Warcraft/Characters/The Alliance: Difference between revisions

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Originally the Regent of Stormwind during the first war, Lothar led the kingdom's defence against the Horde. Despite his efforts, eventually the king was assassinated and the orcs proved victorious. Lothar, assuming command of the homeless people, led them north across the Great Sea, seeking aid. He bargained with the other human kings, and under his leadership the Alliance of Lordaeron was founded. Lothar served as supreme commander of Alliance forces throughout the Second War. Though he laid the groundwork for their triumph, Lothar did not live to see the ultimate victory of the Alliance. He perished in the final siege of Blackrock Spire, the largest orc fortress in Azeroth. [[Retcon|Accounts of his death differ]]. In ''Warcraft II'' he approached Blackrock Spire to parley with Doomhammer and try to negotiate an orc surrender, but was ambushed by superior numbers of ogres and was murdered. In the novelisation ''Tides of Darkness'' and in the backstory of ''Warcraft III', though, no attempt at negotiation is mentioned. Instead, Lothar and Doomhammer sought each other out on the battlefield and fought an honorable duel, in which Doomhammer slew Lothar. Regardless of which version you accept, Lothar's death, instead of demoralising the Alliance army, inspired them to continue the assault and raze Blackrock Spire, breaking the back of the Horde.
* [[Authority Equals Asskicking]]: Supreme Commander of the Alliance during the Second War and evidently the one with the greatest martial skill, as shown prominently in the novels.
* [[Authority Equals Asskicking]]
* [[Badass Beard]]: His large bushy beard dates back to the first game.
* [[Badass Grandpa]]: 57 at the time of his death, yet without a doubt one of humanity's greatest fighters.
* [[Badass Grandpa]]
* [[Badass Normal]]: Contrary to some confusion, he wasn't a paladin, but yet was the greatest warrior of humankind from his era.
* [[Bald of Awesome]]: Not completely bald, but all but one piece of artwork show him as balding, to varying degrees.
* [[Big Good]]: In ''Warcraft II''.
* [[Cool Old Guy]]: A very capable commander and a mighty warrior despite his old age.
* [[Cool Sword]]: The Great Royal Sword and Quel'Zaram. Ashkandi is highly hinted to have been his as well, but hasn't technically been confirmed officially.
* [[Famed in Story]]: The Alliance considers him one of, if not THE greatest hero they've had, even if he is long dead.
* [[Foil]]: To Orgrim Doomhammer.
* [[Heroic Lineage]]: Last descendant of King Thoradin, who was the first to unite humanity under one nation.
* [[Knight in Shining Armor]]: Renowned as Stormwind's greatest knight and champion. He is well-remembered past his death by Alliance veterans as the most selfless man they ever knew.
* [[Knight in Shining Armor]]
* [[Last of His Kind]]: He was the last of the Arathi (the humans that created the first human nation, Arathor) royal bloodline.
* [[Memetic Badass]]: Occurs IN-UNIVERSE that everyone treats Lothar like he was the Second Coming.
* [[The Obi-Wan]]: To King Varian.
* [[Old Soldier]]: Served his kingdom and the Alliance for many years in times of war.
* [[Old Soldier]]
* [[Red Baron]]: The Lion of Azeroth.
* [[Shout-Out]]: "Anduin" is the name of the Great River in ''[[The Lord of the Rings]]''.
* [[Supporting Leader]]: While he served as leader of Stormwind and the Alliance's military forces in the two great wars, most of the focus was on Khadgar and Turalyon, leaving him mainly a secondary character as he fought on separate fronts. In the games he only appears twice, but is shown giving you orders through the mission briefings in the second game.
* [[Supporting Leader]]