Warcraft/Characters/The Alliance: Difference between revisions

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The only one of the three Eredar lords approached by Sargeras to reject his offer of power. He has a gift of prophecy that allowed him to see ''exactly'' where that path would lead, and with the help of the naaru, beings of pure Light, he led the like-minded Draenei (Eredun for "exiles") into becoming interdimensional refugees.
* [[Alas, Poor Villain]]: Velen himself is involved in this moment for a villain. As Kil'jaeden lay dying on his warship above Argus, he confessed his admiration for Velen and hoped that if he's wrong about the Legion, that Velen could stop them. Velen wordlessly places his hand on the much larger Kil'jaeden's forehead, implying he had forgiven Kil'jaeden for going down the path of the Legion.
* [[Antagonistic Offspring]]: In Legion, Kil'jaeden is revealed to have kidnapped Velen's son and raised him to become a demonic Eredar. Kil'jaeden renamed him Rakeesh and put him at the head of a demonic army to destroy the Exodar.
* [[Barrier Warrior]]: One of Velen's uses of the Light. Best shown in ''Legion during the Battle for the Exodar, as when the Burning Legion attacks the Exodar, Velen protects his people with an absolutely massive barrier of Light that instantly incinerates any demon that run into it.
* [[Broken Pedestal]]:
** Subverted for alt-Velen in Warlords of Draenor. Some Draenei have lost faith in his prophecies and ability to lead after he failed to predict/prevent the arrival of the Iron Horde. However, {{spoiler|after his [[Heroic Sacrifice]], there are many who mourn him as a true hero and servant of the Light}}.
** Played with for main timeline Velen in ''Legion''. After the [[Wham Episode]] in the battle for Exodar where a prophecy from the Light Velen hoped would never happen came to pass, Velen's trust in the Light is fragmented and leaves him bitter and vengeful towards the Legion. He's also shocked and disapproving of Xe'ra's attempt to forcibly Lightforge Illidan on Argus. A very downplayed example though, as while he's been tested, he still serves the Light and believes in its benevolence, he just isn't sure the Light always knows best.
* [[Badass Grandpa]]: Albeit of a more cerebral/spiritual bent.
* [[Cain and Abel]]: A line made at the Sunwell Plateau implies he and Kil'jaeden are brothers. This is almost certainly figurative, but even so the two were close.
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* [[Elderly Immortal]]: While he's not the only Draenei who remembers Argus (Velen's [[Immortality]] has been recently confirmed, and all uncorrupted Draenei are known to be either [[The Ageless]] or just ridiculously [[Long Lived]]), he's one of the few who actually looks old.
* [[Good Shepherd]]: In a way. He chose exile and "betray" someone he loved as a brother rather than see all of his race changed into demons. Also in his backstory, he heals people once he understands he needs to live more in the now than in the past or the future.
* [[Healing Hands]]: As a Draenei and a priest, this is a given.
* [[The Lost Lenore]]: ''Legion'' adds one for Velen in the form of his partner Nuuri.
* [[Magic Staff]]: Carries a wooden staff with large purple, glowing crystals on top. ''Legion'' reveals the crystals to be his badge of office from when he, Kil'jaeden and Archimonde led the Draenei prior to Sargeras' arrival.
* [[Messianic Archetype]]: Pretty much a mash-up of a few Judeo-Christian figures. Leads his people out of slavery to the Burning Legion, is noted for his wisdom as well as powers of prophecy and healing. Also, in an alternate timeline he willingly sacrifices himself to purify a Naaru and save his people.
* [[The Messiah]]: For the Draenei.
* [[Odd Friendship]]: With Lady Liadrin during the Sunwell event and Illidan Stormrage in ''Legion''.
** With Durotan in ''Rise of the Horde''.
** With Lady Liadrin during the Sunwell event of ''Burning Crusade''.
** With Illidan Stormrage in ''Legion''. They spend the entire campaign in Argus verbally quipping at each other about their life choices, but by the end when Illidan decides to stay behind, they both genuinely smile at each other and give each other a nod of approval.
* [[Prophecies Are Always Right]]: Averted in ''Warlords of Draenor'': alt-Velen says he can see the most likely way things will go and, depending on the outcome, he can take steps to either bring it to pass or avoid it.
* [[Self-Fulfilling Prophecy]]: A ''[[Our Angels Are Different|godlike being]]'' went ''willingly'' into torturous enslavement because Velen knew it would happen.
* [[White Magic]]
* [[Wizard Beard]]: Has a long, flowing white beard.
* [[You Can't Go Home Again]]: Because there are a bunch of demons there that want to kill you horribly. And it'sThis notbecame fullymoreso clearwhen that''Warlords hisof people even ''haveDraenor'' arevealed homethat toArgus gohad backbeen toturned (consideringinto the damageLegion's themain Orcbase warlocksof didoperations. to Draenor, one can only imagine what became of Argus).
** Defied in Legion. After the Legion invades the Exodar, led by Velen's own son who is killed in the fight, Velen orders the Exodar readied for flight, declaring they are returning home. While the Exodar is not repaired, they build a new ship called the Vindicaar and go to Argus to take the fight to the Legion.
== Vincent Godfrey ==
