We Come in Peace, Shoot to Kill: Difference between revisions

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== Anime & Manga ==
* In ''[[Soukou no Strain]]'', {{spoiler|the peaceful Emilies are dissected for their psychic power, leading them to attack; we learn from the two Emilies in the series that [[Last of His Kind|it doesn't go well]].}}
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* The very first issue of ''[[Paperinik New Adventures]]'' starts with the Evrons overwhelming the last Xerbian stronghold on their homeworld. Two issues later we find out from Xadhoom it was this trope in action: the Evrons, knowing that their army was superior to the Xerbian glorified police force but their ship wouldn't survive against the planetary defenses, sent ambassadors to sign a 'commercial agreement', and as soon as Xerba's planetary defenses were temporarily deactivated as sign of peace the Evron 'freighters' disgorged hordes of soldiers, overwhelming the Xerbians in a matter of days, with Xadhoom returning on the planet just in time to see the end of the last stronghold.
** In ''Spores'' we discover the Evrons are trying the same thing on Earth, trying to lull the United States and a [[Ruritania]] in a sense of peace, with the implied reason being that Earth is the exact opposite of Xerba: the Evrons ''can'' land, but there's no guarantee their soldiers would win (in fact they got their asses handed to them by human troops four times on-screen, one of them showing that Evrons with air support will win, albeith with [[Pirrhic Victory|heavy losses]], but as soon as the battle moved into the corridors of the attacked base the US Army needed just a couple minutes of pause to muster a counterattack that won the day with the power of [[More Dakka]]). Also, they know that Earth weapons can shoot down their landing ships (a dozen assault helicopters at short range of one of their heavily armed assault ships were treated as an [[One Hit KO|instant victory]] for the helicopters, and a blimp filled with TNT exploding near one of their 'Invasion Hives' in the upper atmosphere was enough to shoot it down), and while they know they can destroy our missiles they have no idea of how many nukes we have, and just one of them going off in a cluster of ships would annihilate them.
== Films ==
* Displayed quite nicely in ''[[Independence Day]]'', in which a [[Strawman Political|horde of GenreBlindGenre Blind people]] has assembled atop a skyscraper waving "hello and welcome to Earth" placards as the alien spaceship positions itself directly over them... and then fires its massive "[[Applied Phlebotinum|frission]]" cannon, destroying the building and most of the city. Earlier, the government sent a helicopter rigged with [[Close Encounters of the Third Kind|a grid of flashing lights]] to try and communicate: the aliens promptly blew it out of the sky.
** This is not only a darkly funny [[Take That]] to ''[[Close Encounters of the Third Kind]]'', but a [[Shout-Out]] to ''[[War of the Worlds]]''. A group of astronomers tried to use semaphore flags to communicate their good will to a pit containing the Martian ship and a half-constructed tripod. [[Hilarity Ensues|Heat Ray-ity Ensues]].
* Subsequently parodied in ''[[Mars Attacks!]]!'' The Martian ambassador comes up to a podium and speaks into a translation device, translating his words as "We come in peace". Then they whip out the rayguns and incinerate everyone in sight- at first, seemingly in response to a "cultural misunderstanding" where "dove means war", but it quickly turns out they are just doing it [[For the Evulz]]. Later, during the full-scale genocide, one of the Martians is carrying the translation device, which now broadcasts "Do not run! We are your friends!" over and over.
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== Music ==
* A recurring line in [[wikipedia:The Firm (Star Trekkin')|"The Firm's]] [[Affectionate Parody|"Star Trekkin'"]], attributed to [[The Captain]]|Captain Kirk]]. This is, of course, the [[Trope Namer]].
* "Star Invasion" by [[Helloween]] has one such misunderstanding. An awful mess ensues.