will give the Dragon Soul to ME"''}}.
* [[White Magic]]
== Bolvar Fordragon ==
{{quote|''"It is a tragedy. I think... I believe that our kind is cursed. We are cursed to lose our greatest warriors; our most noble heroes; our most gifted scholars."''}}
Highlord and former Regent of Stormwind in the absence of Varian Wrynn, though Anduin Wrynn was formally crowned as King. Upon Varian's return, Bolvar was named the commander of the Alliance forces sent to take the battle to the Scourge in Northrend. After the treachery of Grand Apothecary Putress at the Battle of Angrathar the Wrathgate, Fordragon was {{spoiler|believed to have been}} killed, either by the Forsaken Blight or the fires of the red dragonflight. {{spoiler|It turns out that Bolvar survived, but was severely scarred by the dragons' flames and was subsequently tortured endlessly by the Lich King, to be converted into his champion. Bolvar resisted until the end, and after the death of the Lich King, he got [[Big Good|Tirion Fordring]] to pick up the Helm of Domination and crown him as the new Lich King, keeping the Scourge in check without anyone else knowing.}}
* {{spoiler|[[And Then John Was a Zombie]]}}: {{spoiler|Fights the Lich King, then becomes the Lich King.}}
* {{spoiler|[[And I Must Scream]]}}: {{spoiler|See [[Heroic Sacrifice]].}}
* [[Ascended Extra]]: They were originally going to have him {{spoiler|stay dead}}, but the fans reacted so strongly that he showed up again.
* [[Badass]]
* [[Big Damn Heroes]]: Shows up to save the player and a bunch of NPCs in the quest ''An End And A Beginning'' in Dragonblight.
* [[Determinator]]
* [[The Greatest Story Never Told]]: At his own insistence.
* {{spoiler|[[Heroic Sacrifice]]}}: {{spoiler|Chooses to bear the mantle of the Lich King, keeping the Scourge forces from overwhelming Azeroth. He evens decides that none are to know of his sacrifice.}}
* [[Heterosexual Life Partners]]: Together with Varian.
* [[Knight in Shining Armor]]
* {{spoiler|[[Not Quite Dead]]}}: {{spoiler|Thought to have}} died at the [[Wham! Episode|Wrathgate]] [[Player Punch|incident]], {{spoiler|but turns out to have survived, possibly due to the red dragons' flames and then claimed to be tortured and converted by the [[Big Bad|Lich King]]}}.
* [[Number Two]]: To Varian.
* [[The Paladin]]
* [[Parental Substitute]]: To Anduin, in the absence of his father.
* [[Supporting Leader]]: For the Alliance during the war against the Lich King in Northrend, until the Wrathgate incident.
* [[White Magic]]
Line 363 ⟶ 420:
* [[Unexplained Recovery]]
* [[Wolfpack Boss]]: In ''Cataclysm'' he fights alongside Falstad and Moira.
== Farseer Nobundo ==
Once a vindicator, Nobundo was one of the draenei that fought the orcs at Shattrath. He and a few others survived, but were terribly disfigured and lost their ability to contact the Light due to a mysterious demonic curse. After being exiled for fear of their condition being contagious, Nobundo was contacted by the elements of Draenor and became the first draenei Shaman. He and the other "Broken" were eventually accepted back into draenei society, and Nobundo began to instruct others in shamanism.
* [[All of the Other Reindeer]]: The uncorrupted draenei deliberately isolate the Broken, and the adoption of shamanism ("an orcish practice") is not received well at first.
* [[Handicapped Badass]]: Aside from being a Broken, he seems to be somewhat arthritic, and was injured in the siege of Shattrath.
* [[Heroic Sacrifice]] / [[Self-Sacrifice Scheme]]: He and the others at Shattrath only stayed behind to trick the orcs (and Kil'jaeden) into believing that all the draenei were dead.
* [[Look What I Can Do Now!]]: The moment that he stands up to the draenei opposing him.
* [[Shell-Shocked Veteran]]: Complete with nightmares, though he seemed to be getting better by the end of ''Unbroken''.
Line 520 ⟶ 589:
== BolvarProphet FordragonVelen ==
The only one of the three Eredar lords approached by Sargeras to reject his offer of power. He has a gift of prophecy that allowed him to see ''exactly'' where that path would lead, and with the help of the naaru, beings of pure Light, he led the like-minded draenei (Eredun for "exiles") into becoming interdimensional refugees.
