Warhammer 40,000/Tropes/A to H: Difference between revisions

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* [[Bowdlerization]]: The game's second edition. Much of the Imperium's nastiness was downplayed or went largely unmentioned. Inquisitors and Imperial Guard [[Commissar]]s were described as heroic individuals. Commissars even lost the ability to restore unit morale by means of [[You Have Failed Me|summary execution]]. These issues were all ''[[Darker and Edgier|brutally]]'' redressed in the third edition.
* [[Brain Bleach]]: What you'll need after reading ''[[Old Shame|Space Marine]]'' (the tabletop game, not the new video game). Or some of the stuff on [[Image Boards|/tg/]].
* [[Brain-Computer Interface]]: For those few with cerebral implants, the issue is moot - they ''are'' part computers. For everyone else there are: Mind Impulse Unit (aka sense-link), its limited (and seen outside Mechanicus more often) variant Weapon MIU - effectively third eye sight with HUD, and humble "interface port" (usually on the neck, but may be just about anywhere) - lesser version available very widely even for scribes that eases work using computers, but doesn't have tactical uses other than repair.
* [[Brain Food]]: Space Marines and Tyranid Lictors can gain some of a creature's knowledge by eating its brain.
* [[Brainwashed]]: Liberally used by... well, everyone, really.
** [[Brainwashed and Crazy]]: Much loved by Chaos.
** [[Brainwashed and Crazy]]: Much loved by Chaos. The Imperial Ecclesiarchy also likes to combinecreate Arcoflagellants - give heretics with a partial lobotomy, advanced hypnosis, generic brainwashing, combat drugs and cybernetic implants, tomaking create Arcoflagellants,them [[Ax Crazy]] combat monsters which are often set against their former allies.
* [[Breast Plate]]: The Sisters of Battle tend to wear rather... form-fitting armour. All Eldar Howling Banshees also wear armor with noticable bosoms: including, presumably, the male ones. Some Eldar Guardians also have these.
* [[Breath Weapon]]: Tyranid bio-plasma, certain daemons and daemonhosts.
* [[Bribing Your Way to Victory|Bribing Your Way]] ''[[Crack is Cheaper|To Being Able To Play]]'': A starter army, with the rule book, matching codex, bitz for customization, paints and glues, and a case to put it all in? Expect to put down ''half a grand''. At least.
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** Depend on what army you play. If you play World Eaters, you can get two squads of Khorne Berserkers and Kharn the Betrayer for about 50 bucks and have a pretty decent 500 point army.
* [[Broken Ace]]: The Primarchs.
* [[Broken Masquerade]]: The secular Imperium of the Great Crusade was founded on the idea that there were no gods, no daemons, nothing that could not be explained by science. That got disproved pretty comprehensively, and [[It Got Worse|things got worse]] as a result:... thus demonstrating why the Emperor established the [[Masquerade]] in the first place. In 41-st millennium the Inquisition (and Ecclesiarchy, and...) considers the existence of daemon and Chaos a secret - not that it really helps much.
* [[Brown Note]]: Chaos iconography can drive men insane. Chaos ''daemons'' are a whole world of horror beyond that.
** Slaanesh Noise Marines carry a manner of sonic weapons that can [[Musical Assassin|amplify their daemonic screams, produce explosive bass notes, or rip a target to shreds from the harmonics.]]
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== F ==
* [[The Face]]: A group of Tau will often have [[Fantastic Caste System|a member of their diplomat caste]] around that can do all the talking when they have to meet with members of another species.
* [[Face Full of Alien Wingwong]]: Genestealers, Psychneuein.
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* [[Family-Unfriendly Death]]: Really, the ''only'' way to die in this galaxy.
* [[Fangs Are Evil]]: Averted with the Space Wolves and the Blood Angels. Played horrifically straight with Chaos Space Marines and the Tyranids.
* [[Fanon Discontinuity]]: Matt Ward is widely hated in WH40k fandom as the "paragon" of everything that's bad about [[Running the Asylum]].
