Warcraft/Characters/The Alliance: Difference between revisions

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After the Second War, he returned to Stormwind as its king. Numerous political events made his early years as ruler difficult. The corrupt House of Nobles refused to play the Stonemasons working on Stormwind's reconstruction, and the riots that resulted killed his wife, leaving Varian a widower and a single father to his son Anduin (yes, named after Lothar).
Following the events of the Third War (which Stormwind was unable to participate in due to its own internal troubles), Varian attempted to meet with the leaders of the re-established Horde in Kalimdor. However, he was abducted on the way to the summit, and for the first few years of ''World of Warcraft'''s life, he was MIA. His fate was later revealed in the [[World of Warcraft (comics)||comics]]: he was abducted by the black dragon Onyxia and spit into two separate personalities. The first personality – the one representative of his dominance and strong will – lost most of his memories, and was captured by an orc slaver and trained as a gladiator, who quickly earned the name "Lo'goshGosh". The other half – Varian's cooler and more diplomatic side – returned to Stormwind, but was under the control of Onyxia in her human form, Lady Katrana Prestor. Eventually, Lo'goshGosh found out his true identity, returned to Stormwind, and exposed Onyxia. The two Varians chased Onyxia back to her lair, one of her spells caused them to merge back into one, and the now- sole Varian slew the black dragon.
Varian returned in-game in time for the events of ''Wrath of the Lich King''. After the Lich King's attack on Stormwind, he launched the invasion of Northrend and became the Supreme Commander of the Alliance's combined forces. However, things took a turn for the worse during the battle at Angrathar, the Wrath Gate, when Varian's leading general and good friend Bolvar Fordragon died at the hands of a surprise attack by the Forsaken. Enraged by his friend's unnecessary death, Varian blamed the Horde, and swore that he would not rest until the orcs and their allies were wiped off the face of the earth.
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** To further clarify, {{spoiler|Varian is aware of the fact that Garona killed his father Llane, but not that she was brainwashed into doing it, and accuses Thrall of hiring her to finish the job, so to speak. He refuses to believe Thrall had nothing to do with the attack, and they part on bad terms}}.
* [[Animal Stereotypes]]: Often compared to a wolf for his [[Big Badass Wolf|ferocity]] and [[Papa Wolf|protectiveness]], and the orcs and tauren nicknamed him Lo'gosh, after a revered wolf ancient.
* [[Anti-Hero]]: Type III. He's fighting to protect his people, and has sought peace numerous times, but does not hesitate to go Lo'goshGosh on somebody's ass when appropriate.
* [[Authority Equals Asskicking]]: The King of Stormwind and one of the greatest human warriors.
* [[Badass Normal]]: He's just a normal human warrior, yet manages to go toe-to-toe with orcs and ogres on his own, and even slays Onyxia by himself.
* [[Berserk Button]]: Do not harm or threaten Anduin's life in any way, or his reaction will be very unpleasant. On a more minor note, {{spoiler|the petrified Magni Bronzebeard}} is also a sore spot for him.
* [[Blood Knight]]: Lo'goshGosh, at least, would be perfecly happy as a gladiator for life if he didn't have responsibilities as a king and father.
* [[Blood Sport]]: He was a gladiatorial slave for a while.
* [[The Brigadier]]: King Varian leads from the front, so there's that to admire about him.
* [[The Chains of Commanding]]: So much that he sometimes expresses a desire to be back in the Crimson Ring.
{{quote|''"A gladiator's life is simple: You win and live, or lose and die. A king's life is more complex. The only truth for a king is that there are no easy answers."''}}
* [[Character Development]]: After his return, he works on getting his temperamental and warlike Lo'goshGosh side under control.
* [[Combat Pragmatist]]: Varian does value honor and dignity, but he's not above fighting dirty.
* [[Cool Sword]]: It's called Shalamayne and is made from two swords which were fused together when both his halves were fused back. In ''[[World of Warcraft]]'', he [[Dual-Wielding|dual wielded]] it and a copy of the sword, until Blizzard realized their mistake in patch 3.3.3.
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* [[Royals Who Actually Do Something]]
* [[Shonen Hair]]: That fox-tail is unusually spiky.
* [[Split Personality]]: Exaggerated. [[Evil Chancellor|Onyxia]] couldn't charm him due to his strong will, so she split him into two people: one calm and submissive and one hotheaded and dominant, and she attempts to kill the second half. Eventually, [[Split Personality Merge|they are reunited and subsequently merged]]. In ''The Shattering'', it is implied that they are becoming seperated again and that [[Gollum Made Me Do It|Lo'goshGosh has more control than Varian would like]].
* [[Vocal Evolution]]: Varian's voice in ''Mists of Pandaria'' is much calmer than before, fitting his more subdued personality as of the ''Wolfheart'' novel.
* [[Warrior Prince]]: Or Warrior King.
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The only one of the three Eredar lords approached by Sargeras to reject his offer of power. He has a gift of prophecy that allowed him to see ''exactly'' where that path would lead, and with the help of the naaru, beings of pure Light, he led the like-minded draeneiDraenei (Eredun for "exiles") into becoming interdimensional refugees.
* [[Badass Grandpa]]: Albeit of a more cerebral/spiritual bent.
* [[Cain and Abel]]: A line made at the Sunwell Plateau implies he and Kil'jaeden are brothers. This is almost certainly figurative, but even so.
* [[Cassandra Truth]]: Kil'jaeden and Archimonde don't believe him even when he psychically shares his vision with them. It's what makes him realize that they're too far gone.
* [[Elderly Immortal]]: While he's not the only draeneiDraenei who remembers Argus (Velen's [[Immortality]] has been recently confirmed, and all uncorrupted draeneiDraenei are known to be either [[The Ageless]] or just ridiculously [[Long Lived]]), he's one of the few who actually looks old.
* [[Good Shepherd]]: In a way. He chose exile and "betray" someone he loved as a brother rather than see all of his race changed into demons. Also in his backstory, he heals people once he understands he needs to live more in the now than in the past or the future.
* [[The Messiah]]: For the Draenei.