{{quote|''"It is a tragedy. I think... I believe that our kind is cursed. We are cursed to lose our greatest warriors; our most noble heroes; our most gifted scholars."''}}
Highlord and former Regent of Stormwind in the absence of Varian Wrynn, though Anduin Wrynn was formally crowned as King. Upon Varian's return, Bolvar was named the commander of the Alliance forces sent to take the battle to the Scourge in Northrend. After the treachery of Grand Apothecary Putress at the Battle of Angrathar the Wrathgate, Fordragon was {{spoiler|believed to have been}} killed, either by the Forsaken Blight or the fires of the red dragonflight. {{spoiler|It turns out that Bolvar survived, but was severely scarred by the dragons' flames and was subsequently tortured endlessly by the Lich King, to be converted into his champion. Bolvar resisted until the end, and after the death of the Lich King, he got [[Big Good|Tirion Fordring]] to pick up the Helm of Domination and crown him as the new Lich King, keeping the Scourge in check without anyone else knowing.}}
* [[Badass Grandpa]]: Albeit of a more cerebral/spiritual bent.
* {{spoiler|[[And Then John Was a Zombie]]}}: {{spoiler|Fights the Lich King, then becomes the Lich King.}}
* [[Cain and Abel]]: A line made at the Sunwell Plateau implies he and Kil'jaeden are brothers. This is almost certainly figurative, but even so.
* {{spoiler|[[And I Must Scream]]}}: {{spoiler|See [[Heroic Sacrifice]].}}
* [[Cassandra Truth]]: Kil'jaeden and Archimonde don't believe him even when he psychically shares his vision with them. It's what makes him realize that they're too far gone.
* [[Ascended Extra]]: They were originally going to have him {{spoiler|stay dead}}, but the fans reacted so strongly that he showed up again.
* [[Elderly Immortal]]: While he's not the only draenei who remembers Argus (Velen's [[Immortality]] has been recently confirmed, and all uncorrupted draenei are known to be either [[The Ageless]] or just ridiculously [[Long Lived]]), he's one of the few who actually looks old.
* [[Badass]]
* [[Good Shepherd]]: In a way. He chose exile and "betray" someone he loved as a brother rather than see all of his race changed into demons. Also in his backstory he heals people once he understands he needs to live more in the now than in the past or the future.
* [[Big Damn Heroes]]: Shows up to save the player and a bunch of NPCs in the quest ''An End And A Beginning'' in Dragonblight.
* [[The Messiah]]: For the Draenei.
* [[Determinator]]
* [[Prophecies Are Always Right]]
* [[The Greatest Story Never Told]]: At his own insistence.
* [[Self-Fulfilling Prophecy]]: A ''[[Our Angels Are Different|godlike being]]'' went ''willingly'' into torturous enslavement because Velen knew it would happen.
* {{spoiler|[[Heroic Sacrifice]]}}: {{spoiler|Chooses to bear the mantle of the Lich King, keeping the Scourge forces from overwhelming Azeroth. He evens decides that none are to know of his sacrifice.}}
* [[Odd Friendship]]: With Lady Liadrin during the Sunwell event and Illidan Stormrage in ''Legion''.
* [[Heterosexual Life Partners]]: Together with Varian.
* [[Knight in Shining Armor]]
* {{spoiler|[[Not Quite Dead]]}}: {{spoiler|Thought to have}} died at the [[Wham! Episode|Wrathgate]] [[Player Punch|incident]], {{spoiler|but turns out to have survived, possibly due to the red dragons' flames and then claimed to be tortured and converted by the [[Big Bad|Lich King]]}}.
* [[Number Two]]: To Varian.
* [[The Paladin]]
* [[Parental Substitute]]: To Anduin, in the absence of his father.
* [[Supporting Leader]]: For the Alliance during the war against the Lich King in Northrend, until the Wrathgate incident.
* [[White Magic]]
* [[Wizard Beard]]
* [[You Can't Go Home Again]]: Because there are a bunch of demons there that want to kill you horribly. And it's not fully clear that his people even ''have'' a home to go back to (considering the damage the Orc warlocks did to Draenor, one can only imagine what became of Argus).
== Archbishop Benedictus ==
Leader of the Church of the Holy Light in Stormwind, and one of the foremost religious leaders of the Alliance. A student of the late Archbishop Alonsus Faol himself. As the archbishop, he appears to be a man of action, either fighting evil invaders himself or send adventurers to deal with the undead. {{spoiler|He turns out to be leader of the Twilight Hammer Cult after Cho'Gall's death, and is the Twilight Prophet spoken of by Fandral when he attacked Thrall.}}
* [[Badass Grandpa]]
* [[Badass Preacher]]: You wouldn't think that the Warcraft equilavent to the Pope would be much of a frontline fighter, but he proves himself when he not only fights the elemental invasion of Stormwind, but also journeys to Wyrmrest in Northrend for the [[Final Battle]] in ''Cataclysm''.
* [[Bald of Awesome]]: Though hidden beneath a hood, and later a hat in ''Cataclysm''.
