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* A critical scene in ''[[Mass Effect]]'' hinges on the use of an audio file recovered from a geth soldier that implicates Saren in the attack on Eden Prime. Nobody questions it's authenticity, at least on-screen. Though, as you arrive in the middle of the evidence being presented, it is plausible any authentication process would have been completed already.
* In ''[[Knights of the Old Republic]]'', you present an incriminating recording to Jolee, and he [[Deadpan Snarker|snarks]] that he saw a holovid once with a Mandalorian dancing with a rancor—that doesn't mean it really happened. {{spoiler|The tape's legit and Jolee's pal is guilty as hell.}}
** AvertedBoth averted and upheld in ''Knights of the Old Republic 2'', when you're confronted with a voiceprint-coded lock. Your only two ways past it are either to locate several recordings of the lock's now-deceased owner speaking on various topics and use that as raw footage to splice together separate words to create a recording of him speaking the code phrase,.... or else to trick a nearby robot that has a voice-synthesizer capable of perfectly replicating voices to do a voice imitation of the dead owner and then secretly record ''him''.
* Subverted in ''[[Front Mission]] 3'', which takes place in 2112. The explosion that happened in Yokosuka base in the beginning of the game was released to the media as a gas explosion, complete with videos. The media suspects that it's forged. It is.
** There's also the hilarious scene where an old soldier you run into sends you a picture of himself kicking a [[Humongous Mecha|Wanzer]] in half. Surprisingly, some of the boys don't recognize it for the obvious edit that it is.