We Will Not Use Photoshop in the Future: Difference between revisions

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* The graphic novel ''[[Batman]]: Digital Justice'' describes how video news footage can be digitally altered to "edit reality".
* The prelude to Marvel's "Secret War" featured SHIELD agents interrogating Killer Shrike about a robbery they have him on tape committing. This is accepted as infallible evidence despite the fact that the Marvel universe is filled to the brim with shapeshifters, mind-altering psychics, and technological masterminds; if the Fixer can edit Godzilla into Bogart's role in ''[[Casablanca]]'', he can frame Killer Shrike with his eyes closed.
== [[Fan Works]] ==
* Hilariously averted in the [[Mass Effect]] fanfic 'Media Firestorm', which has everyone's least favorite muckraking journalist (Khalisah Bint Sinan al-Jilani) trying to sabotage a Shepard/Tali relationship with yellow journalism. One of her attempts involves confronting Garrus with a photograph of his adulterous relationship with Tali -- and Garrus immediately responds with an eyeroll, a snarky inquiry as to if Khalisah has ''completely forgotten'' what Garrus did for a living before joining Team Shepard (hint: he was a police detective), and then a detailed lecture on exactly why Khalisah's Photoshop technician is an incompetent hack. ("And oh, look at this! Either Tali's become a ''vampire'', or else he forgot to put her reflection on the back panel over here...")
== [[Film]] ==