* [[Fantastic Racism]]: "Beware the alien, the mutant, the heretic." The Imperium of Man is rabidly and xenocidally human-centric, but considering that the Eldar view every other species as mindless pawns to be manipulated, the Tau are divided into genetically "pure" castes based on their physical specialisations, the Orks tend to "crump any o' 'dose gits what ain't Orky enuff!" - including ''other Orks'' - and everything else is trying to kill everything else, it's fairly understandable.
** More than understandable: due to the nature of the Imperial religion and the fact that the God Emporer is the only god that Chaos can't touch, becoming a close-minded, xenophobic bigot is pretty much ''the only way your soul can be saved.''
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* [[Flechette Storm]]: Eldar shuriken weapons, Dark Eldar splinter weapons, and at least one type of bolter shell all work like this.
** The Tau have an upgrade for their tanks that shoot flechette storms while using tank shock rules.
** Similarly with the Land Raider variant patterns (Crusaders and Redeemers): They have Frag Assault Launchers, which shoot a cloud of shrapnel outward from the front assault ramp, allowing those within (usually Terminators) time to close with the enemy. Stormshard mortar fires airburst shells. Filled with flechettes. ''Shaped as a sharp-edged Aquila''.
** Or, you know, mono-edged flechette loads. Fired from a full-auto shotgun.
* [[For Doom the Bell Tolls]]: The Bell of Lost Souls is located atop one of the highest towers of the Imperial Palace, and tolls once whenever a truly great hero of the Imperium dies. It is said to be audible on the other side of the planet.
** It is hinted at in the fluff that the bell tolls for every Space Marine that died in service to the Emperor. It must be ringing nearly all day and night if that is true.
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* [[Hand Cannon]]: Imperial bolt pistols, plasma pistols, and inferno/infernus (melta) pistols, particularly the versions wielded by Space Marines. Ork sluggas also qualify. Other races tend to be a bit more... restrained when it comes to their sidearms.
** Laspistols, [[Fan Nickname|or flashlights]] ''technically'' count by a great abuse of technicality that will surely land this in the YMMV tab, because, while the weakest weapon in the setting, a laspistol can easily liquefy/explode any organic matter the beam hits. Why weren't they mentioned before? Well, firstly they're ''the weakest weapon in the setting'' and everyone calls them flashlights. And it has as big a case of [[Overshadowed by Awesome]] as the rest of the [[Imperial Guard]], because... well, look at the above pistols. And the [[BFG]] versions which weren't mentioned because they could deserve their own page. And the artillery pieces. And so on.
** Notably, 40k is one of the onlythose settings where the energy weapons can be considered Hand Cannons.
** Notable as well is that these energy weapons don't go pew, but loud "krak! as the beam vaporizes the air in its path", also causing the weapon to actually have some kick as well.
** Then there are heavy laspistols, with damage of a full lasgun, only with lesser range and rate of fire (and fed from the same 60-shot power packs). Hotshot laspistols qualify even more, due to being not as much "pistol" as a hotshot lasgun shortened to be handy in close quarters; the result is 4 kg piece cable-fed from 10 kg power backpack (or bigger) - and in performance against armored targets is comparable with bolt pistol.
* [[Hanlon's Razor]]: Almost always inverted - never attribute to stupidity what can be explained by malice or conspiracy.
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* [[Heroic Sacrifice]]: Generally how the nice people in 40K die if it's on their own terms.
** To quote von Remus from ''[[Damnatus]]'': In this universe, one is either sacrificed, or sacrifices themself.
* [[He Who Fights Monsters]]: Older Inquisitors tend to have radical (no, not [[Totally Radical|that kind of radical]]) ideas about protecting the Imperium, such as using alien technology to battle aliens or daemon-possessed weapons and artifacts to battle Chaos. This tends to cause friction with younger, more puritanical Inquisitors. Some postulate that this is the inevitable fate of every Inquisitor who lives long enough, and given their job description, it's not very surprising.
** How do you get rid of crime on a planet? Why, become [[Death Note|a terrifying serial killer who kills all the other criminals, down to jaywalkers]]. At least, that's how the [[Batman|Night Haunter]], Primarch of the Night Lords, chose to go about it. Is it really surprising he fell to Chaos?
** Really, you can apply this to the whole of the Imperium. It helps that in some cases, they are fighting ''actual monsters''.
