Wars of Liberty: Difference between revisions

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** The Chinese can deploy their own army of female sharpshooters.
**The Aymara native units are depicted as female mounted boleadoras.
**Austria's Tross camp followers are entirely comprised of women, and are handier with guns in combat than most worker units.
* [[Anachronism Stew]]: The mod aims to downplay this. Although some still have access to archaic units in earlier ages, each faction is more synchronized in their units and aesthetics to match the timeframe being covered (most notably with the Europeans and Chinese), with a greater emphasis on the 18th-19th Centuries.
** The Chinese for instance are now more accurately depicted as they were around the Qing/Manchu Dynasty, with clear nods to both the Opium Wars and Boxer Rebellion.
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** Bulgaria compensates for not having ''any'' actual military until the late-game by having powerful peasant units.
* [[Land Down Under]]: The Australians, though they also incorporate elements of New Zealand and the Maori, depending on the path chosen.
* [[Made a Slave]]:
* [[Made a Slave]]:* The Brazilians rely on slaves, can buy them in bulk (in gold to boot) and even whip them up for faster productivity at the expense of health, though it ''is'' possible to abolish slavery in later ages. It's also a potential option for a Confederate-route American player.
** A Confederate-route American player gains access to slaves as well.
** The Romanians, meanwhile, have access to Roma slaves.
* [[The Mafia]]: A late-game espionage option for the Italians, granting them much more in the way of subterfuge and underhanded tactics...for a hefty price.
* [[Mega Corp]]: The Americans can establish powerful companies by the late-game, which grant significant economic and military benefits.
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* [[Recycled Script]]: The voice tracks for the Greeks and Egyptians include lines taken from ''[[Age of Mythology]].''
* [[Rock Beats Laser]]: Some of the indigenous nations, like the Aztecs or Tupi don't even have access to gunpowder weapons or more sophisticated technologies, but can still hold their own against more powerful foes. While the Maltese, whose unit roster by and large wouldn't be out of place in ''[[Age of Empires II]]'', can still hold their own against modern armies.
* [[Ruritania]]: The Balkan factions in general (as well as the Romanians and Austrians to a degree) tend to come across as this, feeling more "backward" compared to most other European nations, or so they seem at first.
* [[Saved From Development Hell]]: Sort of. In addition to the mod still being in development over 10 years on, some elements like certain gameplay features or even playable nations are mentioned by [[Word of God]] as having been adopted and salvaged from other abandoned mods that the team had involvement in.
* [[Salt the Earth]]: The Serbians can burn their own structures to deny enemies any satisfaction of victory, said fire also capable of hurting anyone close to said buildings.