** {{spoiler|[[Bald of Evil]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[Beard of Evil]]}}
* [[Cassandra Truth]]: {{spoiler|Telling Bishop Farthing that Benedictus is a traitor will get you nowhere}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Casting a Shadow]]}}
* [[Cool Old Guy]]
* {{spoiler|[[Deep-Cover Agent]]}}
* [[Despair Event Horizon]]: {{spoiler|Apparently the cause of his [[Face Heel Turn]]}}
* [[Dummied Out]]: He and Grand Magister Rommath were originally supposed to be confronted by their respective racial leaders and accused of treason. {{spoiler|His treason is actually revealed to the reader in ''Thrall: Twilight of the Aspects'' and he is actually unmasked in Patch 4.3.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Evil Old Folks]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[Fallen Hero]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[Face Heel Turn]]}}: In ''Cataclysm''.
* [[Good Shepherd]]: {{spoiler|Obviously not beneath the facade.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Light Is Not Good]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[The Mole]]}}
* [[Nice Hat]]: Gains one in ''Cataclysm''.
* {{spoiler|[[One-Winged Angel]]}}: {{spoiler|One can arguably call his phase after his Twilight Epiphany spell as this.}}
* [[Retcon]]: In ''[[Thrall Twilight of the Aspects]]'', his first appearance {{spoiler|as a villain, he was actually the Twilight Father, and the Twilight Prophet was a seperate person.}} In 4.3, he {{spoiler|is referred to as the Twilight Prophet instead, and no mention is made of any Twilight Father.}}
* [[Saintly Church]]: {{spoiler|Benedictus himself is not, though}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Sinister Minister]]}}
* [[Squishy Wizard|Squishy Priest]]
* {{spoiler|[[Villain with Good Publicity]]}}: {{spoiler|He appears to be absolutely worshipped by the people of Stormwind, and could easily deceive the entire populace and have them join the cause of the Old Gods if not for Varian's survival in his short story.}}
* [[Wham! Line]]: {{spoiler|''"And now, Shaman, you will give the Dragon Soul to ME"''}}.
* [[White Magic]]
== Magni Bronzebeard ==
Line 643 ⟶ 675:
* [[Blue Oni Red Oni]]: The blue to Ji's red.
== Prophet Velen ==
The only one of the three Eredar lords approached by Sargeras to reject his offer of power. He has a gift of prophecy that allowed him to see ''exactly'' where that path would lead, and with the help of the naaru, beings of pure Light, he led the like-minded draenei (Eredun for "exiles") into becoming interdimensional refugees.
* [[Badass Grandpa]]: Albeit of a more cerebral/spiritual bent.
* [[Cain and Abel]]: A line made at the Sunwell Plateau implies he and Kil'jaeden are brothers. This is almost certainly figurative, but even so.
* [[Cassandra Truth]]: Kil'jaeden and Archimonde don't believe him even when he psychically shares his vision with them. It's what makes him realize that they're too far gone.
* [[Elderly Immortal]]: While he's not the only draenei who remembers Argus (Velen's [[Immortality]] has been recently confirmed, and all uncorrupted draenei are known to be either [[The Ageless]] or just ridiculously [[Long Lived]]), he's one of the few who actually looks old.
* [[Good Shepherd]]: In a way. He chose exile and "betray" someone he loved as a brother rather than see all of his race changed into demons. Also in his backstory he heals people once he understands he needs to live more in the now than in the past or the future.
* [[The Messiah]]: For the Draenei.
* [[Prophecies Are Always Right]]
* [[Self-Fulfilling Prophecy]]: A ''[[Our Angels Are Different|godlike being]]'' went ''willingly'' into torturous enslavement because Velen knew it would happen.
* [[Odd Friendship]]: With Lady Liadrin during the Sunwell event and Illidan Stormrage in ''Legion''.
* [[White Magic]]
* [[Wizard Beard]]
* [[You Can't Go Home Again]]: Because there are a bunch of demons there that want to kill you horribly. And it's not fully clear that his people even ''have'' a home to go back to (considering the damage the Orc warlocks did to Draenor, one can only imagine what became of Argus).
== Farseer Nobundo ==
Once a vindicator, Nobundo was one of the draenei that fought the orcs at Shattrath. He and a few others survived, but were terribly disfigured and lost their ability to contact the Light due to a mysterious demonic curse. After being exiled for fear of their condition being contagious, Nobundo was contacted by the elements of Draenor and became the first draenei Shaman. He and the other "Broken" were eventually accepted back into draenei society, and Nobundo began to instruct others in shamanism.
* [[All of the Other Reindeer]]: The uncorrupted draenei deliberately isolate the Broken, and the adoption of shamanism ("an orcish practice") is not received well at first.
* [[Handicapped Badass]]: Aside from being a Broken, he seems to be somewhat arthritic, and was injured in the siege of Shattrath.
* [[Heroic Sacrifice]] / [[Self-Sacrifice Scheme]]: He and the others at Shattrath only stayed behind to trick the orcs (and Kil'jaeden) into believing that all the draenei were dead.
* [[Look What I Can Do Now!]]: The moment that he stands up to the draenei opposing him.
* [[Shell-Shocked Veteran]]: Complete with nightmares, though he seemed to be getting better by the end of ''Unbroken''.
