Warhammer 40,000/Tropes/A to H: Difference between revisions

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* [[Galactic Conqueror]]: Too many to count. Some evil, some ''really'' evil.
* [[Garrisonable Structures]]: Tabletop 40K was doing this long before [[Video Game]]s did. In the case of more "open" buildings such as ruins, typically the general [[Geo Effects|terrain]] and [[Take Cover|cover]] rules are used, but in the case of more "closed" (as in it is hard or impossible to place models inside of them) structures, more abstract rules exist for determining how many models can fit inside, where the fire points are and how many of them there are, where the entrances and exits are, etc.
* [[Gatling Good]]: Consider the Assault Cannon, a gatling gun which can cut through light vehicles. Next, consider the Punisher Gatling Cannon, a gatling gun the size of a main tank cannon that can slaughter entire squads of light infantry at a time. Then there are Avenger bolt cannon, clearly inspired by Avenger, since it's used on Avenger strike fighter ([[Expy|not-]]Warthog) and later also oneFire Raptor (old Space Marine gunship) and Nephilim (rare Space Marine fighter)<ref>in that datasheet it's also called mega bolter</ref>, and Vulcan Mega-Bolter — a ''twin'' gatling gun with similar statistics, but greater rate of fire and range; it's the size of smaller tanks, so mounted only on Stormlord superheavy SPG<ref>superheavy vehicle on Baneblade chassis, but mega-bolter still needs a superstructure, not turret</ref>, i.e. it's a SPG,variant notof evenMacharius aheavy tank</ref> and some [[Humongous Mecha|Titans]]. Castigator Bolt Cannon is its close relative made for just one type of [[Humongous Mecha|Imperial Knights]] — with more powerful shells, but lower rate of fire. Now look at the Hellstorm cannon, a gatling gun the size of a ''skyscraper''. And that's just in the Imperium. Yep, 40k ''likes'' this one.
* [[General Ripper]]: Imperial officers are generally this, or [[Colonel Badass]]. Sometimes both.
* [[Genetic Memory]]: Each of Space Marine Chapters is based on the genetic templates of one of the [[A God Am I|Primarchs]], and occasionally display traits and memories of that Primarch. Blood Angels, for example have a random chance of triggering the genetic memory of their Primarch's bloody death, which can drive them into an [[Unstoppable Rage]].