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* [[The Horde]]: The Orks, and some of the less disciplined Chaos factions.
* [[Horde of Alien Locusts]]: Tyranids are possibly the ur-example.
* [[Horny Devils]]: SlaaneshiMany of the Daemons and Dark Eldar. The latter even have elite troops called Incubi and Succubi.
* [[Horny Vikings]]: Space Wolves are Vikings IN SPACE, though they don't wear horned helmets - those are reserved for Chaos Marines (and members of the Wolves' 13th Company, who have been in the Warp for 10,000 years and occasionally had to scavenge gear from dead Chaos Marines).
* [[Horse of a Different Color]]: Mutant horses, cyber-horses, cyber-boars, giant lizards, daemons that look like slugs, daemons that look like ''metal rhinos''...
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** This is hilariously lampshaded by some Hive Worlds claiming Imperial Guard troopers as their prime (and sometimes sole) export. This is also the case with Cadia, which apparently does nothing else other than pumping out battle-ready babies (although their effectiveness is no better than any other world in-game).
** Don't forget, Cadia also helps guard against [[Reality Is Out to Lunch|The Eye of Terror]]. And [[Rule of Cool|they're awesome, so that's that.]]
* [[Human Sacrifice]]: The Golden Throne is fed, ''daily'', the souls of one thousand psykers who weren't selected for use by the Inquisition, Adeptus Astronomica <ref>who will sacrifice ''themselves'' if they succeed, as a monastic order who trains for years to the job on which they'll burn out in a year at most, knowing exactly what they do and to what end</ref>, or Astra Telepathica - where those deemed tough enough become "normal" sanctioned psykers <ref> who end up used as walking guns or sensors until they spontaneously combust, get possessed by daemon, shot by the minder if it looks like they're about to, or learn even tougher control of their powers - which gives some tiny chance to die of old age or be "promoted" into Inquisitor's retinue</ref> and "talented, but not strong-willed enough" soul-bound to the Emperor and used for communication<ref>usually end up with burned-out eyes and dubious life expectancy due to mental strain and/or being high-priority targets for anything hostile to their employer or the Imperium in general - but given from ''what'' soul-binding protects, may still have a better deal than the rest</ref>. Chaos rituals frequently make use of this also.
* [[Humans Are Bastards]]: Although, to be fair, ''so is everyone else.'' In addition, it has been established that the Imperium ''[[Inherent in the System|has]]'' [[Inherent in the System|to be terrible in order to survive.]] So Humans Are Bastards out of necessity rather than choice. Think of it as [[I Did What I Had to Do]] on a larger scale.
* [[Humans Are Morons]]: The Imperium of Man has hardly advanced their technology in the 10,000 years since anyone has last seen The Emperor Of Mankind. Human culture throughout their vast empire is extremely paranoid and superstitious, and the government is such a vast, inept bureaucracy that a simple ''filing error'' can lead to entire populations of people being immediately forgotten about and/or destroyed.
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* [[Human Subspecies]]: The Space Marines fall under this trope, being so modified that they're practically a different species. Also, the various Abhumans.
* [[Humongous Mecha]]: Titans, and to a lesser extent, Space Marine Dreadnoughts; Ork Dreads, Killa Kans, and Gargants; Eldar Wraithlords and War Walkers; Chaos Defilers; Tau Battlesuits; Witch Hunter Penitent Engines...
** In-game, [http://wwwwh40k.forgeworldlexicanum.co.ukcom/Warhammer-40000wiki/Titans/ELDAR-PHANTOM-TITAN-BODY.htmlPhantom_Titan Eldar Phantoms] currently take the cake, ''being over 4 foot tall''. Miniature? Hardly.
* [[Hyperspace Is a Scary Place]]: The Warp, or Immaterium, is a reflection of the emotions of all sentient beings, the collective [[Dream Land]] of the galaxy and home to all the nightmares there have ever been, given form. Part [[Spirit World]], part [[Phantom Zone]], a sea of emotion and the source of all psychic power, it's also the daemon-infested home of the [[Cosmic Horror|Chaos Gods]] and is, for all intents and purposes, ''hell''. And going through it is the only faster-than-light travel available to most races.