Warcraft/Characters/The Alliance: Difference between revisions

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Years later, before the Third War, he and a group of allies met and discussed the use of the orb against the potential undead threat. While Issilien attempted to destroy it, the orb absorbed the Light and was purified, healing Alexandros' hand when he tried to touch it. He then took the crystal to Ironforge, where Magni Bronzebeard forged the sword [[Cool Sword|Ashbringer]].
Once he returned, however, the Scourge had already taken over Lordaeron, and so he led the remnants of the Silver Hand against the Scourge. Wielding the Ashbringer, Alexandros became legendary for the number of undead he slew, leaving only ashes behind him. Tragedy struck, however, when his oldest son, Renault Mograine, thinking he's [[The Unfavorite]] of the family, is manipulated by Balnazzar (in the guise of Dathrohan) into leading his father into a trap, before [[Self-Made Orphan|killing him]] with his own sword. Kel'thuzad eventually raised him as the mightiest Death Knight the Scourge had ever seen, though he was slain again, this time by his other son, Darion Mograine, when he came to Naxxramas in search of his father.
* [[Badass Beard]]: Had a fierce red beard to match his hair.
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{{quote|''Tell your master that a thousand of his minions will not suffice! I will deliver you all...''
''And when I am done I will stand...''
* [[BFS]]/[[Cool Sword]]: The Ashbringer, obviously.
* [[Knight in Shining Armor]]: Despite his fiery nature, he was also kind and honorable. Even Tirion himself praised him for the purity of his soul.
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* [[The Paladin]]: Became a paladin during the Second War and certainly proves to be one of the Silver Hand's most legendary members.
* [[Papa Wolf]]: Very protective of his sons, especially Darion.
* [[Parental Favoritism]]: While he loved both of his sons, to the outside, it seemed like he clearly showed favoritism to his younger son Darion compared to his older son Renault.
* [[Parents as People]]: Sure, he loves both of his sons, but he shows clear [[Parental Favoritism]] towards Darion, causing Renault to develop into a [["Well Done, Son" Guy]] in an attempt to gain his respect. Balnazzar in Dathrohan's body uses this to manipulate Renault into killing him.
* [[Red Baron]]: The Ashbringer, after the name of the same sword he wields.
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* [[Odd Friendship]]: With Baine Bloodhoof.
* [[Only Sane Man]]
* {{spoiler|[[The Paladin]]}}: {{spoiler|A posible future in Velen´s short story reveal that he may change into a paladin (or may not) to fight with the Army of Light (Aa joint army of every good organization against the Burning Legion)}}.
* [[Royals Who Actually Do Something]]: Invoked in-game. He starts investigating reports of stolen cattle not only because he wants to help, but because it would give back the local farmers some faith in their government to see a member of the royal family showing he cares about them.
** And repeatedly in the novel ''The Shattering'', in which he takes an active role in helping the survivors of the earthquakes in Khaz Modan.
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== Alleria Windrunner ==
An elven ranger, and an early volunteer to help the Alliance against the Horde in the Second War, even before the elves formally chose to join the war. During the war, the elven homeland was burned to the ground by the orcs and her younger brother killed, leading her to become obsessed with revenge and fixated on exterminating the orcs. She relished the chance to join the Alliance Expedition to Draenor and fight the orcs further, and once there, with the aid of Turalyon and Khadgar, eventually gave up on her genocidal quest.
While she doesn't appear in ''The Burning Crusade'', her son with Turalyon - the paladin Arator the Redeemer - does.
* [[Action Girl]]: Since ''Warcraft 2II'', Alleria has been a military officer.
* [[The Archer]]
* [[Bad Powers, Good People]]: Becomes touched by the Void and learns to wield it as a weapon while still retaining her personality and determination to see Azeroth safe from the Burning Legion.
* [[Bare Your Midriff]] Alleria's scale armor and tunic bares her lower belly, but hangs down enough to cover her navel.
* [[Dark Is Not Evil]]: Despite being aligned with the Army of the Light, she is learning how to channel Void energy from Locus Walker, a Void Ethereal;: his teachings ensure she remains in control of herself.
* [[Dead Little Sister]]: Her murdered brother, Lirath. Her sister Sylvanas technically counts, technically because she is now undead.
* [[Death Seeker]]: This is eventually pointed out to her, and she gets better.
* [[Defrosting Ice Queen]]
* [[Interspecies Romance]]: With Turalyon, though she opposed it at first to focus on the battles. They even married and had a son together, Arator.
* [[Lady of War]]: The only female unit in ''Warcraft II'', and its expansion.
* [[Never Found the Body]]: As above.
* [[Put on a Bus]]: As with Turalyon, she's been AWOL since ''Beyond the Dark Portal'' {{spoiler|until her comeback in the ''World of Warcraft ''Legion'' expansion}}.
* [[Revenge]]: Her driving motivation after her brother's death.
* [[Roaring Rampage of Revenge]]: She hates orcs. REALLY hates orcs.
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{{quote|''His majesty has an abiding faith in the strength of the people of Azeroth and thickness of the walls of Stormwind. It doesn't hurt that he also has good people who take care of things when he's wrong.''}}
Originally the Regent of Stormwind during the first war, Lothar led the kingdom's defence against the Horde. Despite his efforts, eventually the king was assassinated and the orcs proved victorious. Lothar, assuming command of the homeless people, led them north across the Great Sea, seeking aid. He bargained with the other human kings, and under his leadership, the Alliance of Lordaeron was founded. Lothar served as supreme commander of Alliance forces throughout the Second War. Though he laid the groundwork for their triumph, Lothar did not live to see the ultimate victory of the Alliance. He perished in the final siege of Blackrock Spire, the largest orc fortress in Azeroth. [[Retcon|Accounts of his death differ]]. In ''Warcraft II'', he approached Blackrock Spire to parley with Doomhammer and try to negotiate an orc surrender, but was ambushed by superior numbers of ogres and was murdered. In the novelisation ''Tides of Darkness'' and in the backstory of ''Warcraft III', though, no attempt at negotiation is mentioned. Instead, Lothar and Doomhammer sought each other out on the battlefield and fought an honorable duel, in which Doomhammer slew Lothar. Regardless of which version you accept, Lothar's death, instead of demoralising the Alliance army, inspired them to continue the assault and raze Blackrock Spire, breaking the back of the Horde.
* [[Authority Equals Asskicking]]: Supreme Commander of the Alliance during the Second War and evidently the one with the greatest martial skill, as shown prominently in the novels.
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* [[Knight in Shining Armor]]: Renowned as Stormwind's greatest knight and champion. He is well-remembered past his death by Alliance veterans as the most selfless man they ever knew.
* [[Last of His Kind]]: He was the last of the Arathi (the humans that created the first human nation, Arathor) royal bloodline.
* [[Memetic Badass]]: Occurs IN-UNIVERSE that everyone treats Lothar like he was the Second Coming.
* [[The Obi-Wan]]: To King Varian.
* [[Old Soldier]]: Served his kingdom and the Alliance for many years in times of war.