Wars of Liberty: Difference between revisions

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* [[Amazon Brigade]]:
** Mexico's more powerful musketeer units are all female.
** The Chinese can also deploy their own army of female sharpshooters.
* [[Anachronism Stew]]: The mod aims to downplay this. Although some still have access to archaic units in earlier ages, each faction is more synchronized in their units and aesthetics to match the timeframe being covered (most notably with the Europeans and Chinese), with a greater emphasis on the 18th-19th Centuries.
** The Chinese for instance are now more accurately depicted as they were around the Qing/Manchu Dynasty, with clear nods to both the Opium Wars and Boxer Rebellion.
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** The Zulu "train" military units by recruiting youths and ''then'' having them grow up into said units.
** The Austrian Habsburgs "age up" by marrying royalty from other nations, which allows access to the perks and/or specialties of the faction of choice.
** The Haitians have mechanics reminiscent of both Latin American and African factions, reflecting the [[Slave Revolt]] aspect. In addition, their villagers can't actually be killed but go down like explorer units.
* [[Cowboy]]: The Argentinians have Gaucho settler units, who all ride on horseback. While the Americans can recruit Buffalo Soldiers (Union-route) and Texas Rangers (Confederate-route), in addition to dynamite-tossing Miners seeming straight out of the Gold Rush.
* [[Culture Chop Suey]]: A side effect of the Anglo nations' special gameplay mechanics is that depending on the path chosen, it can very much result in this. This is most evident with the Australians, given how they incorporate Aborigine, Maori and New Zealander influences.
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** The Americans are described by [[Word of God]] as ''having this'' being one of their strengths. As their late-game units, abilities and upgrades make them more challenging to take on if you allow them enough time to breathe.
** The Maltese meanwhile, while almost entirely archaic, can ship a regiment of elite, modernized line infantry from the homeland.
** The planned "[[World War I|Great War]]" age is an endgame option that, as the name implies, propels your faction into World War I, complete with tanks, aircraft, unique structures and new technologies; tellingly, the description bluntly says "[[Oh Crap|end it all]]." The big drawback, however is that it needs a ''lot'' of resources and that you reach the Imperial Age (Age V), which in ''itself'' has a hefty price tag.
* [[Elite Mooks]]: In addition to late-game units, some nations can ship in groups of powerful regiments or warriors from their Home City.
* [[Fan Sequel]]: With all the work already done and in development, the mod is this in all but name. Further underscored by the more concerted attention placed around the Napoleonic and Victorian eras.
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** In the "New France" route for the Canadians, not only do they embrace their French/Quebecois culture, but they also gain access to Metis rebel infantry towards the mid-late game.
* [[Gratuitous Foreign Language]]: Many units, particularly nation-specific ones tend to be named in their respective languages.
* [[Historical Domain Character]]:
** Simon Bolivar, for the Columbians. Not only is he their leader, but is actually playable as a hero character.
** For the Romanians, there's the Domnitor explorer unit, who's all but stated to be Vlad Tepes (aka, the real [[Dracula]]). He even has an ability that allows him to set up a forest of impaled bodies to demoralize enemies.
* [[Incendiary Exponent]]: In addition to Serbians being able to burn their own structures (which could also harm surrounding units), Latin American Coronels can start up ''incendio'' fires while the Inca have access to wildfires through their monument.
* [[La Resistance]]: Invoked by certain units like Mexico's Insurgentes and the Metis rebels for the Canadians' "New France" path.
** Additions to the Revolutionary options for European nations include the Filipinos under Andres Bonifacio.
** The Colombians have this as part of their motif, and to a degree Mexico. Many of their structures tend to be tents or makeshift military buildings, reflecting their role in Bolivar's struggle against Spain. It's not until the mid-late game that they have more "proper" military units at their disposal.
** Bulgaria compensates for not having ''any'' actual military until the late-game by having powerful peasant units.
* [[Land Down Under]]: The Australians, though they also incorporate elements of New Zealand and the Maori, depending on the path chosen.
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** The Maltese have a variety of European languages spoken among their soldiers in addition to actual Maltese speech, reflecting the multinational pool the Knights recruited from.
** The Italians can send in and train Askaris (African colonial infantry).
** It's possible for the Australians to send in Maori and Aborigine warriors alongside settler units, depending on one's choices. Justified as in-game, the Australians represent both Australia and New Zealand.
* [[Obvious Beta]]: The mod still has a number of graphical, gameplay and balancing bugs as well as a handful of unfinished assets. Which isn't counting the stuff the modders plan on adding, such as unique audio tracks and additional factions. Justified in that it's still in development, if very much playable.
* [[Palette Swap]]: Averted with the Latin American nations. While there ''are'' some superficial similarities with the original Spanish and Portuguese factions (especially in terms of architecture and culture), it's at best [[Broad Strokes]]. The mod makes a point to highlight how they're ''not'' mere palette swaps.
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** The fact that the Maltese can only ship more modern-style units reflects their thoroughly defensive mindset. After all, it makes sense that what heavy firepower they did have would be reserved for protecting their homeland.
** The Bulgarians' inability to train ''actual'' military units until the late-game is based on how their independence came fairly late into the 19th Century and at great cost. This is compensated however by their peasantry doubling as very potent militia early on.
* [[Slave Revolt]]: The Haitians in general are this, having overthrown their French masters.
* [[Spexico]]:
** Averted. The mod, from the very beginning, makes a point to underscore how Mexico, let alone Latin America for that matter, ''aren't'' carbon copies of the Spanish. This is further underscored by the Latin American nations having distinct aesthetics and architecture compared to Spain and Portugal proper or even amongst themselves. There are also plans to add new voice tracks that would use more appropriate Spanish dialects and variants for the Latin Americans.
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* [[State Sec]]: The Okhrana are available to the Russians as a late-game cavalry unit, based on their lesser-emphasized roles as gendarmes.
* [[Thanksgiving Day]]: The basic Anglo worker units are Pilgrims who seemed to have come straight out of the Mayflower. The exception, however, are the Australians, who have "Convict Labourers" in place of Pilgrims.
* [[Überwald]]:
** The Romanians fit this to a tee. In addition to having their Domnitor explorer unit being obviously Vlad Tepes, their villagers are Roma slaves made from a wooden wagon. In addition, a number of their Home City shipments reference the "Order of the Dragon."
** Downplayed with the Austrians, which instead emphasize the [[Multinational Team]] elements of the Habsburg domains.
* [[We ARE Struggling Together!]]: Compared to the Americans and Canadians, Australians have a decidedly more difficult time pulling off a mix of routes. While it ''is'' possible to have a blend of Maori, Aborigine and settler elements, don't expect them to work like clockwork.
* [[Zerg Rush]]: