Warhammer 40,000/Tropes/I to P: Difference between revisions

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** The Imperial Robot rules in ''Rogue Trader'' were probably the most complicated set of rules for a single model in the history of the game (though the Imperator Titan and Mega-Gargant come close). Basically, any time they wanted to use a Robot, the player would have to create a program for it before the game started using a series of [[wikipedia:Logic gate|logic gates]] to define how it would react to various situations (no visible targets, target in sight but out of range, target in sight and in range, etc), with the robot's points cost being partly decided by the number of instructions in its program. This was about as complicated and pointless as it sounds, and might well be the reason the later editions avoided the idea; the Legio Cybernetica seemed to go the way of the Zoats and Squats.
* [[Look on My Works Ye Mighty and Despair]]: The Eldar and pre-Imperium humanity. Also the Necrontyr - precursors to Necrons - have achieved an incredible level of technological advancement before turning their souls over to C'tan and becoming the [[Omnicidal Maniac|legion of killer robots that held the entire galaxy in their sway]], but then of course [[It Got Worse|something even worse came along in the form of Enslavers]].
** Anything Matt Ward writes.
* [[Looks Like Cesare]]: Astropaths, due to their Soul Binding.
* [[Loophole Abuse]]: When the rules of the Ecclesiarchy were rewritten following the Age of Apostasy, the Imperial Church was prohibited from maintaining any "men under arms," so as to avoid the wanton abuses of power that characterized the reign of the previous Ecclesiarch. The rule was ''intentionally'' worded this way so that the Ecclesiarchy could maintain the [[Amazon Brigade|Sisters of Battle]] as an internal police force.
* [[Losing the Team Spirit]]: Killing the Tau army's EthrealEthereal has this effect. Either it breaks their morale, sending them fleeing, or causes them to go on a [[Roaring Rampage of Revenge]], gunning down any enemies on their patch.
** It should be noted that such [[Unstoppable Rage]] among the Tau typically takes the form of [[Tranquil Fury|a slow, steady advance as the Fire Warriors methodically pour shot after shot into the enemy]] until they are killed, the enemy is killed, or they run out of ammunition.
* [[Lost Colony]]: All over the place.
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** The Eldar are in a decline, with all their efforts focused on keeping their immortal race alive.
** The Necrons are a machine race that are basically mindless outside of their Lords, and have been asleep for the past 65 million years.
** The Orks are basically totoo stupid and violent to get any widespread scientific progress or anything else outside of thatwhat would [[More Dakka|getsget them a biggerlouder "boom"]] or deliver them to the places where fighting goes (but sometimes explodes halfway there). Meks have rather kunnin' power field... but mostly it's creative application of [[Genetic Memory]], which is why their designs are mostly uniform.
** Averted by the Tyranids and the Tau.
** [[Mega City]]: Hives. In the spires the local rulers live, and toward the bottom it becomes more and more hellish, as the systems recycling pollution and industrial waste are imperfect. The underhive usually is lawless and something eats people regularly, but it's considered a safety valve for pushing all the mutants and malcontents from the places that matter.
* [[Mental World]]: The Warp.
* [[Merchandise-Driven]]: Oddly enough, the majority of the background material and fiction does ''not'' fall to this trope, although rules modifications and new army lists are often accused of changing stats only to boost sales of certain models, and both the monthly magazine ''White Dwarf'' and the Games Workshop website have gradually become less hobby supplements and more miniatures catalogues.
* [[Mercy Kill]]: The Emperor's Peace.
* [[Messianic Archetype]]: The Emperor.
* [[Mighty Glacier]]: Models wielding [[Power Fist|Power Fists]] strike last in close combat, but can punch clean through tank armor and pound enemy infantry into a bloody paste. The Leman Russ battle tank is slower than most vehicles its size, but it's a stable firing platform capable of unleashing twice as much firepower as most other tanks at combat speed.
* [[Military Mashup Machine]]: The Imperium in particular has a recurring love affair with these, and the Tau may be starting to lean this way.
* [[The Milky Way Is the Only Way]]: Mostly justified by the limitations of the various races' FTL. The Tyranids come from outside the Milky Way, but nothing more is known.
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** Also names like Decapitator or the Red Terror.
** Dark Eldar get in on this, too. Lelith Hesperax, Urien Rakarth, and Asdrubael Vect, Supreme Lord of the Kabal of the Black Heart are all about as nice as they sound.
* [[Nanomachines]]: It's not quite clear whether Necron "living metal" is made of 'em, but there are several application even within the Imperium.
* [[Nanomachines]]: Autosanguinator implants (traditional) have blood filled with injury-repairing machines. Core Gel (widely used where it's needed, but still contested by some tech-priests) temporarily provides universal interface via application to skin. Bioforging (unequivocally heretical, as it causes genetic damage) grows subdermal armour, increases general toughness and allows one to briefly survive in vacuum, but causes dependency on eating exotic fuel and without tricky maintenance quickly disfigures and kills the "beneficiary".
** Autosanguinator implants (traditional) have blood filled with injury-repairing machines. Hermetic Infusion (restricted to tech-priests) is a more powerful version, which replaces blood - as such, it makes transfusions and many other treatments designed for humans... ''inapplicable'', though a Magos Biologis can help - not that it's needed often, with major [[Healing Factor]] and resistance to material contamination this gives.
** Core Gel (widely used where it's needed, but still contested by some tech-priests) temporarily provides universal interface via application to skin.
* [[Nanomachines]]: Autosanguinator implants (traditional) have blood filled with injury-repairing machines. Core Gel (widely used where it's needed, but still contested by some tech-priests) temporarily provides universal interface via application to skin.* Bioforging (unequivocally heretical, assince it causes genetic damage for some reason) grows subdermal armour, increases general toughness and allows one to briefly survive in vacuum, but causes dependency on eating exotic fuel and without tricky maintenance plastic starts growing in all the wrong places, which quickly disfigures and kills the "beneficiary".
* [[Necessarily Evil]]: Imperial servants in general, and Inquisitors in particular, knowingly and willingly do horrible things to innocent people on a regular basis because the consequences for ''not'' doing so could be catastrophic for humanity as a whole.
* [[Neglectful Precursors]]: Strangely enough, inverted as it's more like neglectful ''moderners''. Back in the golden age of technology, people were smart enough to create standard template constructs (STCs) allowing any colony to build whichever it may need from the ground up (amount of the required efforts may vary). Anyone who had one could build anything from a house to a tank if the situation required, regardless of ability or technology. Ten thousand years later, these same items created millennia ago are still in use, but the massive galaxy-spanning Imperium appears to be having trouble finding the things.
** To be more exact, the Imperium is having trouble finding even drawings of the things. A single ancient sketch of a blueprint taken off a broken STC (broken is as good as they come after 20,000 years or so) is a prize enough to burn entire star systems. Or gift said systems to the blueprints' finders.
*** Or gift said systems to the blueprints' finders.
* [[New Technology Is Evil]]: A cornerstone of the Adeptus Mechanicus.
** Ask any two Magi and you'll get at least two answers, though. It ranges from They all believe in the existing rituals of construction and maintenance, most believe in reverse engineering, enough believe in "respectful improvement" that new weapons do emerge, and they sometimes fight each other over whether xenos tech can be studied and recreated in a "purified" form or is just a blasphemy against the Machine-God.
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* [[Obviously Evil]]: Played straight, but also possibly subverted [[Alternate Character Interpretation|depending on just how "evil" you consider the Imperium]].
* [[Obvious Rule Patch]]: ''White Dwarf'' used to give out official rulings against interpreting the second edition rules in stupid ways. For example, your Imperial Assassin using the shape-changing drug Polymorphine is not allowed to disguise himself as a tiny Gretchin while wearing Terminator Armour and riding an armoured motorbike just because the rules don't specifically say he can't.
** ''A [[Commissar]] (of any rank) will never [[You Have Failed Me|execute himself]] himself.''
* [[Officer and a Gentleman]]: The Imperial ideal. True to real life, many are also corrupt, incompetent, treasonous, or all-around bastards.
* [[Offscreen Villain Dark Matter]]: Ten thousand years of continuous war, and the Traitor Marines are ''still'' in bolter shells. This has been made somewhat less ridiculous in recent fluff, with mention of Chaos forge worlds, and a change in focus towards Renegade (recently-corrupted) Marines to distract from the question of how the original Traitor Legions even still ''exist''. And since they do reside in the Eye of Terror, where "physics" is even more of a joke than elsewhere, they have ''literal'' [[Offscreen Villain Dark Matter]].